295 -
Quote:Thanks Oc!
I think they meant to imply that rogues can visit the shadow shard. It sounds like they consider vigilantes to still be heroes and rogues to still be villains, so for all intents and purposes rogues visiting the shadow shard is a villain going there. Or at least the closest they are willing to let villains get to going there.
I think this is a good thing (by "notch" I assume they mean hero to vigilante, etc.) It will prevent people from switching too often.
And they haven't answered my questions yet! Though to be fair, they were essay questions... -
OK, I figured out why I never found it... They don't have any new copies of the CoH Collector's Edition on Amazon.ca at all, and a few copies of the CoV Collector's Edition, but the CoV one would be cheaper to buy on Amazon.com.
The CoH CE costs $89.99 though... Geeze, I want it so bad, but it's so darn expensive! -
How did you get copies of the Collector's Editions from Amazon? Every time I look there is nothing there...
Nice, it's from before MA!
Quote:Pfft, we all know by now that Posi was really made lead developer on City of Heroes 2.*brushes up on her fanning skills, picks up her palm fronds and a tray of brownies, and heads to Mountain View*
I'm ready for my internship, Ms. Bianco.
Personally, I think that no matter what pay decrease Posi took when he went from Lead Developer to End-Game Content Designer or whatever, the loss of pay is mitigated by him being able to laugh at War Witch and say, "Hey, that's now YOUR hassle to deal with!"
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Isn't it a trial rather than a task force?
Anyway, if it was on Protector I'd be all on that. My badger has wanted to finish that trial since she was level 12 (and she is 50 now.) -
Did anyone else find those "PSAs" hamfisted?
Samuraiko's was much better I thought. -
Quote:You'll have to realize that the reason these events are timed the way they are is because the community team and the devs will be handling the events personally. Essentially, this is their job and you're asking them to spend hours and hours of overtime at their 9-5 jobs because you have to work your 9-5 job.You know...it would nice if they could arrange the times so that people in Hawaii would actually be able to attend the events. Ex: Server events end at 10pm est which is 4pm est in Hawaii. A lot of us have 9-5 jobs, hence missing out. Now if we could actually get on CoH at work, that would be great... Other than that, I'm pretty bummed that I won't be able to attend any of the server events.
Why don't you get time off instead of denying the community reps and devs the time to go home to their families? How would you like to work three to five more hours of overtime?
This is probably also why the events won't run all day. It is also a huge reason why modern MMO companies hate running live events. -
Quote:Cool. Thank you!It's not that hard, even if you do it just by pasting the Unicode into binds via the chat window. What I do is edit a bindfile with a Unicode-capable editor -- I found Babelpad, which works well enough for my uses. I decide what my binds are going to be saying, and make up a basic framework like this:
Code:numpad1 "say Hello!" lshift+numpad1 "say Welcome!" numpad2 "say Yes." lshift+ numpad2 "say No." numpad3 "say grats!" lshift+ numpad3 "say Thank you."
Code:numpad1 "say Привет!" lshift+numpad1 "say Добро пожаловать!" numpad2 "say Да." lshift+ numpad2 "say Нет." numpad3 "say Поздравления!" lshift+ numpad3 "say Спасибо."
How does one make keybinds and macros? Is there a guide? Also, is there a way to alter the F7 Ready! emote so that it looks exactly the same, but it says Привет! instead?
Actually, I'm gonna go make another Soviet character right now. CCCP forever! -
Quote:I don't think men are afraid of empowered women anymore (this should be fairly obvious if anyone has ever spent 5 minutes playing a little game I like to call "City of Heroes."same reason women are threatened by nice guys? you know, since were generalizing and all
But they may have been at the time. They were living in a very heavily patriarchal society after all. -
Quote:Witches go to Pocket D when they're defeated. Obviously.I can vouch for War Witch. I was there that day.
When I first saw War Witch fighting for the enemy, I was shocked. Then angered. I made it my duty to send her to the grave... or... well, where-ever witches go to when they're defeated. -
Quote:Wow, a typo leads to Paragon having a bad day? I'm not sure if that's an insult of a compliment...Given that both of the last two patches to go to test server has each broken the Ember Demon's Ember Shield power in yet more annoying and painful-to-play ways, this announcement gives me the fear. If you're going to make that deadline, internal QA really needs to stop dropping the ball.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure you typo'ed the link to the list of server-specific events. Not one of the company's better days. -
Quote:I imagine they want to have the tech to be able to award badges based on when a character was created rather than just a blanket addition to all characters.Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with this, you can make some badges account wide, even 5 or 6 of the AE badges are, isn't it time you just did that little bit of extra coding for a huge QoL improvement for those of us that have over 100 toons
The character I created yesterday does not deserve the past anniversary badges that my other characters got. She will get a sixth anniversary badge, but she shouldn't get any of the others.
One thing I like about anniversary badges is that they sort of track what year your character was created.
All that being said, yeah I'd love for the anniversary badges to be global! -
Put me down on the "not kewl enough to access the link" list.
This looks really awesome, I can't wait to maybe earn a few badges on the lead up to the big day and I'm very, very excited for Issue 17! -
Further evidence: War Witch can train villains in Pocket D, so she must be a secret arbiter!
Care to change your story War Witch? Or should I say War Villain?