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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArchGemini View Post
    The utility is secondary-dependent to determine its worth. As has been said before, any primary that has a defense-buff is going to pair incredibly well with a non-defense secondary (and even with defense-based secondaries before getting a chance to slot up heavily). The knockaround in most of the other sets along with other secondary effects makes them utility enough. All else fails, the AoE lets you kill stuff faster, and damage is spectacular utility. I just personally do not feel like Dark Melee gets enough utility and a bonus to single-target damage for what it pays in AoE potential (Midnight Grasp still, for no reason at all, does not get a boosted critical chance).
    You handwave all the DM's utility with a vague reference to knockaround in other sets. If knockback/knockdown in other sets is keeping you from getting hit the direct and sole comparison with in DM is -To-Hit. That leaves endurance recovery, healing, and damage buffing unpaired by what you've offered.

    There is simply no way you get to lump all of that utility in as being worth some knockdown/knockback found in other sets.

    I would trade most of Soul Drain and Dark Consumption's damage for better base recharge times. The amount of damage they do, or their base recharge, make them not really worth slotting for damage specifically. I do take some advantage of the fact they do damage and can slot them with PBAoE IO sets, but I would not be opposed to losing Dark Consumption's damage to get its base recharge equal to Power Sink (60 seconds). Performance Shifter and Efficacy Adapter would do the job just fine.
    Frankly the damage on those powers is a little bit of loving you don't find in other powers that provide similar boosts. Power Sink does not deal damage. Nor for that matter does Build Up, which is far inferior to Soul Drain in terms of what they both commonly do for boosting damage.

    I would like to see Shadow Maul get a wider cone and a faster cast time (The Dual Blades animation for Sweeping Strike except with just the standard "Shadow Hands" rather than blades would be awesome). That would allow for some use in low-level ST chains if needed (like Slice or Flashing Steel) while being able to be leveraged for multiple targets more easily. Obviously, this would probably require it to be rebalanced for something more resembling an AoE attack (I know its numbers are closer to balanced for an ST attack, save its ridiculous cast time), but I think it would see so much more use that it would be worth it.
    Arbiter Hawk posting in a Dominator thread today:

    Spinning Kick is more analogous to Shadow Maul than anything else - it's meant to be an effective single target attack that can be levaraged by skillful players to hit multiple targets, if they care to do so.
    That should probably inform you of how the developers are looking at Shadow Maul and how it is supposed to be approached.

    Midnight Grasp? It does not need a whole lot, but it seems pretty vanilla versus a lot of other T9s. Its biggest draws are that it is all Negative Energy and fires relatively quickly. Some small "Chain Darkness" effect like Chain Induction would be pretty sweet, give the set some small extra AoE (easily making up for the lost AoE from Soul Drain and Dark Consumption), and make "thematic" use of those Tentacles.

    Touch of Fear and Shadow Punch are still... Touch of Fear and Shadow Punch. I might suggest Touch of Fear to a random PvPer for the toHit-Debuff, and Shadow Punch to a lowbie for a quick attack (or for Bruising on a Tank), but for general PvE I do not think I have suggested them to anyone in a long time. Better minds than mine can come up with something for them.
    Why are you trying to make DM something it isn't? I noted upthread that each powerset has something it doesn't do well. For DM that is area damage. If you want area damage you need to look to your secondary, power pools, and Epic powersets.
  2. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    It wasn't an evasion. It was an example. I would LOVE to have simply had a taunt aura on my Scrapper. If they gave it to me, I'd switch back. Believe me, my Scrapper can survive the attention, and I'm hardly the only one. I rerolled as a Brute primarily out of frustration with runners.
    And in truth I've seen some Scrappers who quite happily would drink in the attention. In particular a certain Shield Scrapper I paired with a few months ago for a few weeks. She was godly in her ability to disassemble +4/8 spawns in her 30s.

    So consider the question withdrawn.

    What I do NOT hear on the Scrapper forum are complaints about getting too much attention on the secondaries that DO have a taunt aura. Oh, I'm sure people have complained before, but I just don't see it. Perhaps it's a more common complaint outside of the forum. I don't talk to people in game, so I don't know.
    I think its a mixed bag. There are people out there who know what they are doing who can dive in and do with little fear. Then there are is a larger crowd who are less saavy who tend to hold back when the option is available.

    Of course not. On the other hand, who could argue against raising their cap if they can't hit it? Either caps matter or they don't. If they don't matter, who cares if we raise or lower them? If they DO matter, then it's a legitimate point for a balance discussion.
    I guess I have trouble with the notion that tanker are somehow suffering or disadvantaged with where they are at now by comparison because there are plenty of tankers I see pulling off stunts that inspire me to play my tanker characters in an effort to be like them based on the notion that I am sure they are taking a pounding which would leave my Brute faceplanted. In fact it takes everything I have not to simply copy the Brute's powersets and make a Tanker. I'd rather tweak my DA/Fire or finish off my Ice/Stone tanker so as to avoid repeating powersets.

    All that said, I'm far from convinced that Scrappers, Brutes or Tankers are out of balance. My personal hatred of runners is not an argument that Brutes are better in some objective sense that calls for rebalancing. I don't mind balance discussions; I just don't have a strong feeling on this one, and if anything is done, I think the devs should tread lightly.
    Truthfully I am somewhat surprised that Scrapper's aren't giving the hairy eyeball to Stalkers. . .something which at first glance seems to me to be better grounded than Tankers continually and without end doing the same to Brutes.
  3. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    I'm not disputing that Brutes should have a higher resistance cap in order to survive the additional incoming damage, it's how high the damage cap is, especially when it's claimed that it's OK to have it this high because it's never/rarely used.
    If the cap were 100,000% not even a team of full of Kinetics could get a Brute there. Would it be meaningful to complain that some other AT had an equally inaccessible but lower cap of 90,000%?

    You evade answering questions like your Stalker evades damage.
    No, evasion would meaning not dealing with the situation presented, as you did. I dealt with it by noting that ambushes do not figure in the life of a Stalker (at least one who leaves Hide active) in the same way they do for other ATs.

    I disagree - advantages are advantages and options are options, the Brute has more than other melee AT's for not apparent reason other than "that's how it is at the moment".
    You can disagree all you want. Reasonable people have pointed out the error in your thinking. Of course nobody can keep you from believing whatever erroneous thing you want, be that the Moon is made of green cheese or that frequency does not matter in making comparisons. I have the option to spend money on the lottery every week. That hardly means I am going to get richer sooner than someone who doesn't.
  4. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    Which again is my point, you say "support and inspirations are not always there when you need them", yet if I said raise the Tanker damage cap to that of Brutes you would scream "over powered". The same rule applies to both though!!
    Would he scream "over powered". . .what's your basis for that claim?

    Either caps are there to keep ATs within certain parameters or they are not!
    There is more at work than caps that determine how an AT handles.
  5. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    Lets not say DM as it's ST focused.

    Lets say Claws/ElA if you want to go that route...

    But again even if a Claws/ElA Stalker were to outdamage a Claws/ELA over the course of a mission, which is very debatable and I've no doubt would be negligable in regards to time: what does the Stalker give up for that:
    A mass of HP and 15% damage resistance if required.
    Which you can ony compare by considering how often such is required.
  6. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    Well Werner is rerolling his Kat/DA to a Brute for the taunt aura, judging by one of his posts.
    You didn't answer the question, you evaded it. I asked what SCRAPPER wanted the attention a taunt aura draws. Precious few in my experience because they are not designed to withstand it. Rerolling as a Brute means getting the taunt aura but also the tools to survive it presumably. However there are tradeoffs for this.

    Your missing my point, I'm talking about the level of the Brute caps across the board.
    If you're in a mission with your Stalker and the c*** hits the fan (an ambush or nearby spawn gets aggroed). You're up against it and start popping inspirations, even if you had five or six oranges you would hit the 75% resist cap. A Brute on the other hand would be able to mitigate an extra 15% damage - possibly the difference between survival and a trip to the hospital.
    If there is an ambush in a mission then more likely than not my Stalker is Hidden and there you go. In any event my Stalker is immediately able to be laying out full damage without working Fury up. And yes, my reiestance cap is lower. That somewhat argues that go Defensive is a good idea since everyone caps in the same place. That aside (as my Stalker is Electrical), yes, I have lowers resistance caps because I have other benefits to my AT in terms of dealing out damage, not the least of which is a semi-ludicrous crit chance.

    Even if it's just the odd spike damage or "oh crap" time it has options that Scrappers and Stalkers don't.

    How often that happens is not the point, the option is there.
    Of course its a point and a meaningful one. An event that happens rarely does not compare to a situation that happens all the time.
  7. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    I'm not calling for a nerf, I'm just asking for it to be looked at because in my opinion Brute's caps are too wide compared to other melee AT's - I'm simply after parity.
    I fail to see how saying, "Brute's caps are twoo wide compared to other melee AT's," can be read as anything other than calling for a nerf.
  8. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    Your comparing Apples to Oranges - what a Stalker is the master of to what the Brute is weakest at.
    You were the one to off the comparison and ask why it was fair. All I did was look at the packages in detail.

    If you like comparisons:
    An SS/Fire Brute verses an ELM/ElA Stalker over a standard mission. ElM is probably the most AoE Stalker there is and would still finish the mission way after the Brute.
    I have an ElM Stalker. ElM/Nin in fact. I would take my Spines/ElA Stalker over it. . .she's sturdier, recovers endurances as needed, is immune to energy attacks and endurance drains, and gets a boost which allows here to not too far from perma-Hasten on just SOs (depends on what you consider far I admit). She churns out AE damage consistently like nobody's business.

    This is a more realistic comparison of in game play.
    Not saying I agree, but go on. . . .

    I haven't got an SS/Fire Brute but I've seen them in action and I've not got an At to match it for damage including an ElM Stalker.
    At best you might be arguing that SS or perhaps just SS/FA performs incredibly well. Were you really trying to make a comparison between the two ATs you would choose sets they have in common. . .say DM/ElA.
  9. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    No one is saying that Tanks should outdamage Brutes, they shouldn't. What they should do though is have the same opportunity as Brutes. When needed a Brute can use inspirations to mitigate 90% of damage, a Tank can't use inspirations to pass beyond it's current cap which is proportionately lower than it should be relative to a Brute.

    Also a Scrapper or Stalker can't mitigate beyond 75% damage if needed, a Brute can yet the damage differential is minimal.
    I do see the occassional pill poppers in my time playing the game, but most people I know aren't gobbling in the way I read the above to suggest.
  10. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    True but is it worth:
    15% resists
    Taunt aura that a scrapper would cut his arm off for?
    What scapper wants to draw that type of attention?

    A brute gains a hell of a lot for the supposed disadvantage of Fury which is now a different beast to what it was.

    My Stalker can pretty handily dispose of a spawn of yellow to orange cons by popping Build Up from a Hidden state, using Throw Spines, moving quickly to the center of the group and using Spine Burst, then taking a step back and using Ripper (with the benefit that now Assassin Strike is likely to crit and drop any target I choose).

    My Brute spends considerable more attacks to get to the same end. To be fair, he can also deal with a larger or higher con group. However at that point you're seeking groups for your playstyle and not dealing with content as the game throws it at you.
  11. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    That's not the point - they have the option of hitting 90% resists when required, Scrappers and Stalkers do not even though their damage caps are similar.

    Brutes have extra health and an extra 15% resists, why?
    Because my Brute can not walk into a group and guarantee his first hit will be a critical hit with a fairly good chance that if that first hit is an area attack it will hit critically. Moreover that first hit, even were it critical, would be of considerably smaller value than what my Stalker routinely puts outs. And on top of that, so long as I am willing to go three hits between usage, my Stalker's Assassin's Strike will most likely crit (and with recharge times being what they are, I am likely to be using two or three strikes between uses of the Assassin's Strike).

    My comments are based on the fact that Brutes in actual gameplay (in my experience) outdamage Scrappers and Stalkers in many circumstance.
    I have what I consider to be a pretty darned good built on my signature Brute (the one I give most attention to) and he does deal a nice load of damage. He rarely one-shots things whereas my Stalker routinely does. . .several times in any given fight. . .yellow and orange con, sometimes higher.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Off-topic, but I took Mu Mastery for theme on my Elec/Nin, grabbing Mu Bolts and Ball Lightning. I like it, although it'll be nicer when I can color it - right now I left the primary alone so they match.
    That's not a bad idea. If I play the character further I may go that way or with Weapon Mastery.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
    Is the endurance boost really worth no AoE? I am not even talking about bringing DM up to, say, Martial Arts level of AoE here.
    Not just endurance boost, but endurance coupled with damage. Properly slotted one target can fill your endurance bar and you can have the power available every 45 seconds. If your burn rate is less than a bar of endurance every 45 seconds that means never running out of endurance. If your burn rate is greater. . .geesh, that means your pumping out some serious damage or running an ocean toggles which means you're better off by far than someone who isn't (otherwise you would not be running them).

    As for damage buffs, tons of sets do that. Claws, Dual Blades, Staff and they don't require contrived herding techniques to leverage it.
    Blinding Feint and Claws give you +37.5% to damage for 10 seconds. As Soul Drain lasts THREE TIMES AS LONG it basically need only gives you one-third the boost to be on equal footing--something you'd get from hitting one target with Soul Drain. However I have to imagine that most people using Soul Drain aim to use it in situations where they are hitting far more targets. Heck, I routinely manage to use it on full groups with my Blaster who has far weaker defenses whereby to survive the results of using it than a Scrapper does.

    In all honesty, you don't want developers looking too closely at Soul Drain (and hence Dark Melee). If they did, things would get changed all right.

    I tend to look at powersets in terms of what they don't provide because there is something that every powerset doesn't offer, and for Dark Melee that is area damage. That does not mean you can't have an effective area attack damage dealing character if you take Dark Melee, it means that is what you have to work to achieve. You have multiple people in the thread (myself included) indicating how we managed to do so.
  14. Is it fair that DM get improved AoE? What other set directly gives you endurance (while doing damage) and buffs your damage for 30 seconds a pop (while also doing damage)?

    If you want AoE damage it seems to me your best option comes from leveraging your defensive powerset and ancillary power pools. That's what I did on my DM/ElA/Sould Brute and taking down spawns is pretty simple.
  15. I'm greatly enjoying my Kinetics/Sonics Defender--all the loving that Kinetics brings to the table plus resistance debuffs from Sonics. Who could ask for anything more?

    Last Sunday we drew a bank mission with Ghost Widow in it. Successfully she held off our group and managed to drop a few of us while preventing us from doing much to her. I offered to switch to my Kin/Son and with continuous health and endurance recovery, regeneration debuff on her, her resistances lowered, and repeated applications of Siphon Power she went down, no further deaths on our part.

    And soloing is pretty easy too.
  16. My Spines/Electrical is now 33 and things keep getting better. She's a right tough little pin cushion. Lightning Reflexes is such a wonderful thing to abuse by piggy-backing Hasten on it--suddenly every power you have has nearly 3 SOs worth of recharge in it for free before you add recharge SOs. Having Build Up available every 30+ seconds (more than 30. . .curse you ED) is wonderful.

    Did I mention I am falling in love with Ripper? Didn't strike me as all that great, but when a group swarms around you it is easy to get it to hit multiple targets.

    Confession time: Spines always struck me as something silly and unherioc and so I had little intention of ever trying the set (add too the original graphics were a turn off). I have confessed this in part upthread. Ever since my return to CoH (6 year break) I have been trying to come up with a character of most ATs that would be worth taking to 50. I already had a Elec/Nin Stalker who, while fun enough at lower levels and nifty enough due to Lightning Rod, I could see no clear path forward for through his mid-30s. (Stalker Epic powerset choices really blow btw.) I also don't like the notion much of repeating myself on powersets, so already having a DM/ElA Brute, if it had not been for this thread (and a certain amount of altitis--darn it Bio Armor, come out already) I would never have made the character.

    Thankfully I did. She's an absolute blast to play (at least so far).

    Hmmm. . .Shadowmeld. . .you look interesting.
  17. My Spines/Electrical is 25 just now and life is pretty good. Was pretty nice not having to get help to solo Brukholder or Protean. Of course she is in those levels where enemies aren't pulling out exotic attacks or debuffing you too much. Things will of course become more painful later.

    I am high enough level to have grabbed Lightning Reflexes and Hasten and have Hasten running about 30 seconds short of perma. Very handy for laying out damage and burning through endurance.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    I wasn't projecting idiocy, I was stating that overusing clicks is where the endurance issues come from.
    My apology. I read too much into your statement.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    As an unquoted reply to Erratic's breakdown and comparison - Dark Armor has endurance drain and recovery resistance as well, it's just not capped like Electric Armor's is, and without the Theft of Essence proc and enough targets to hit with it, DA doesn't have a way of recovering end. People get into issues with Dark Armor through overuse of poorly slotted Dark Regeneration and thinking that they can click all day long without thinking about endurance management.
    To be clear, I have a Dark Armor tanker with Dark Regeneration fully slotted and including Theft of Essence. I do not find it to be as wonderful a combination as other's do. In the best case I walk away with my cost for using Dark Regeneration covered and in the worst case I pay a chunk (though usually reduced) for having used it. All the way around Power Sink has been far less demanding in getting value from it. Please not, I said some number of people fall into endurance trouble with Dark Armor--that was a carefully chosen phrase. I accept there are people out there who have not. What I can not understand for the life of me is the projections of idiocy by that segment on the rest of us who have different experiences. All I stated were facts that can be determined from doing a forum search--some number of people do indeed run into endurance troubles with Dark Armor for whatever reasons. You do not see the same being said of Electrical Armor.

    I benched my Dark Armor/Fire Tanker in his 40s because I was still struggling with balancing his endurance consumption. Who knows. . .perhaps on double xp weekend I'll make a push to get him to 50 and pray that the right Alpha choice can tip him over the edge to acceptable performance.
  20. FWIW, I started a Spines/ElA Stalker last night. I have never been big on Spines because part of dislikes the base aesthetics and it is just a bit too over the top in concept. But having been told recently there were other spiney options for appearance, I decided on metallic spines and decided to give it a go.

    Only played for her for a tiny bit last night so she's only level 16. Some would consider it a serious downside lose out on Quills and Lightning Field. Still the new stalker crit mechanic and use of Assassin's Impaler outside of a Hidden state combined with using Spine Burst from Hidden state have been keeping me happy. Once I get Lightning Reflexes and push towards perma-Hasten I am wondering just how silly my attack chains can become.

    Thank heaven I will eventually be picking up Power Sink to help with endurance costs.
  21. Amazingly timely thread as I too have a Dark/Electrical/Soul and was trying to figure out what path to take.
  22. I increasingly look at Dominators as Blaster analogs except instead of secondaries with self-support and melee they got secondaries with control in exchange for a bit less damage.

    I know, its an odd way to look at things, but it increasingly seems true to me.
  23. Erratic

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Furthermore, Tankers cause more of their own bad press by acting like bossy, entitled control freaks who won't tolerate sharing aggro because frankly that's all they've got.
    You really need to spend time away from the Tanker forum.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Only Heightened senses yes but I always skip that one. And the psionic defense Indomible will which I slot with end reduce and dont add slots to it. Not enough defense for it to matter on my WPs. I'll look into electric armor for the Stalker.
    But if two out of nine powers make it a mixed set then I guess regen is actually a mixed set too with resistance, it has two. A heal with toxic resistance and resiliance.
    Rather than counting powers you should look at what they do, howmuch protection they provide you, and how often they are available to you.

    High Pain Tolerance provides resistance and health but the resistance is negligible. The real gain is the health, so long as you can boost your defense and resistance high enough to leverage it. So it is a healing/health power.

    Reconstruction provides resistance and healing but the resistance is only to Toxic. Certainly that is nifty enough when facing Greater Devoured, but not so handy when facing Demons, 5th Column Flamethrowers, Freakshow zotting you, etc. The primary gain of this power is the healing.

    Mind Over Body grants resistance to Smash, Lethal, and Psionic.

    Indominitable Will provides status protection and defense to Psionics.

    Heightened Sense provides Defense to Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative Energy. Hmmm. . .do you get any resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy or Negative Energy? No. So this set is primarily providing protection via Defense to elements you have no other protection from other than a wall of health or healing. Moreover the Defense gain for Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative is nearly 4 times that for Smash/Lethal. Unmistably a defensive power (and one you should be taking and slotting well).

    One wonders how you knock the Defense aspect of thet set by saying it only has 2 Defensive powers and claim it is a Resistance set when in reality the number of powers that are providing you with real resistance numbers isn't any higher. It seems painfully clear to me that you are meant to layer the defense, resistance, healing, and health boosts to survive making this a mixed set.

    As nifty as Invincibility is, an Invulnerability character is sitll a tough cookie with it turned off. A Willpower character forgoing the Defense powers of the set is far squishier by comparison.

    As goes Dark Armor and Electrical Armor. . .I suggested Electrical Armor because it gets you past a number of issues providing resistance to endurance drain, the ability to drain endurance yourself, and providing a haste component. Dark Armor has its own set of perks but not having to worrry about endurance drains and being able to fix your endurance issues ranks it higher in my book than Dark Armor where some number of people fall into endurance problems.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Resistance base is what I'm going for. WP sounds like good choice, I have a claws WP and it was fun to play.
    Willpower is a mixed set.

    If you want Resistance you're looking at Electrical Armor.