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  1. the ONLY "criticism" I could make on them, so far...

    I dont like the narrator. He tells me "this guy is dumb" instead of letting the guy be dumb...

    ya know?

    combined with the groovy "in charactery" sort of action noises and such.... it just sort of makes the narrator stick out.

    suggestion... maybe have Drex be the one narrating (have you ever seen the Emperor's new Groove? thats totally what I picture here, I think it could really work out well)

    just a thought, but keep it up, I like it all the same
  2. TA.. honestly...

    I fail to see how this particular section of the scoop isnt "exclusive".... if you arent part of "COH Fan art", either as a collector, artist, or fan.....

    you arent going to be a part of that section....

    its not like we have a Champion art section, and a Virtue art section....

    theres only one... and everyone interested in art, knows to come here.

    Think honestly to yourself (not just the placating scooper trying to please everyone).... how impartial/not impartial can you be?

    if there are people outside the "fan art section" that tell you about their art, would you say "uh, sorry, its not in the fan art section...."


    ...best frame so far :-D
    I want a bind so that I say that when I change costumes ;-D
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I look at it for the articles... I swear!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I read the articles while I wait for the porn to come back.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Unscarfed! Perfect, will change it to that on the final, thanks Empress!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    "Dragonberry Loses her socks, and something else!" sounded good too, but it didnt fit with what you were going for.

    (..."something else" may be nsfw, or it could just be her absolutely most favorite autograph signing jelly pen, that she kept in her hip to the beans socks, before the council stole them for "ahem, private use... move along")
  6. its the nudity that you DONT see, that would get you in trouble at work...
  7. actually its pretty groovie, considering I didnt get you any "what she looks like" pics yet :-D
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Kawaii! <^o^>

    [/ QUOTE ]

  9. ok, so you think you can do something? groovie... I'll get pictures...

    the background has sort of been floating around but it isnt finalizaed.

    the gist, is that the Heiress, Nessa Rose (inheriter of the Rose fortune, and Rose castle in upstate new york) Decided to use her olympic level archery skill to fight crime for kicks. She liked it so much that she helped fund, and volenteered in, a study utalizing the Casimer effect as a means of exceptional, frictionless transport.
    an expermental backfire allowed Nessa to tap into dark matter directly, using repulsive forces to create a ring of negative energy, that enabled her to propell herself around paragon at nearly super sonic speeds.
    As she learns to manipulate dark matter, however, she comes to realize that there is some secret sentience (though she'd probably say "It's like, totally alive and stuff") hidden within dark matter.
    Receintly she has leanred how to force dark matter and negative energy to coalese into a semi-conscious entity to aid in her fight against the evils of society.

    in truth, I came up with Jet Set as an Homage to DarkJedi's Light-Speed, and she just sort of took on a life of her own.. shes lighthearted, and almost...shallow...fun loving crime fighter.
    Hero-work is a bit of a game to her... but the more she learns about her abilities, the more she is slapped in the face by reality.

    pictures comming.
  10. Ok, I have a bit of a problem... my character Jet Set has surpassed level 30... meaning auras.

    unfortunately, her powers and concept dont really fit for an aura..
    so I was wondering.... would you guys be able to think up some outlandish costume that fit the theme, but also looked good with an aura.

    would that be possible?
  11. hehe.. same problem, DJ..... thats why Im "Jet-Set" on virtue... instead of the much more sexy "Jet Set" that I am on Triumph (hence why one is level 2, and the other is level 32 ;P)
  12. I dont get the joke in 7....

    *...is so ashamed....*
  13. Empress_NA

    Two chaotic Gods

    I love them... I want more (love to see a Riving comission at some point too :-D)
  14. Empress_NA


    Just wanted to let everyone see their competition. Polterguy (Timmy-toons on DA) has a contest piece currently posted up on his da page:

    "~They say that breaking up is hard to do...."
    ...I guess they're wrong

    Good luck, everyone... looks like competition is heating up.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...I kinda jealously hope it took you for ever ... but I have a feeling it didn't...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    3 - 4 hours. I did it during a marathon of "Deadliest Catch" over the weekend. I almost always do my sketches in one sitting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I ate curry durring that marathon.

    I think id rather be able to draw that well, than eat.
  16. mmm, cheesecake all over eveyone...
    *grabs the chocolate syrup*

    who gets the first bite?
  17. Empress_NA


    hahahaha, fuzzy. I love it so far (that little tart is SOOO getting what she deserves )... Cant wait to see it finished :-D
  18. Empress_NA


    I cant BELIEVE I forgot that crucial bit of info:

    I'd love to see any WIP pieces here in the thread, but for the Offical entry. please send a copy of your image, as an attachment to:

    I dont claim rites to anything except the characters and their design(though, I hope everyone will let me post them up in my DA page )... the images are yours so feel free to post them wherever you like.
  19. Empress_NA


    oh, and since I never said it "offically"

    Please, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
    Also, you can contact me through my global @tizane
    I am usually in the game from 7 to 12 pst every night
  20. Empress_NA


    well... if you ask real nice.. they might post up WIP updates for you TA ;P
  21. Empress_NA


    "The contest consists of a single art piece of one of my characters, either The American Dreamgirl or Tizane Bathory.
    The Character should be interacting, about to interact, or just have interacted with another person (known NPC, bystandard, monster, etc)

    Other than that, all artists have free reign in the direction they take their entry"

    that, turning a piece in during the due date peroid (first week of july), and (depending on interest) not being too late...
    are the only "qualifications".

    as for the grand prize...well, if the devs are fidgity about me mentioning a 5 dollar consolation prize, id rather not mention it here.

    suffice as to say that, as I have nothing else of any real value to offer, this is a cash prize contest.
    Depending on interest the grand prize would be in the low/middle range commission price up to middle range.

    as I said there is a second and runner up prize, and, again depending on interest I may include an ancilary prize for "best lines" or "best adhereance to the theme" or some such...

    Im sorry that Im so unclear... Ive never done anything like this before.