482 -
In an older game I played there was Store bought weapons and Player made weapons. Store bought weapons were rated at 100% efficiency, Player made weapons could get up to 200% efficiency, with slightly better stats. The point was to get people to by player crafted enhancements or craft them yourself. If you couldn't afford them at the time, you could outfit yourself with store bought ones and then save for the playermade ones.
I wish this game was more like that - sure we can do that with SOs, but the gap between SOs and Set bonuses is huge. Here is what I would think could be a discussable idea:
Establish a normal baseline of what people are usually willing to pay for IOs - more on this later
Allow all Crafted IOs to be bought from a store, these can't be stored or sold on the market.
Add a flag to all player crafted IOs which grant either Extra percentages or better set bonuses (Maybe an extra %HP added or another %recharge point added)
This would allow players to purchase already crafted IOs from a vendor and that money is now destroyed. A user could then save to craft their own IOs or purchase off of the market.
The real question is how to determine how much IOs should cost from the store? player demand is different. LotG might be worth 100million each for me store bought, but only worth 50million from someone else?
I would also like to add that Purples and PvP IOs wouldn't be able to be store bought. There needs to be a different vehcile for getting PvP drops though. -
Quote:Your definition of compete must be different than mine - compete =/= show up. My grandfather could show up to a flag football game and 'participate.' that does not mean that he is going to compete. If your concept of competing is the old "Show up and do your best Billy!" and you repeated get your head kicked in over and over again, then you must be a really really patient person. Judging by your posts in this thread, I would say you are not.
And I still fail to see an inherent promise that you'd be given quick, cheap, and easy access to whatever IOs you need to overcome the current FOTM.
Einstein said that "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I've PvPed with the new and old systems quite a bit. Its Insane to expect that you can compete on a sqhishy without KB protection. You just can't do it - if you would like video evidence, I'm sure I can set up a livestream of me playing (Hell, we can get people who are considered the best in the game) to prove my point. I don't think you would watch though.
I didn't come here for free IOs, I was hoping to add to the discussion and see there was some type of solution that would help both sides. -
I don't think anyone is agruing that you can participate in PvP with SOs. you also CAN run an AV mission at level 10.
Having the ability to participate isn't the issue - its the ability to compete.
Also, even in casual PvP - SO build vs SO build - KB still wins.
You can argue that the issue isn't with IOs, its with PvP. I would agree with you. But, we have been told that PvP will not be changed drastically, only tweaked. You would need a pretty big tweak to fix this issue. So PvPers will do something we have been accused of not doing: adapt to the given situation.
We have 2 choices in adapting:
1. Reroll specific melee toons with built in protection
2. IO
Option one wasn't acceptable in i4, in i9, in i12. You should be able to PvP with any concept character you want. Option 2 is what is being discussed in this post -
Quote:This.You should try playing a squishy in even semi-competitive PvP before you tell someone they can PvP with SOs.
(You can't. You will get called as the target, KB'd, mezzed, and spiked repeatedly because you'll lack both the necessary KB protection and hit points to be competitive. I mean, if you think that's fun, that's one thing.) -
Quote:Like I said earlier up, I doubt I would be able to persuade anybody of my views because their experience would differ. I could continue, but why bother, you think Im wrong and I think you're wrong - in the end, doesn't matter.how about stop thread jacking? this is the last time i am answering your question as it does not pertain to the topic of this thread.
if you get on a competent team, you will last longer then being alone. just because you percieve that you can not PvP with so's does not mean that someone else has the same issue as you. i had a friend try this not to long ago. after getting set up with io's he said the difference was there but on a competent team he didn't worry about not having io's. i watched this with my own eyes. and this was on freedom.
now, back to the original issue...
I look forward to the day when changes are made, that is all -
Quote:Again, I ask - How is it do-able?i have gotten it with only 1 zephyr, that i dropped durring a roll with tickets. i also figured that with the nerfs to the AE, they would be driven up in price and bought up somewhere around 50 of them so i don't have to worry about those. but enough about that. you can compete, yes compete, in PvP with so's. it is harder and you will die, but that is part of PvP. and as i understand it, it helps to put some PvP io's on the market. but yes, PvP'ing with so's is do-able. not recommended, but do-able.
Quote:I would counter that you cannot, infact, PvP with SOs. I have given several reasons why. KB is one of them, most definitely not all.i will throw the same argument that others have, you can compete in PvP with so's. infact, freedom is the only server i can think of where kb is used as much as possible so the only io's you really need are kb ones. i can also tell you that you can pick up kb io's anywhere from 500k-5mil. or you can get them free by running some AE, getting some tickets and rolling lv 10-14 bronze rolls. i drop at least 1 karma and 1 steadfast every time i roll. you need 41-43 points of kb to stop the effect from effecting you.
guess what else? if you sell your drops at the market it funds your builds.
guess what else? if you have 2 types of players, PvE and PvP, going for the same io's, purples and PvP io's, you are going to pay out the nose for them. supply vs demand.
If you have evidence that shows that I am wrong, please show it. Keep in mind that you said compete, not participate. Yes, you can participate with SOs. your participation will be hitting the respawn button over and over again and not having a chance at getting any drops or rep or having a good time.
If you can explain to me how you can compete in PvP with only SOs, I would be glad to admit I am wrong (believe me, there isn't any snark to that comment, I really really want to admit I am wrong)
And for the record, you can't get to 41+ KB points without Zephyrs, which are a little higher than 5 million at the moment (more like 40-100)
Edit - the starcraft 2 beta is out now, so I official concede all debates. Very good points everyone and I hope our discussions were as rewarding for you as they were for me -
actually, the Starcraft 2 beta starts today, so I official have no opinion on Drop rates or IOs
Quote:The biggest drive for Purples was PvPers in i12. In i13 with the changes, a lot of your hardcore farmers stopped farming. In i14, AE made it easier to get money, but no Purple drops.The same thing happens with purples. And their price has been on the rise for a while.
I know its captain obvious here, but its kinda easy to see where the problem is. -
Quote:I really disagree with you. And its almost just as likely that I won't be able to explain my stance in a way that you will agree with me, but I will give it a whirl.My take? You can compete in PvP with an SO build. You can compete in
PvP with a non-level 50 toon. I have yet to get an L50 toon for PvP and
yet, I feel the builds I play in PvP are competitive (I do Frankenslot my
toons). I have personally seen builds with no bonuses achieve PvP victories, so successful PvP with SO's is clearly possible.
Here's the wrinkle though - there are limitations.
For instance, SO's are the baseline for PvE - all the standard content is
playable that way. However, can you solo a Rikti Pylon or solo an AV
on an SO build? I sure as heck can't.
In the same regard, my PvP toons are competitive in the sense of kill ratio
and rep, and thus, in my mind, successful. However, I don't own any
PvP toons that I think would win against everybody. I further think that
would still be true even with Purples (which none of my PvP toons can
currently even use).
So, the question I'd ask in return is: How do *you* define "competitive"?
PS> This is seems distinctly off the OP topic, so this might be better
served in a different thread.
For over 2 years, all I did in this game was PvP. I thought of wierd lineups, I powerleveled PvP toons, I IO'd out PvP toons. It's the one thing I do in this game and it's the one thing I know a lot about. I'm Far from the best, but you can definately tell by watching me play that I know what I am doing.
I'm going to give a first hand example of why you can't PvP competitively with SOs. I was in RV the other night before I respecced my empath. My empath on live had SOs only - since I PvP'd on test server, IOs didn't matter to me on live. There was a competitive team on villain side and I was trying to form a team hero side to even the score. My night went like this
1. Levitate knocks you up - can't do anything for atleast 2 seconds
2. Dominate holds you for 2 seconds - again, still can't do anything for an additional 2 seconds
3. Respawn in the hospital. you're already dead
Now, I may joke that I am bad at PvP, and I am compared to some of the top tier participants, but I know how to survive a Spike if its possible. It is NOT possible with SOs to stop this type of a spike. It is not possible without even a small amount of IOs - you need a lot of IOs to counter this spike.
Flash forward to last night. My empath has respecced and I had to gut a base I used to use to copy IOs to test for build testing to get the IOs I needed (wow my grammar sucks - that sentence blows, anyways) Now, in an arena match, here is how it went
1. Levitate doesn't move you
2. Domainte holds you for 2 seconds -
3. Phase goes off and I live
The difference that IOs give you is 2 seconds in this scenario. and THAT is why they are required.
Now, this is my experience, and I have been around the block. If I can't stop a KB spike with SOs, then how should a new person to PvP or a casual PvPer do it?
So, is the problem with the availability of IOs, or the necessity that PvP requires of them? is it both? is it neither? All I know is the status quo currently isn't working. Im almost forced to resort to purchasing Inf from Gagoras because I can't spend weeks grinding out money like UberGuy suggests to get the necessary IOs needed to compete.
I completely understand where the market guys don't want things handed everyone on a silver platter because were 'lazy' or 'casual,' I don't want to have a complete Pimped out IO'd build - I know the work required to get it. I just want to be able to compete and have the IOs that are required to compete not cost 500million total. I want to be able to play the part of the game that I like without being forced into a mini game that I do. not. want. I'm sure people can understand how I feel just by thinking about how mad they would be if they were forced to PvP just to be able to do an end game task force. -
Quote:Im the random PeeveePee guy quoted there. The point is valid no matter the forum. The reason you are seeing more and more "Market sucks" threads is because several people are trying to reestablish a PvP community and are coming back to the game WAY before the influence explosion started. I don't think i've ever had 500mil to my name and now single IOs are going for almost 6 times that.
Quote:Isn't the whole point of DR in PVP to narrow the gap between SO build and an uber IO build ?
You would think so. But its not the Uber IO build that is a problem. Let me give you a scenario that currently happens in Zone and arena PvP
Defenders forcebolt, Controllers/dominators levitate, Storms Gale all give over 40 points of KB with only SOs. Acrobatics gives 9 points of KB protection.
What will happen is a character with be KB'd, when they get up they will be then Held, by the time the hold expires, you are dead.
Even though these powers used to KB just as much in i12 and PvP 1.0, they weren't used as a valid tactic because an empath will be keeping CM up on a person so that, even though you get KB'd, you can phase or hibernate or evade before you are killed. Now, in PvP 2.0, since everything is an insta hold for atleast 2 seconds (sometimes longer with domination) before supression kicks in, you are usually dead before I can click hibernate or phase (Forget about evading with supression)
So, IOs are needed to negate the Knockback - since you can't negate the hold anymore. -
Quote:I don't mean to come off as a dick, but does that mean then that as player skill goes up and kill counts go down, drops should also go down?
a system where it's more profitable to get 8 good players and gang up on 8 bad players for 10 mins straight while cycling targets in quick succession is just straight up griefy.
Very interesting point -
Quote:Very valid point on the Leveling to 50. This is a game that revolves around PvE, and getting to 50 the old fashioned way is perfectly acceptable. If I want to a new toon, its what I am going to have to do - no two ways about it.Here's a question for you. Do you consider having to get to 50 something you're forced to do in order to do what you enjoy (PvP)? If so, you wouldn't be alone. And yet it's something you have to put up with in this game. I'm not saying that as it should be - this topic is often discussed and almost certainly better served by having its own thread. But if the devs' approach to PvP includes having to get the best characters "the old fashioned way," they probably lump getting the best gear in the same view.
But I really disagree with the best gear comment. This game is balanced around SOs. Its been stated that several times and is the basic premise for why the market is fine as is - atleast that's what I am gathering from this discussion post.
Since the game is balanced around SOs, I should be able to compete in PvP with SOs. This isn't possible given the current engine. Even if I build my team to counter my ineffectiveness, I still cannot compete. I'm forced into a mini game I don't want to play inorder to PvP.
If we take this a different direction, say, for example, that Shivans were required to complete a mission. (Literially, the mission requirements state to spawn a shivan) Also, lets say that there was no other way to get a shivan other than to enter bloody bay. Do you realize how insensed people would be?
The devs could argue that you dont Have to complete that mission - that's its an optional part of the game and that there is LOTS of other parts of the game for you to go. Is that a valid counter "Either do something you don't like to do" or "Don't do it all, play somewhere else" -
Quote:I can accept difficult to farm, but how do you explain a full 2 hour practice with 8v8s going every 15 minutes and no one getting a drop?I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.
The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
*Edit* also, is it a concern that these IOs are going for more than the market cap and are now being traded outside the market? -
Intersting topic here - it was a good read (this is my first time in a long time reading a long post from these forums - very good discussion)
I have a question: Its been proven that this game does not require IOs for PvE. I rarely IO out any of my PvE characters because Im happy with how they are built. If I get something cool as a drop or through merits, I craft it and I am happy. As a casual player of PvE, this is perfectly acceptable to me.
On the other hand: I am a PvPer, since I have been back to the game, I find it very hard to actually want to PvE - it just doesn't do it for me anymore.
Now, as I said before, you don't need IOs in PvE. They are very relevent to PvP though. You are perfectly able to walk into a PvP zone and cast powers without IOs. But, you will be back into the hospital after you get knocked back, mezzed, and instanakilled. Extra HP helps you survive so that you can hibernate and phase and KB IOs keep you from being knocked back.
I haven't played much in over a year, so my opinion of the market goes back to post i13, if I wanted to make a cheap IO build - it was doable. I never was one for farming, but I could do enough TFs and buy/sell my way to a nice PvP build. It wouldn't have purples or the new PvP ios, but it would be nice.
The other night I had to redo my empath for the new PvP league/ladder. my i12 build was completely unuseable in i13. I had to raid my Test server SG base (a live base that I used to copy IOs over to test server with for build testing) to finish it. I added up my total cost this morning and it was over 500mil in all. That seems like peanuts to the money people are talking about now, but for someone who is new/just back to the game - thats depressing.
My issue, which leads to my question, is that IOs are supposed to be a minigame for people to participate in if they choose. But, In PvP, they are almost required for competative play.
Where is the line drawn as me being FORCED to play a mini game I don't like and don't have time for to do something I enjoy? (See all the posts on World PvP in the S&I to see where I am going with this) -
Quote:It is but i wanted to try hibernate for awhile. You can ask mage ...the psi resist is very very noticeable from temp invuln, PFF also help's against taunt quite a bit, and i'm able to pop greens when i phase to help against the delayed dmg, as in hibernate you pop hibernate and pray that there is not to much delayed dmg to kill you. Only drawback is ...is no tactics for perception. To each his own i guess.
Biggest thing I notice about phase vs hibernate. If I make an epic phase on my controller, Im usually dead 10 seconds later after the stalker Phases and fishy spikes me.
Hibernate wins on all counts at the moment -
Quote:I disagree. Its been proven that what the individual community wants will always be pushed back for the benefit of the majority and "Vision"@EmpireForgotten I wouldn't worry too much. The market isn't going to change. But Positron's end game content for GR is likely going to contain massive influence sinks that should help combat the massive inflation of Influence/Infamy since I14.
Look at the past history
i5 and i6 - Overall resist/defense nerfs and ED - several people ragequit, but most stayed and played it out
i9 - inventions - there was A LOT of drama about adding loot to this game, some ragequit, but most stayed and played it out
i12 - Acro nerf and psi blasters - lot of angst from PvPers, but almost all stayed and played it out
i13 - Big PvP nerf. Most quit, but several are back because we are complacent with whats in place and hope for change = Dev's win
We have proven track records that the devs are capable of making drastic decisions that alienate a whole segment of the community. Most of these changes are brought upon by the majority not liking something or not participating in something and they don't want to see various areas of programming go unused.
Example - before i5i6 there was a lot of discussion about how firetanks and herding were the only way to play and people were tired of it. inventions were added because there wasn't enough to do at the end game and influence was pointless. acro was nerfed because people wanted their KB attacks to mean something in PvP. i13 was specifically not meant for the pvp community, but for people that didn't PvP.
So, I think we will see changes eventually. I also disagree with your previous post that says PvP IOs are supposed to be as rare as purples. The drop rate of PvP IOs is like 1 and 200, the drop rate for purples is a lot higher. Considering I only PvP when I play this game and that I have never gotten a PvP drop, I think the drop rate is a little broken. Increasing the supply of PvP IOs does not make them less useful for the people who actually use them - it makes them less useful for the people who exploit the market -
Quote:The thread was 'Are Prices Dropping', and to conclude the thread actually established anything remotely near to the statements attributed to it is borderline asinine.
A thread that establishes such statements requires concrete evidence, tests, and figures. That thread was a very sparse collection of observations with biased individuals waving magic wands in an attempt to "convince" someone that these things are true.
They may or may not be true statements, but that is yet to be established in that, or any thread on this board.
If statements such as "all PVPIO prices started to drop" were indeed true then threads such as this one which complain of low or no supply and capped market prices would not need to exist. Then again, if people treated the entire collection of PVPIOs as a source rather than making generalist statements about a very sparse subset threads like this also would not need to exist. The truth is many people are deliberately twisting ideas to fit their own needs, and are being facilitated by those that believe statements do not need to be challenged. People just pass one possibly erroneous statement after another, and people buy into it without the need or desire to question it.
Thankfully, the devs at least try to avoid the magic wand solutions the players would have them enact. The ramifications of some of the short sided, greed inspired suggestions in this and other threads is simply mind boggling.
Then, what would you suggest happen? Nothing? Its working as intended.
I just have a couple questions I'd like you to answer if you would. I personally haven't played this game much since i14 started so most of what I remember is a year old and doesn't seem to work anymore.
Why does regular salvage cost more on the market now than it did a year ago? The Supply is about the same (1000 bids, 700 available), but the cost is about 5000 time that of a year ago for some Salvage?
Why does blueside market now remind me of redside market 1 year ago? Why does redside market now remind me of a third world country?
My point is this: This is a game - and its not EVE. This isn't a spreadsheet game where you need to spend more time out of game managing your spreadsheets than you do ingame game playing. This isn't a game where you should need to spend more time in that freakin market place than you do actually doing something.
I'm to the point where I wish someone would find a way to dupe and ruin the market.
At the end of the day - I already have my toons ill PvP with. I won't level another one because the cost of IOing them out isn't worth it to me.
People can defend the market mini game all they want, but I can guarantee you that it'll change eventually. There are more people upset with the market than enjoy playing it and its been proven that the majority will have their changes catered too.
*Substitute the word "PvP" in for the word "Market" in the last paragraph -
Quote:Absolutely correct.The idea that you are competing for PVP drops is inherently flawed.
I am yet to see a conscious shift in targeting because of PVP drops. You never see a team go "oh let's target that tank because all the squishies, even though they are blasting our squishies, have no rep or drops to claim".
The drops system is pretty stupid at this point. The Rep system is the culprit. It comes down to this: do you want a system that rewards intelligent pvp play as perceived by the players (keep the mf blaster down before he wrecks your therm) or the carebear ideal-world mentality of the devs where you cycle through targets in order to get higher drop chances, while you sacrificing good, intelligent pvp.
People who actually like (using the work 'like' for lack of a better word) PvPing aren't doing it for the drops, they are doing it to win. Im not going to kill the tank just because he hasn't died yet and I "might" get a drop from him. Im going to continue beating on the people I know I can kill.
Rep system needs to go - I think the suggestion of the sirens bounty system would work very well to award PvP IOs.
I always thought Purples were supposed to be the uber rare end game IOs. PvP IOs were supposed to be normal IOs outside of PvE. The supply of Normal IOs is high because they are easier to get in PvE. Therefore PvP Ios should be easier to get in PvP -
Quote:I would agree - quote pyramids of 10 deep should be respected.U2BG cannot agree to a banned thread limit, as we still have Vert on our roster. It would unfairly penalize veterans, in an attempt to normalize forum drama.
However, on the issue of quote pyramiding, we propose a limit of 10 quotes deep, save for threads dealing with the following topics:
- They are ruining pvp
- Threads claiming Justice is the pvp capital
- Anything about the devs
- Any thread fake Divine posts in
- Incredibly drawn out arguments about who lost to who on test 2 years ago
- White knighting
- lolujl
- ______ was the best team ever
- ______ is broken. It should be banned
I would also like to propose bonus points to any team that causes any of the following:
1. Bring's PvEers into the fight - because we all know its more fun to Pick on people who will probably take things we say srsly.
2. Causes amazing amounts of nerdrage from the opposing team
3. Causes Opposing team to forget that they are better than you - you don't have to be the best PvPer to be the best Forum PvPer
4. Causes the excuse "Well atleast I have a life..." from opposing team
5. Internet tough guy meme's appearing in the thread - DQ will result if they are not appropriate (Example: Posting a picture of an e-thug college student nerd to describe someone who is clearly 11 and has down syndrome) -
Quote:I also disagree with limiting 2 per team. It really limits your lineups in Forum PvP. For example, dUmb has Slax and I, which make a pretty decent sarcastic combo. But we also have Psoma, who can drop a /psypunk like nobodies business.I disagree. Posting is working as intended. U2BG would consider limiting the number of work posters to 2 per team to prevent threadstacking.
And, I mean, you have your lineup which has the Vinnie and Silit. Vinnie invented being a ****** on the internet, so you gotta start him. But your roster has so much other talent that limiting 2 per team would be a waste.
Perhaps we can limit it to only 2 banned thread per week before you are disqualified?