4379 -
That's a fabulous prize (I love the style he's pulled out of that technique)...
I have no concern about admitting that 1) I am an intelligent person, but 2) for some reason I just don't have a brain for puzzles, if you know what I mean.
It's odd, but I've never been very good at them!
Regardless, I love these... I just can't get my head to figure them out!
Great job!
Still contemplating this one, but... it's nuts (in a way that I can't seem to relate to, lol)! -
Woohoo! Congratulations, GreatRock!
Thank you, again, CR and Sodacan for doing this! -
That's the thing that just gets me...
Outsiders make assumptions and guesstimates based on the snippets of public information made available...
And then use those assumptions as assertions of facts when presented with hearsay that is to the contrary (from people that we know have inside contacts).
While I absolutely understand doubting the hearsay (my lifelong motto has been di omnibus dubitandum), no matter the source (hearsay/second/third-hand knowledge has room for doubt)... I don't understand the absolute insistence of clinging to assertions based on the fragmented information we have as outsiders. All of it should be doubted... and we can only push, prod, wait and see if we can learn the truth.
Absolutely insisting that someone (citing inside sources) is wrong when you truly do not know is absurd.
Actually, when I put it this way... it's like religions... my assertions are better because they come from X source, while yours only comes from Z source (may Z source be with you!).
We know that us outsiders don't have all the information. And the people sharing vague things from inside sources are not making outrageous claims, yet, we have the same few people here constantly calling these people liars.
Your assertions may be wrong. Stop using them as the basis to judge what others are saying.
Fact is that you do not know. Leave it at that until you have actual evidence that counters the claims.
Actual evidence... not presumptive guesstimates based on fragmented information.
("That's exactly what the other side is doing, ur ur ur") -
My awkwardness finally ended this thread! Phew... that took a while... and here I thought it would just keep going on and on and on...
Hi, Arcana!
I've missed you!
(stay a little more still, would ya?!)
Quote:Oops, LOL... see? I just (entirely accidentally) made the same exact mistake regarding official terminology....
All she was saying was that her sources tell her that the engine is full-sale with the game - no problem there.
I remember a lawyer once getting mad with me because I left a message with her assistant, where I used the wrong term! I was like... "uh, excuse me, but I'm not a lawyer... I used the wrong pancaking term... sue me, lol".
(And she was the prosecutor representing the state against an idiot that attacked me... what a nice experience all around, lol)
Anyway... I'm laughing that I made a mistake in my terminology while explaining that this other person probably just used the incorrect terminology... and I didn't even do it to prove the point of how easy it is to do, lol. -
Quote:I think that's just a misuse of technical/official terms on her part.Back Alley Brawler/TicToc said that Statesman/Jack himself said the engine was licensed, not sold, for perpetuity for use with CoH and one additional title (whatever Cryptic wanted that to be.) There is a rather large difference between this and having bought the license outright.
I would GUESS Statesman/Jack would know better than anyone that bit
It's understandable though; her message is just being delivered as acounter to the notion that there's some sort of possible hangup regarding the engine.
All she was saying was that her sources tell her that the engine is full-sale with the game - no problem there.
It'd be great if any of these longshots pay off. Again, everyone involved understands the enormous potential for failure...
Anyway... potentially positive possibilities. -
Hahaha... I was waiting for it to reach 7:35 just so that I could say this:
91 Circle Of Thorn members... 91 Circle Of Thorn members cleared from this blue cave layer cake map, ah ha ha!!
Haha, obviously, 91 is not mine!
But I am posting it anyway! -
39 pancakes.... 39 pancakes to lift up my house, ah ha ha!
Remaining Numbers:
32, 62, 65, 80, 85, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97 -
Quote:The fact that so many of us have congregated on your site and came to your side speaks to this largely being the case....But I would like to think that I've built up enough of a reputation of trustworthiness that it's not immediately rejected as "false hope" or "wishful thinking".
However, no matter who you are and what you've done, there will always be haters.
It's funny, a lot of those haters talked about how people were following you blindly and all that crap... No, we gathered together at the most provably stable place that there was/is regarding this game and this community. It's that simple. If we wanted to coordinate (and we did/do), if Tony and Titan are staying put (and you sure as pancakes made it clear that you were)... then this makes the most sense. The services of Titan Network and your personal efforts and resources spent on this community for all of this time didn't make you our totalitarian leader (as you very well know!)... they made your place a place we all knew we could trust to be legit. And we gathered together and you stood up to take a strong leadership role as well. It could have been somebody else and we still would have needed to gather on the Titan network.
Anyway... hopefully what I said was relevant and worth saying, haha... Some of the nutters in here are just ridiculous and the only thing I generally have left to do in threads like these (after the initial reading of pertinent information) is to have fun and laugh... with the occasional relaying of sincere, reasonable thoughts thrown in just in case. -
Afternoon, everybody!
46 bats... 46 bats in my belfry, ah ha ha!
Remaining Numbers:
16, 20, 32, 35, 39, 40, 44, 50, 52, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 72, 79, 80, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 100 -
Wonderful words, Llydia!
And, yeah, if there's one thing I've learned it is that every single person you meet has something worth gleaning from. It's up to you whether you want to find it or not (and some people will prove unworthy of the time and effort it took to find out -or of the trust and all that - but, I always say, I'm worth being the person that cares and bothers to try... I don't care about anything other than being who I want to be... and I want to be someone that cares).
I like to see people how they want to be. I'm willing to give them that much. Why not. Maybe I can help them be it, if they're not quite there yet. Sometimes that's all it takes... other people believing in you.
What the frick am I going on about?
Hey, by the way... a great book (and I have never ever read any other auto-biographies, and I am not really a biography reader either... Just not my cup o'tea, BUT...) Harpo Speaks is possibly the greatest book I've ever read. Besides the amazing accounts of ridiculous stories, haha, I really try to keep in mind how much Harpo Marx seems to have this grasp of accepting people as they are for who they are. When I can hold on to that (while dealing with some people that are threatening to really drive you bonkers) it is an amazing thing.
Okay, that was almost random, but seriously, I highly recommend this book (both for entertainment value and for a bit of great influence on your happiness). -
8 giant spider legs... 8 giant spider legs wrapped around my throat, ah ha ha!
Taken: 2, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 57, 63, 66, 68, 73, 75, 78, 82, 83, 84, 87, 95
Quote:Haha, same here. I always find you and your avatar (including your previous one) a delight to be around!Hehehe. Ah, Electric-Knight, I've so enjoyed sharing the coXso challenges with you! Good luck on winning! (But try picking more numbers other than the previous wins to increase your chances, eh?)
Although, whatchootalkin' about? Haha, I'm just picking numbers that come to my head and not thinking about them. Were those previous winners? I wouldn't pick them because of that. I do have some numbers that just always come to my head, so I've actually picked these same ones in previous contests, hehe! So, I don't recall them winning in any I may not have taken part of... -
Quote:Okay, here is my official announcement...*Pops head in
What a read, and I do mean READ.
I feel like I just got off a rollercoaster.
I'm dizzy and I want to throw up.
I would love to hear an official announcement.
This just in... people are crazy!
News at half past twenty five! -
Wow, criticizing Fansy the Bard on the bard speak... haha... people never cease to disappoint me.
Shine on, Fansy! -
87 bananas... 87 bananas spinning in the solarium, ah ha ha!
Taken: 2, 7, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 57, 63, 66, 68, 75, 78, 82, 83, 87, 95 -
One of the funniest (and telling) things is to look at this particular thread and what was being said.
If you read the original messages, a person was simply conveying two things: They had a recent conversation with the former producer of Paragon Studios and this same person has teamed with a few other people to (apparently) make some kind of offer that they are working on to present to NCSoft.
They make it clear that this is a crazy, longshot effort, but they're putting work into it and are going to give it their best.
Tear into that... and do what you will. It, really, only reflects back on yourself. -
You've actually gotten some good advice here and I believe JKedan and AC are correct.
You said yourself that 1) you don't think these issues will go away over time. Let me tell you, very few (if any) 16 year olds think that their problems will go away over time. It's part of what makes us what we are during those years.
And, you said that you don't think your problems are normal problems for a 16 year old (paraphrasing here; don't sue me!)... Again, no 16 year old thinks that their problems are normal... and, again, the others are right in that there is no normal (lookit me!).
None of this is to say that you should simply dismiss these issues... that's how issues never go away.
Sounds like you have some pretty lousy experiences with some important people in your life (honestly, it's a very lucky person that doesn't have some person/people that'll leave them with deep psychological scars in their years of development, sadly).
The key is to rise above it... not by developing super powers and destroying the world, but by finding the true ideals that would make you happy and focusing on that and slowly, diligently blazing the trail towards being that person.
It does not have to be big... being a nice person that manages the corner store is a wonderful thing to be if that makes you happy. You just have to find your happiness (beyond our happiness in other people's created pastimes).
I am biased, but I'll suggest searching for creative avenues to see if there's anything that really appeals to you.
Even if such things do not become your main focus, they can absolutely help you to clear your head and start building your head the way you believe will be more satisfactory and healthy.
Whether it is writing, drawing, painting, carving, music, wicker-basket-ing... explore, pursue, try-out.
Maybe try writing out ideas for a video game. You never know. And you are truly at such a great age... you have so much time to build your skills and experiences.
Do not get caught up in believing that the bad times are permanent. That is how we make that grim premonition true.
You are what you make out of yourself. Don't believe that you are limited to anything that you don't want to be limited to. Figure out how to not be what you don't want to be... and enjoy it. -