
Caption Champ 4/23/10
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  1. I always felt that a consenting duel option would have been great for this game for all factions in all zones.
    I know that not everyone agrees, but it seems so genre appropriate (both for heroes and villains to fight each other) and because there were already enemies on every street corner, so the idea that enemies shouldn't be able to roam around freely never struck any truth with me.

    And, for the record, I am someone that really never PVPs.
    I think I took part in PvP, literally, three times in this game. And really only two of those times counted... and it was with a group of friends against each other.
    I'm just not into PvP. I think, mostly, because, I like single defeats to be the end of a fight. Of course, I could never stand any of the games - Doom, Golden Eye, Unreal T, Halo and so on and so on... Just not my thing.

    I also have a vision for what PvP could have been in this game, but I think people who expect/want the normal would probably find it absurd (hmm... I should make a thread about that too).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    That, however, doesn't seem to be a popular way of thinking. Most gamers will look at an old game and say "It used to be fun, but now it shows it's age" rather than "YEAH! I still love playing this game!"
    Indeed, but the other side of most can still be a lot of people.
  3. I have a bunch of old game systems that I pull out from time to time.
    And I enjoy many of the games on those systems.
    From Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Playstation, Playstation3 and games on the PC... Some of us don't find the "age of the game" to be a problem.
    Some of us like playing those games.

    Also, just because "demonizing NCSoft as an evil game killer" may not be accurate (mostly due to the extreme wording used there) it does not make the idea that CoH is an aged game not worth playing anymore, haha, true. So, the point is somewhat lost.

    Just because some people don't enjoy an older game doesn't mean that those who do need to feel the same way.

    And, again, this current game that we are talking about is not past its prime.
  4. Haha, the great origins debate!
    Yeah, I always just ignored what enhancements and which contacts and all that... and usually just chose my origin by what was right or sometimes just by what inherent power it gave (not for maximum benefit, but just for which power felt right... like one guy was supposed to be a Mutant, but I wanted to be able to throw knives, so I took Natural).

    Then there's the mixed origins characters - My biggest one was Amazing Ape. He is a mountain gorilla that just happened to be a rare mutant of his own species. Part of his mutation was extremely advanced intelligence and he made his own advanced tech devices which he used to enhance his abilities and do other cool shtuff...
    I chose Tech Origin because the Taster just seemed right (but I bounced back and forth and debated a long while before deciding!).

    Fairies, demons and such... yeah, Natural is correct, but I understand the Magic concept as well... A great discussion is what the traditional vampire would be. You can make a case for every single one of the origins other than Tech.

    That being said... I do like it having some bearing on your interactions (only to a very small degree).
    I liked that they had the different starting contacts based on origin and I would have liked later contacts for each of the origins (maybe even allowing them to be run by all origins)... I just liked the system for the most part.

    However, I would have preferred that we had a lesser power pool system where we could pick up fringe/somewhat-insignificant powers like the origin powers, regardless of origins.
    The Temp Powers came close to accomplishing this, but I'd love to see a system that made a bit more out of that and allowed for better acquirement and tailoring per character.
    That, of course, is an entirely different subject (for a thread I might start...).
  5. I feel the same way, absolutely.
    Not that my efforts have been completely exhaustive. Seriously, this whole mess came down at such a bad time for me timewise (as I've mentioned elsewhere).

    But, yep, no doubt about its worth in my mind.
  6. Oh, by the way...
    In order to crack your mind-numbingly difficult puzzles and riddles, CR, you'll perhaps be pleased to learn that I constructed a brand new advanced artificial intelligence completely capable of such tasks... and much more.
    The A.I. actually seems to be significantly overqualified for such puzzles and it is going to be able to do so very much more.

    I named it skynet.

    Thank you!
  7. Ummm... oh my, oh my, oh my!
    Just saw this... Thank you, so much! Hmm... lemme look and make sure I know who to get done (most likely E-K, but I'll take a look at NightHawk's style and see if there's something better for their fantabulous talents!).

    Congratulations to everyone else.
    And, yeah, sorry... it is nice to be on the winning side (albeit a bit awkward, because I feel bad!).
  8. Thanks for the further reply, SteelRat.
    As usual, it doesn't seem like we differ much in opinions or stances and all that. I think the history behind this whole topic taints a lot of the current back and forth.
    And I'm sure I drifted into being tainted with that in my reply as well.

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    In numerous entertainment-related debates that I've followed, it ALWAYS seemed like it was Twitter where the wars started, in some cases up to a year before the flames spread to other social networking sites (which until that time had been having somewhat more civilized discussions about it). And I don't just mean petty name-calling like we've seen here, but racial/ethnic/sexual harassment all the way up to death threats.

    Don't know if that's what went on in this case, but I've had a phrase that I've used any times. "Why is it always Twitter that starts up the rage machine?" Reports and sightings of these extreme fights are the reason I still do not own a Twitter account.
    That doesn't sound all that surprising, now that you mention it; All it takes is a #hashtag and you are connecting with anyone and everyone as opposed to the smaller confines of most other social medias... Huh... #nowseesthetruepotentialoftwitter... hahaha.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    heh...I wasn't saying everyone here or anyone here was. Just that he has a lot of fans and I really don't see the appeal.

    I know plenty who think Skyrim's art style is awesome. Again, I look at it and go "WTF is this?"
    I no, no... I know, I know! My dislike of his style is just so much that I had to share, haha.
    Not that he is bad... I just don't like it.
  10. Criticisms aside... c'mon, someone hop in and help get his base rent paid!

    If not, I'll be able to in about an hour or so.

    (not sure what names I have on Defiant, hehe, but I'll have some lowbie there)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    But hey, I'm not an Alex Ross fan, and he seems to have a lot of fans.
    Just a psssst...
    I am decidedly not a fan of his art (in comicbooks) either.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    If it were that great, that successful and that profitable, it wouldn't have been shut down.
    Sure, because nothing to the contrary ever happens.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    The answer is simple, really

    A single fan like you or I (or anyone else in this forum) can see what CoH did and appreciate the risks they took making them, even with the large missteps along the way

    While the MMO industry and MMO playerbase will just see the end result. Something that either failed, or never met their expectations.
    Haha, I just was watching that movie last night (first time I watched it in a while) and that particular quote (the actual one) stood out and has continued to repeat itself in my head all day today...
    This is a little weird, Vyver... and stop making it seem like I am following you!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Good god.

    I'm not going to answer everything in that because there were just far too many words. I tend to skip through most walls of text, especially when they include things like "I'm just being me". Well of course you are. Who else would you be? Have a cracker.

    Essentially though, I will admit to forming my opinions largely on what I saw on Twitter by the people posting on #SaveCoH. And I will also admit that originally, I was one of those people. A bit of satirical sideswiping at NCSoft was initially quite fun and a rather nice way of letting of steam. It was also a good way to keep up with the news about the efforts to save the game without wading through all the other stuff that I had largely no interest in.

    Then there was a shift in the whole mood of things. It changed from light hearted digs into a full on smear campaign, and that's when I bowed out, because that emphasis isn't healthy (imo) doesn't reflect well on what SaveCoH is trying to achieve (again only from my point of view; others clearly have other agendas) and something I'd rather not be a part of.

    My point is, if as a regularly contributing member to that campaign I found the taste in my mouth soured by the activities of what seemed to be a vocal majority, how is that going to be perceived by the people who's hearts you're trying to win? And for the record why is it not our place to criticise if we think something is heading in the wrong direction? Criticism, constructive criticism at least, is how things get improved. Ultimately of course, whether that criticism is taken on board and actioned upon is down to the people that make those kinds of decisions, but please don't tell me it's not my place to make it.

    The only other thing the Titan forums seemed to be advocating in any volume was Plan Z. And as I've said in other threads, I do honestly wish the people involved the best of luck with it, but I've also seen similar efforts made before when support for a much loved game ends (for example back in the 90s a group had the idea to make an Interstate '82 mod for Battlefield 1942) and more or less without fail they get so far and fizzle into nothing. If in a couple of years something solid does come of it, all well and good, sign me up, but for now I won't be seeing this as any more than vapourware and will be placing my faith in something a little more solid.
    Well, since you've shown me such respect there... TL/DR err err, haha.

    So, people using Twitter in ways that you didn't like is what you're basing your grievances against the SaveCoH/Titan crowd on.
    I was not following Twitter, so I have no idea what people were doing.
    We're all different. Whatever. You didn't like it. That's cool.

    As for Project Z, yeah, I have had zero to do with it and have placed zero interest in it so far.
    I wish them all the best and, who knows, I may attempt to get involved in it, but as long as the game is running and as long as I believe there's the smallest chance of the game returning, I'm not interested in the giant mess of chefs in that kitchen (I don't say that with disrespect - just with understanding of what such an undertaking means).
    Crazier things have indeed happened.

    Anyway... I don't know where you pulled "no criticism" from, but yay?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Why are posts like this even remotely necessary? Honestly.
    That's sort of the point, mate.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    As I said in the OP, it was up to each poster to decide whether they were expressing why they think the game failed or just things you love the game in spite of. It was partially a response to the statements of certain people "You think the game is perfect and anyone saying otherwise are haters", but also thought that a bit of honest "what wasn't great" would be a bit of a reality check on some of the "what you love" that did sometimes have somewhat rose colored glasses on.
    Indeed. I understand your reasons for the thread.
    I'll just point to my posting history if anyone wants to suggest I thought the game was perfect, hehe.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    So what you're saying is, we needed more TV commercials with Chuck Norris and Mr. T.
    Haha, unfortunately I understand such things were completely out of the realm of possibility.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Probably because you know what you're doing now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a pet class on a scale like Mastermind wasn't the most mainstream thing back when it was released. You couldn't exactly pull up any examples to see how it should work.

    I can easily forgive some missteps when blazing trails are involved. I mean, you don't know what's on those trails, there could be roots or something.

    ....I've tripped over a lot of roots in my day.
    Well said!

    This is the aspect that drives me batty...
    CoH and the folks behind it absolutely blazed trails and I don't understand why they weren't more publicly applauded for it and why more people didn't come to the game because of it.
    While I know, all too well, that the masses flock to conformity, there's still a large amount of people and gamers that love diversity and the things that CoH were doing. I just feel like enough of those people weren't being reached. It's hard enough to reach those people normally, but evil marketing research protocols make that even harder both if you follow those guidelines and (mostly) because the machinations in place obscure the playing field so much. Customers themselves embrace the categorization of marketing machinations and anything outside of those systems has become akin to outcasts in the dark fringes lost from society...

  19. While I'm somewhat adverse to any of this coming off as the reason why it was shut down, as I don't believe any faults that the game had were reason enough (individually nor collectively). It's a great, successful and profitable gaming business venture.

    That said:

    The thing that went wrong with it, in my opinion, is the lack of publicity.
    I don't think that has much anything to do with the quality of them game, just simply, as people regularly pointed out throughout the game's existence, the lack of advertising.

    Despite the low/nonexistent budge for advertising, I do think they did a better job over the past year. While we, as fans, may not have thought so, the publicity they kept getting with online sites and with more social media was better than previous times (I think).

    The big problem, at this point, is that most of the gaming world (uh, most of the world) is jaded when it comes to age. That game is how old? It doesn't even matter how great the game may be (nor how much better the game is for HAVING all of those years behind it), you've already lost some people who simply will not even try a game that old.

    So, I can see how the biggest problems of the game may have been something much earlier on (before I came here), because mmorpgs really require that big surge early on in order to have more people to slowly lose.

    I know that the original game was not one I was interested in playing. I only checked it out briefly, at a friend's house, while I was busy loving my other mmorpg from a galaxy far afar away.
    It wasn't until that game was NGE'd and after CoH had added a lot of great things (ragdoll, weapon customization, villains, wings, Vanguard and Rikti shtuff) that I fell in love with this game.
    I don't say that as a bad thing though. While this game was not necessarily for me from the start... it became a game that I dearly loved and have been subscribed to ever since (and planned to continue to be for a long time to come... even after I could have played for free).
  20. Whether or not anyone could have seen them coming...
    Nothin's perfect!

    Sometimes things that'll cause some other problems are still worth doing.
    What was that motto that Tom Cruise's character in Risky Business says?
  21. Vyver, can you, or can you not, express, with complete non-objectivity, the emotional and psychological reasons why someone, in a position such as they may have been, might possibly attempt to create such a scenario, negative or not (such as they absolutely did - if you're saying that they did not, even though they did, you're lying - so, don't even try to say that they didn't)? If you don't answer me with complete agreement to my points it will show just how phony and/or stupid you truly are.

    Okay, this is actually fun.
  22. Very cruel move to do this with a full inbox, CR!

    I'm on to you and your evil ways...



  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    ... it wasn't? Wasn't he the one who started that since-deleted thread by outright calling the Titan folks idiots and racists?
    You're not following... It's simple, you see...
    Saying such negative things about a large group of people is okay when you're a minority that calls some other majority a minority in order to belittle them in hopes that their own minority will be praised as the majority, or at least seen as the martyred souls that were tortured by the majority that is the minority of people you don't like.

    It's easier than finding out who's on first.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Really though, I'm super sad that you guys never got to see the new office interior that was made for Kalisti Warf. I know, another office interior, but even I as impressed.

    This was a nicely lit, ultra modern, clean office interior that even had windows! Fake ones, to be sure but they were done very well. It was all very befitting for the new zone. Unfortunately I don't think that work got into the beta build.
    Oh man... Everything about Kalisti Warf just sounds more and more amazing...

    Don't take my sadness about it to mean that I don't enjoy hearing everything there is to tell, of course.

    And man would I love to see those office maps. Sounds great!