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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*]Please let us teleport hostages to the end of the level. It may seem like it cheapens the experience, but I think the point of the hostage system should be to ensure there is some route out, not that it is by clearing most of the level.[/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]Nobody likes escort missions... in any game.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    well...who said they was in Paragon City? As far as I know they was on Road Island (was it Road or Rouge?) the resone for this assumption is that the spider guy(brain dead right now, I can't remeber his name) homebase is on Road Island and well them hospitle recall devices must have a limted on them if you get what im saying.

    [/ QUOTE ]I have no idea what you're saying.
  3. My name is Bob, feel free to call me that cause it's a lot easier to type and I perfer to know people by thier real names. I'll be 21 in 2 months, don't really do much other than college and use my computer. Haven't worked in like 6+ months because I decided I'm tired of lame jobs with people that don't do anything.

    My picture
  4. Tenstones


    Anyone is welcome to join. Just trying to get a group of people to talk to (in game and on the forums) and do missions with.