I've ran Ramiel's arc on my SS/Ela Brute and my Fire/Dev Blaster. Neither one died or have a problem with any mission on the arc.
I just ran around punching and foot stomping things on my Brute (at +0/x8), not really paying attention to anything except for when to refire Rage while hasten is on auto.
My Blaster didn't die either. (+0/x0) I never got touched by an EB and I'm slotted with generic IO's at the moment and a sub-par build. All I did was stack mines, fling a fire blast, and hide around the corner. Each time I fully expected to have to duke it out a bit after the mines, but each EB was killed by the mine stack. Tactics for the win.
Or was I supposed to charge in and die over and over so I can complain about the game being too hard?