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Your art continues to delight
Whenever there's a delay I get worried that you've moved on and won't be posting anymore awesome pictures, I'm glad that my fears keep being unfounded. (Not that there's anything wrong with the break between pictures, it just builds anticipation)
Yup, empath from normal game play and just O2 boost to heal. Granted, I pretty much only play my badger.
And you should only have to wait a little longer to be able to do this. I understand the sentiment though. When I get new powers I often want to solo to understand just how good they are, since it's hard to get a good reading of just how good a power is if you're overly buffed or enemies are debuffed.
Quote:The Paragon Wiki page was not accurate last time I checked (but this proc tends to get changed on a regular basis) as the suppression had been removed. Thus, if the proc fires again before the buff has expired, it refreshes the buff.According to the paragonwiki entry (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Force_Fe...or_%2BRecharge), it can have a chance to activate off of every target in an AOE. However, it does not stack with itself. So, while an AOE is the best place to put it, if for no other reason then increasing the overall chance it will proc, you can't have it stack multiple times off of one AOE.
Quote:Is it still bugged, though? I remember it kept messing with my Hasten for some reason.
Edit: Also, will it stack if placed in different powers?
And No, the proc will not stack from different powers. -
Quote:And the Final is here... hope you him!
Very Nice LJ. I do in fact him! It was also a lot of fun to watch him develop over the course of the day. Thank you for continuing to share your talents with us. -
OOO, very nice! I love watching the stages and seeing the piece develop. **Tries to contain excitement**
Quote:I didn't think I was going to be interseted in controls either, but I took the required class on it and was hooked, so you never know.That's interesting. I was actually rather curious about the 'dual degree' method of engineering education. Possessing a dual degree in Mechanical and Aerospace would undoubtedly expand my options by severalfold, no?
It's a shame about the Electrical Engineering degree. I'm not specifically interested in Controls (in fact, I don't believe I'm particularly familiar with the sub-sub-disciplinary branches), so I suppose there won't be much overlap.
Regarding the dual degrees, I don't think it really makes all that much of a difference. Because Mechanical and Aerospace are so related, having one you are going to know large sections of the other (part of what makes getting both relatively easy), and employers will recognize this. There are plenty of mechanical engineers that work on aerospace projects and plenty of aerospace engineers that work on non aerospace projects.
I suspect that you would get further pairing Mechanical/Aerospace with Civil or Electrical since they represent more diverse skill sets, but at the same time getting both degrees would be harder to do. -
Quote:BOOOO! HSSSSSSSS!!!I'll openly admit that I'm in a real slump at the moment due to a comment I received on DA, which is resulting in me not knowing where to go with my art. It hurts quite a bit, so I'm trying to recover from it.
I think it's safe to say that people here are greatly enjoying and very appreciative of your art. My art tends to look like stick figures or spiral doodles so I'm jealous of all the artists on these forums that can draw things that actual resemble objects. I hope these words of appreciation can help.
[Well...i started posting before Pirate responded....oh well, Will leave as is] -
Quote:Just some notes if you look at Tal_N's guide...take his numbers with a grain of salt...they're mostly "it looks like X" numbers, not the actual in game numbers. His FR description is currently wrong. Any tick of FR will apply a 30 second debuff (plus the -recharge and slow will continue for another 15 seconds at a lowered level) and any subsequent tick from the same FR will refresh the timer (debuffs from multiple FRs from the same caster will stack). Thus FR effectively provides 45 seconds of debuff (15 seconds of active storm and 30 seconds of debuff).You should also look at Tal_N's Ill/Storm guide. I have a few minor disagreements with him, but overall, his guide is very good.)
Also, as you probably know, as of i14 pets no longer inherit recharge so his comments about LS and hasten no longer apply. However LS will hit every 5.17 seconds not every 8-9 seconds like he claims. -
Well...for soloing AVs (and these are not changes i would recommend for a standard build, but only for an AV specific build) your damage mitigation is going to come from Phantom Army. You don't really care how often the AV attacks since he's not going to be attacking you so you can drop snow storm completely, the damage proc isn't going to make it worth the endurance.
You can also drop hurricane, since again you don't really care if the AV is hitting you since it's attacking Phantom Army anyway. Also AVs will resist tohit debuffs by 85% so Hurricane will only be ~7% to hit debuff. Also it's a huge endurance drain, so if you're trying to keep your endurance up long enough to take down an AV, you probably don't want to be running it. -
Some Thoughts:
Snow Storm is way over slotted. It looks to me like you are slotting for the tempered readiness 3.75% recharge. Save yourself the slots and stick an extra slot in hover for another LoTG. All Snow Storm really needs is some endurance reduction since you can only enhance the slow, not the -rech, and with SS and FR you're going to have everything +2 at the slow cap. If you want to keep the +recovery bonus slot the end/rech/slow and acc/end, the damage proc (if you find you use SS a lot, add another end reducer) and move those extra two slots somewhere else...you don't have a miracle in health.
In FR, I don't think you'll find the +range especially useful, and as I already mentioned the slow is pointless in conjunction with SS. I'd replace it with the pacing of the turtle end/rech/slow.
In hurricane, the recharge slow proc is wasted. Everything +2 is already at the -recharge cap and it won't proc often enough on other stuff for you to notice the difference. Replace the proc with the pure to-hit, it will make a much bigger difference.
Steamy Mist, if you can scrounge the slots (Snow Storm), put some more end reduction in it.
I like to slot tornado up for some additional damage, since it's defense debuff is only 15%
In LS, the entropic chaos chance to heal is wasted. It will only have a chance to effect you when it's summoned. instead 5 slot decimations leaving off the proc. Same recharge bonus, better results.
Also this build is going to be a large endurance hog and i suspect you may wish that you had some endurance recovery from your epic. You're also going to feel light on AOE damage, another problem that taking an epic could remedy a little. I'm not sure what i'd drop though..probably tactics and vengeance. -
Quote:As far as aerospace and mechanical go, the two tend to go pretty much hand in hand. I actually have a dual degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering. There were enough classes that could fill requirements for both that it was pretty easy to do at my University. The year after I graduated though, my University made doing this much harder.
If you don't mind my asking.. were you able to transfer a significant amount of your Aerospace credits towards the later degree in Electrical, or were the credits mutually exclusive to each degree? If I were to branch out into another subdiscipline after/during the Aerospace degree, it would be Electrical or Mechanical.
As far as transferring credits to electircal engineering, that can be quite a bit harder. It depends a lot on what you focus on in aerospace engineering. It's possible to get an aerospace degree that has very little to do with electrical engineering and focuses primarily around issues of aeronautics, propulsion and fuel, material science, etc. Personally I focused more on the controls discipline which is much closer to electrical engineering (and often loathed by mechanical engineers because of this) so there was a lot of overlap. Although I think it would have been difficult for me to change my major to electrical, I was able to take many graduate level electrical engineering courses with mechanical and aerospace background and didn't feel at a loss. I am currently applying to graduate programs in control theory and whether these programs fall under the Mechanical or Electrical departments depends on the University.
The other thing is that most engineering programs these days stress the interdisciplanary nature of engineering, so you are usually required to take engineering courses outside of your specific discipline so you can always apply the aerospace credits towards those requirements.
That was a rather convoluted answer, but Mechanical and Aerospace, easy to go between, Aerospace and Electrical, depends.
Also I wouldn't worry too much about the job market at this point. Although it will likely be hard to get a job doing "rocket science" with some tenacity (which you clearly have) the jobs are still out there to had. That said, in the coming years I expect there to be significant growth in the energy sector and a degree in aerospace engineering with the knowledge of fluid flow and thermodynamics will be invaluable to those companies. There are lots of jobs that aren't explicity aerospace, where the aerospace degree will be valued. -
Quote:I'll play the evil angel on the shoulder. As an aerospace engineer who played CoH all through college I assure you it can be done. CoH was my destresser late at night. However, you know how good you are at time management, and whether or not you can juggle both, but I thought I would let you know it's possible, the two aren't mutually exclusiveAC is going to college on August 24th, a mere week from today. I will be going to a small community college in central Texas in order to acquire some credits cheaply (along with a host of other reasons, but that's the main one), and after a year, I'll transfer to one of three universities (UT Austin, UT Arlington or Texas A&M) to complete a degree program focused on Aerospace Engineering. Yup.. AC's going to be a freakin' rocket scientist, if he's smart enough and can hack it.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy aerospace engineering, I know I did (although I discovered controls was really my passion and am now working as an electrical engineer). -
Alright, I don't have the patience to do an exhaustive test of AVs and EBs, and as I said I think there are a good number of exceptions. AVs that scale down to EBs still have 85% resistance to debuffs. EBs that are actual EBs appear to have 20% resistance. I suspect there are a good number of exceptions, but that's a good rule of thumb.
Yeah...I thought you'd ask that. It's been a while since I checked EBs, as I recall, they aren't consistent and it depends on whether it's an AV scaled down to an EB or a mob that was originally an EB. Sometime in the coming weeks though I will be going back through and testing for my Storm guide, so I will let you know when I have confirmation.
Wow...that's some awesome work Cashoo!
I suspect I'm too late, but I'll toss my character Draggynn a storm/psi defender on the pile anyway. I would definitely be willing to pay for a comission from you if there might be a link somewhere that has information...
Um and forumites in general, is there a way to scale pictures after linking them...these are larger than is ideal....[OOO, photobucket lets me scale them there...I guess i can scale them on that end]
Draggynn is the quiet type and avoids confrontation when possible. He strives to be diplomatic and a peace keeper, but has a mean streak when it comes to Crey Industries.
I have no pose preference but he flies and something crouching might work well for him. -
Additionally, AVs will resist most debuffs by 85% at lvl 50 (only 60% at level 1). Additionally, rank will allow enemies to resist to-hit debuffs, 10% for Lts, 20% for bosses.
The recharge intensive pet enhancments were fixed in i14 with the changes to pet recharge inheritance.
I think player notes are also stored on the user machine. Also MA arcs (oops, those were already mentioned by DJKyo)
I would take O2 Boost over Gale at level 1, especially since if you really want a KB cone you have torrent in Dark Blast as already mentioned. I would also do everything to get stamina at lvl 20. You have so many toggles you will be sorry the longer you go without it. In addition to dropping gale for O2 in Psylenz's build, I would not take hurdle that early if you want it (i would skip it entirely). At least put it off until after stamina, so that you can get stamina at lvl 20.
Also, Hurricane will benefit tremendously from additional slots. One acc/debuff will put even con minions at -45% to hit which is effectively soft capped defense. However, enemies above minion rank and a higher level than you will have resistance to to-hit debuffs so having a number higher than -45% is extremely beneficial! I haven't checks these numbers in a while, but Lts. resist by 10%, Bosses by 20% and AVs by 85%. Furthermore, for 1 lvl above you, you're 90% effective, for 2 levels, 80% effective, 3 levels, 65% effective. Slots in hurricane will be espcially important if you plan to pvp. -
Quote:I'm sorry you took my post personally, it was in no way intended to be a personal attack on you. To they extent that I quoted you "out of context" I quoted the part of your post with which I disagreed. I fully understood that, in the broadest sense, we agree, but the way I read your argument there are several fundamental points with which I disagree.Really? Because if you look at all my posts that is exactly what I said. If the intent is meant as offensuve then absoloutely that person or persons are ebing deliberately inflamatory. Im really not sure why you think I said otherwise. Excpet of course in the event you didnt read my full post properly and took the part you chose to pick as "at fault" and dare I say it "out of context".
Maybe I misread your post, so correct me if I'm wrong but I think i'm taking a MUCH stronger stance than you were. I was not under the impression that you thought being "deliberately inflamtory" was okay. I was however under the impression, based on:
Quote:I think the door swings both ways. But I also beleive it is for others to choose not to be offended also.
I'm arguing that just becuase someone did not use it in a "deliberately inflamatory" manner does not make it okay to use.
Quote:I mean you hold people to a higher standard than me? Do you really? Please do tell how you came by this decision.
Furthermore, althought I don't advocate,
I do believe in pointing out when the term has been found offensive, and expect people to correct their behaviour appropriately. In fact, I would advocate anyone who feels comfortable enough speaking up in these situations, to do so.
If I misunderstood the position you were arguing, then I'm glad we're on the same side, but I suspect there are substantial differences in our positions. Again, I'm sorry that you took the post personally, I had not intended that at all. -
Quote:...Yeah...we are not going to see eye to eye on this at all. I mean any person can choose whether or not to be offended by any manner of derogatory terms, but that does not make them unoffensive. And I think I hold people to higher standard than you do.I really dont mean to belittle your point at all and while I of all people am a big beleiver in accepting ones responsibility I think the door swings both ways. I agree it could be irrisponsible to use a word without knowing its true meaning. But I also beleive it is for others to choose not to be offended also. In other words it gets us nowhere by attacking everyone insisting they should change.
I recognize that when people say "that is so gay" they may not realize that the term is offensive to some people, but when I tell them that I find it offensive, I expect them to stop. I used to be in the bad habit of referring to things I found dumb as "retarded" but after being informed that this was indeed still a term that people found offensive (in this case it was by a friend that had a mentally challenged sibling) I now try very hard to refrain from using that word.
To be honest, personally, people calling something gay doesn't really bother me, but I will continue to inform people that I would rather they not use that term. Why? Because there might be someone out there who is gay and is closeted or simply not out to the people involved and every time they hear the term gay used in a derogatory manner it makes it that much harder for them to come out to those people. If the people are using gay in a derogatory way because they believe being gay is wrong, then the "it doesn't mean homosexual" argument holds no weight. If they have no problem with a person's sexual orientation, then using the term gay in derogatory manner sends the wrong message to their potentially closeted friends and acquaintences and should still be avoided. I think that it gets us nowhere if we simply allow these words to go by unaddressed. I will always ask people to stop because there might be someone out there for whom it will make a difference.
I just can't envision any situation where I think using the term "gay" in a derogatory manner would be okay since you can't be certain of a person's sexual orientation. -
Thank you for catching the typo, i'm sure there are many more in there
I'm a numbers person, so the raw data means more to me, but it's good to be reminded that some people prefer a description, round 2 will incorporate that, as well as the shift of mechanics information to an appendix(the existence of which probably would have become inevitable as I fleshed out the rest of the powers). -
Quote:Yup, it's in there. Took me a moment to find it though, thought I might have taken it out for a moment.Thus, casting O2 boost on someone after they have been stunned, frees them from the effect. The same can be said for sleep, although any heal or attack will bring a player out of sleep, but, being able to preemptively prevent sleep is a special feature of O2 Boost.