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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    All in all it was a great event and look forward to a second annual gathering in the future.

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    Who said anything about these things being merely annual?

    [/ QUOTE ]This was my thought all along. Do a few of em. Different devs can go to some of em. The way I see it, not only is this fun for the players that go, and great PR, but it makes the devs there feel appreciated, for what can often be a thankless job.

    Zeus - God of theory
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Now now Kosh.... don't tease the chowd. After all, living next to the north pole causes dementia... he can't help it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man, I'm originally from Indiana and I still never thought that Florida and Texas were even remotely close together. Of course, I also realized quite early on that states in the south tend to be larger and filled with tons of nothingness between bastions of civilization (example: Georgia. Never have I seen a state so full of empty. And people say we're running out of room for our population..), as opposed to states in the north/northeast, which tend towards the more compact.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh... I thought it was a riot when i lived in georgia. This was exactly what the people there thought. They thought the south had a monopoly on the concept of "rural". Yet,... anywhere you go in georgia you're no more than an hour drive from a city.

    I live in Maine, where we only have a million people altogether, and some places are 5 or so hours from an actual city. People routinely drive a couple hours just to shop. I personally consider boston a day trip.. it's only five hours to get there, and when you live so seperated from the rest of the states, five hours isn't so bad. That's probably why I considered NJ so close to boston.. that's only a four hour drive. (depending on where in jersey of course... but NYC is three from boston)... Hell, once when driving from south carolina to maine I stopped by Ohio because it was on my way.

    And it's still only one waterway. Take a canoe. It's cheap and you could use the excersize.

    Zeus - god of real men
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Any backwater hole the company resides in (apparantly this one is in texas)

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    This comment and another one further up the thread has pushed me to comment.

    Austin is not a backwater hole, and it certainly isn't hicksville, as someone called it earlier. Sure, it's not a huge [censored] city like Boston, New York, or LA by any stretch, but it's a city of roughly 550-750K in population, and it's a damn fine place to reside. Unlike the rest of Texas, which is a pretty conservative place, Austin is a very laid back, liberal, and polygot place. It also has a HUGE number of tech firms here (Dell is here, for one thing), so it's not just farms and hayseeds.

    Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest. Thank you for your time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wasn't saying anything about austin. I don't know austin, never even been there.

    What I was saying is that a possibility for a convention (as is obvious in this case) is wherever the company winds up being. Doesn't matter if it's in the middle of alaska, it's always a possibility.

    Of course, that said, I'm not a big fan of the south, and from what I can tell, texas winds up in that genre for me. At least as far as the modal personality of the area goes, which is what i didn't care for (texas at least would be an educated part of the south I'm guessing, which is always a plus). So far every texan I've known has sworn up and down they're totally different from your average georgian, and yet neither the georgians or anyone else can tell them apart.

    But that's my bias... I had to live in Georgia for a couple years and the beating my sanity took was almost too much to bear.

    Zeus - god of backwater roads
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    They should have one in central New Jersey.

    Just saying.

    But knowing my luck, the closest place they'd have one is in NYC. And NYC is a hellhole.

    And you know how I feel about hellholes.

    Currently listening to the Ramones' Loco Live

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's why I'd figure boston instead of NYC... it's close enough, (close to NJ for that matter) and a hell of a lot more pleasant than some of the alternatives.

    But I'd actually wager more that this little get together is the preamble to an actual CoH con. They needed to test the waters a bit... kind of like releasing the arena when they're really just testing the waters for CoV PvP. Everyone there was really just a guinea pig. Did they make you press on a bar everytime you saw a light flash to get your pizza? HA!

    Seriously though, I do see a Coh con in the future. Perhaps it's just hope, but it would be highly cool.

    Zeus - god of some hope
  5. Florida, that's only a little bit away from texas, right?

    only a couple states between you if I remember right... oh hell... florida and texas are right next to each other! They're only seperated by a single waterway! just take a boat!

    Zeus - god of alternatives
  6. Eh.. personally I'd only peg a few locations for this sort of thing.

    Any backwater hole the company resides in (apparantly this one is in texas)

    Any other locations... well, they're close enough to texas, boston, chicago or california.

    Zeus - god of locations, locations and locations.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Ever notice how the ears on elves just keep getting longer and longer and longer these days?

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    They're called handles.

    Seriously though.. I'd highly reccomend the next event be in boston. It's a pretty big place, alot of people available, close to NY/new england, a whole lotta good advantages (still a 5 hour drive for me, but it's still a damned nice venue)

    Zeus - god of events
  8. DrZeus

    Comic #10

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    Thanks for the quick reply, Troy!

    I agree that only Sean Michael Fish knows for sure.

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    I'm just kind of curious as to Sean Michael Fish. Because you generally don't refer to people with three names. We don't say "Troy Montague Hickman" for example. Or "Mercedes Hildegard Lackey". Two names people. Two names.

    Yes. For legal reasons, often people need to have themselves referred to by three names so they're not confused with another person with only two names. There is most likely another Sean Fish out there somewhere with his name registered on something. but we all know who we're talking about when we start talking Sean+Fish.

    I suppose I'm in a weird mood today. The three name thing always threw me though. I suppose there are a few people who do genuinely want to be called by three names, but I'd wager they were few and far between.

    Zeus - god of probability
  9. DrZeus

    Comic #10

    I'm a big fan of the theory that this is a step in manticore creating wyvern.

    Making him go rogue would be... kind of limp. He's not big on authority, but there's a HUGE difference between not liking authority and being evil. And frankly, it's incredibly lame and tired to confuse the two... and so far, the CoH comic hasn't been incredibly lame and tired, so I'd say they're not doing that.

    No.. my money is on manticore killing protean. Because.. you know... he was asking for it. Then when statesman got all uppity about it he just saw that as a good opportunity to do the whole wyvern thing, basically establish a superhero group who does what they have to do without trying to be all goody-goody about it. Manticore has probably seen statesman drop the ball many a time by not doing what is needed because he sticks to some pretty unrealistic and outdated ideals.

    I figure he may even have elicited the help of those former sidekicks just because he knew he could trust them not to spill the beans to statesman when this is all over. He'll hand over the group, get some brownie points and pertinent information, the information needed to set up a permanent settlement and base of operations in the rogue isles, and then rescue his friends, get out of there, and wyvern will be set up.

    Besides, since we already know wyvern is founded and trained by manticore, it would be pretty damned limp to have manticore not a hero. Who would train the wyvern? Wyvern wouldn't exactly fight AGAINST manticore at that point... they'd probably just break up due to lack of leadership and dissention in the ranks as to whether or not to join manticore or stay a good guy.

    Zeus - god of timelines
  10. DrZeus

    Pantsless Hero

    This will be great news for a friend of mine's character.... a hero, who looks like a mexican wrestler, named "Sans Pantalones". He's currently kind of orange.

    Zeus - god of pants
  11. Well, It's feb 14th, officially rip out your heart day and give it to your loved ones, so anyone to jump on this bandwagon should do it by now.

    Tomorrow I'll go back to my feet.... but for today I decided to go with some innuendo combined with a CoH refrence...

    The two foot blaster.

    Zeus - god of refrences
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Only one more day for me to change my avatar.... So today's is a little sentimental. A reminder back to the good old days, when love didn't cost alot.

    $5 ho

    Zeus - god of being nostalgic

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    Zeus, you are kinda scaring me as of late. What's the deal? When do we get our cynical, proper grammar, long educated post Zeus back?

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    Ah, that's after the holidays. Perhaps losing my feet avatar has affected my poorly. Well, in two days i'll have my feet back and I will be as normal as I ever was.


    Zeus - god of normalcy
  13. Only one more day for me to change my avatar.... So today's is a little sentimental. A reminder back to the good old days, when love didn't cost alot.

    $5 ho

    Zeus - god of being nostalgic
  14. Today's is all about love too.

    Too bad the word "batch" is five letters.... had to shorten it.

    Zeus - god of daily batches
  15. The only unfortunate aspect of making a new heart every day is that it erases the old hearts that I put in.

    So today I replace "I gave you VD" with "I did your mom".

    Oh, to get into the holliday spirit of things.

    Zeus - god of enjoyment
  16. Well, it's only a few days until valentines' day, so I suppose I'll just keep switching valentine's hearts until the day of the 14th.

    Of course, I haven't had this one for a full day yet. But I'll have to have a new heart tomorrow.

    Zeus - god of multiple sayings
  17. Well, I suppose I can deal with this bandwagon as well.

    I'm such a joiner.

    Zeus - god of humor
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok... the next event should definately be in Maine.

    I have seen a couple other Maine-iacs on these boards, and as a father of two and the owner of a boat I think I'm qualified to say that this would be the perfect place for just about any event.

    Although all this talk about people posing as other forum posters I think is wildly amusing. I just hope no one pretends to be me without a labcoat. (I wear a labcoat when I go out in public) I don't think I'd want any incarnation of me to go to an event like this without a labcoat.

    Zeus - god of style

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I volunteer. I have many labcoats. White ones, patterns, designs... ohh, a black one.

    [/ QUOTE ] Now THAT'S style. One of my next projects is to put together a leather labcoat for the winter months. At one point I was going to make a purple/blue labcoat with silver stars and moons on it, but my wife vetoed the idea. (I pretty much have to give my wife veto power on my projects or else I'll wind up like Howard Huges)

    Zeus - god of restraint
  19. Ok... the next event should definately be in Maine.

    I have seen a couple other Maine-iacs on these boards, and as a father of two and the owner of a boat I think I'm qualified to say that this would be the perfect place for just about any event.

    Although all this talk about people posing as other forum posters I think is wildly amusing. I just hope no one pretends to be me without a labcoat. (I wear a labcoat when I go out in public) I don't think I'd want any incarnation of me to go to an event like this without a labcoat.

    Zeus - god of style
  20. DrZeus

    Your Opinion

    [ QUOTE ]

    This is mainly due to the whole subscription thing, paying money every month in addition to the initial game cost. I can't really reason that away with "but it's saving me money on games I don't need to buy for entertainment", since I don't buy a lot of games anyway. (Also, these people tend to be the sort who don't really see the point in paying for games, when they could pirate them for free.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can see the complaint about the monthly fee thing... but only because I don't watch television... don't understand why other people do... and therefore don't pay 40 bucks a month in cable.

    Makes you wonder how many of these people that are complaining pay pricy cable bills on a monthly basis too.

    Zeus - god of third entries
  21. DrZeus

    Your Opinion

    [ QUOTE ]
    I spend 80$ a month for 5mbit Cable modem and my 2 accounts. that will keep me entertained for the whole month.

    they will spend that in a night at the bar. or double that. Who's the winner?

    I don't explain it. My family makes fun of it. Damned shoulder Kittens and Fire imps. I hear about it every family gathering.

    My fiance likes it in that she knows where I am. i'm not at the bar, or the strippers, talking to girls or what have you. She knows i'm inthe comptuer room, playing a game with friends.

    It's no weirded then when in the decades past, grown adults get together to play cards, or go bowling, or do crafts together. it's the same thing. A hobby with friends.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It used to be a topic of some amusement from my father... he never made fun of it.. he just thought it was funny that I would veg out in front of a computer... (he saw it as the same as veging out in front of a TV I suppose, which he's also not a big fan of).

    Then... I won $1200 bucks worth of stuff in the film festival. He's now finds it much less amusing. He also sees how much I enjoy even participating in the contests... and that's a much more hands-on kind of passtime that he can understand more.

    So if people give you crap about it... then win a contest. Then ask them how much they've won at their hobbies.

    Zeus - god of alternatives
  22. DrZeus

    Your Opinion

    [ QUOTE ]
    You pay for your entertainment. Some people pay for a gazillion channels of cable television, some people pay tons of movies each month for movies, some people buy clothes for the sake of it. You pay for a video game. It's the same thing, really, just some short-sighted people can't seem to grasp that playing video games is no different than watching television, except more fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is well said.

    To me... humans like vices. Some people like some vices... not every vice is for everyone.

    Some people like to gamble. Some are druggies. Some drink alot. Some veg out in front of the television. Some play lottery alot.

    Me.... I play computer games. I find it less expensive than most vices (and I'm cheap, so that matters to me) I find it immersive and flexible. And non-harmful. That makes a huge difference to me... as many vices have some huge drawbacks. I don't become permanantly stupid due to computer use for example.

    Zeus - god of vice
  23. I got my wife involved during the CoH beta. She quit during issue 3... game just got too easy. She's back now... playing once again now that Issue 5 and 6 have made the game fun for her again.. She's enjoying herself like she did originally. It's nice to have her play once again.

    Zeus - god of enjoying my wife
  24. There are 248 couples in this game.

    Zeus - god of answers to direct questions
  25. did you try 100 guards?

    and you may want to try more prisoners. They're alot more common than contaminated thugs afterall, so a team can wipe out 100 in just a couple of minutes. They may have upped the number.

    Zeus - god of ideas