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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, lay off the Raise Thread.

    Yes, the program is pretty much dead. However, I would note that you really don't need it.

    In the past, the solution was to use:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bind ctrl+lbutton powexecname Teleport</pre><hr />

    so that whenever you did ctrl-left click, you immediately teleported to exactly where your cursor was within line-of-sight, bypassing the reticle.

    In recent times, however, to make for a one-handed teleporting solution, some people use:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bind mousechord powexecname Teleport</pre><hr />

    so that you click both mouse buttons to bring up the targetting reticle, allowing you to teleport one-handed.

    As for speed on demand, it's complex, prone to breaking, and doesn't keep up with combat well anymore.

    Mods, can you lock this thread, please?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about no. City Binder may be dead, but my bind is very much alive. The program I made is still available for download too. I haven't updated it in god knows how long, but I still use it as do a number of people I know. The way my bind works is different for either method you explained.

    It can turn teleport into a ghetto toggle where the reticle is always up so that you can teleport yourself with ease. And, it can easily be changed to be all controlled from the mouse.

    The whole reason I created this bind was because I found the old '/bind ctrl+lbutton powexecname Teleport' bind to be dissappointing.

    For that matter, I use Speed on Demand still as well. There's the occasional hiccup, but the good outweighs the bad in my opinion.

    So, please, if this thread for whatever reason bothers you because it's old, don't look at it. I still get PMs regarding this topic.
  2. This is the first I've heard of this problem. What method did you use to create the bind?
  3. Just a note to everybody.

    Thank you for all your postive comments!

    I realize there are flaws with this bind and this program in general. I keep my eye on this thread and want to let all of you know that I still intend to update both the program and the bind sometime in the future.

    Unfortunately, I work and go to college full time, so I don't have a lot of spare time. Just keep an eye out and if ever I get a free moment and some motivation, there will be an update.
  4. You shouldn't have to. If you do, then it's a game bug.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, I'm a complete computer dumb dumb. I just recently bought the game and someone led me to this post since I use Teleport.

    My problem is (embrassingly):
    1. What is a bind anyway?
    2. What exactly does this program do? How does it alter Teleport the way it normally is?
    3. I downloaded the program but now what? There's no help files or any step by step procedures so I have no idea what to change and what to leave alone.
    4. Warshade, Peacebringer? What are these?
    5. What's the difference between Shift and Toggle?

    Basically, is there any "noob" user friendly guide to use this? I fooled around with it for a little bit but I don't notice any changes and I get a Bind exceeds Maximum length error.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1. A bind is a means to assign powers, commands, emotes, etc from the game to a specific button or buttons on your keyboard and/or mouse.

    2. Many members of the community are not happy with how teleport works. This bind does several things to try to make it more user friendly as it is the travel power with the highest learning curve. To activate teleport normally without a bind, you need to click on it in the power tray. A targeting reticle comes up to allow you to target where you want to teleport to. This is a very slow process and not efficient at all. Also, teleport is not firendly to those players who have slow machines or dial-up. Most people will bind teleport to something like 'E' for example so that they can hit it and the reticle will come up. This is more efficient, but I wanted to take things several steps further.

    My bind can change the graphical settings on demand so that teleporting becomes easier for slower machines. It can also hide User Interface windows that may get in your way while teleporting.

    3. Teleport Type: Originally, I tried to make an all-in-one bind for Peacebringers, Warshades, and normal heroes. I found limitations to this, however. Since you had to ask about this. Just leave it on normal for now.

    Mode: This chooses between toggle and shift which I will discuss later.

    Shift/Toggle Key: This assigns the modifier key for teleport. Essentially, whatever key you assign to this will be the key you use to activate the reticle.

    Reset Key: This is the same concept as the shift/toggle key except this key resets the bind if something goes wrong with the bind.

    Normal Settings and Teleport Settings: The descriptions here are just how they sound. These are the settings for when not in teleport mode and when in teleport mode. If you have a slow machine, you'll want to set the world detail lower for teleport. Camera distance is based on personal preference. I find the camera to be further out is handy.

    Items Shown in Teleport Mode: This allows you to choose what windows you want to be displayed while in Teleport mode. By default, I have it set to Navigation only because you want to know where you're going, right?

    Choose Directory: This allows you to choose the directory on your computer where you want the bind to be placed.

    Exit: This closes the program.

    Once you have chosen the directory, some more windows will come up giving you the necessary information to load the bind.

    4. Warshades and Peacebringers are Epic Archetypes. They inherently have teleport powers, but they go by different names, so different binds need to be made for them.

    5. Shift mode allows you to hold down the shift/toggle key and go into teleport mode. You will be in teleport mode while it is held down. Once you let go, you will be in normal mode. I use this mode in missions for example when I teleport into a mob and don't need to teleport again.

    Toggle mode makes long distance travel easier. You hit the shift/toggle button and stay in teleport mode until you hit the button again.

    The reason I think my bind is better than most others is simply because of the diversity and it's the only one of its nature that keeps the targeting reticle up. All binds of a similar nature would leave you on your on essentially as far as where you would end up after a teleport.

    I hope this all helps.
  6. When you create the bind, it should create all 4 files in whatever directory you choose. It will always by default, however, create a teleport folder in the directory you choose. The files are stored in that folder.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Could you paste the exact line that's not working here?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, please. To help you, I'll need to know exactly what line the program is producing.
  8. DrLetharga

    Ten Tracks

    Here I go again!

    Daft Punk - Something About Us
    Smashing Pumpkins - Thru the Eyes of Ruby
    The Offspring - Change the World
    Josh Wink - Are You There?
    Filter - Dose
    Billy Idol - Rebel Yell &lt;-- He's the man!
    Daft Punk - Crescendolls
    Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself
    Beck - Where It's At
    Alice in Chains - Them Bones
  9. DrLetharga

    Ten Tracks

    [ QUOTE ]

    Rage Against the Machine - Ashes in the Fall

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love that song, but then, I love Rage period.

    Alright, list 2.

    No Doubt - Spiderwebs
    Michael Jackson - Thriller
    The Prodigy - Fuel My Fire
    The Smashing Pumpkins - Jellybelly
    Rob Dougan - Furious Angels
    Guns n' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
    Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad
    Enya - Orinoco Flow
    The Offspring - Meaning of Life
    The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl
  10. DrLetharga

    Ten Tracks

    Adhering to the rules of the game:

    Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall
    Daft Punk - Aerodynamic
    Nobuo Uematsu - One-Winged Angel (Orchestrated)
    Filter - White Like That
    Howard Shore and Annie Lenox - Into the West
    Garbage - The Trick is to Keep Breathing
    The Prodigy - Voodoo People (Chemical Brothers Remix)
    Gorillaz - Dare
    Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger
    Stabbing Westward - What Do I Have to Do?

    Cuppa wins for the grey album.
    Spaceman also wins for having anything The Ramones. Johnny Ramone RIP
  11. Thanks for the time you took to post this Enan. I will make sure to use it in my forum-foo whenever the confusion topic comes up again.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I really never make these types of binds with making files and I just made Warshade so here is a stupid question. How do you make a new file.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you'd be better off going here:

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Did I get the wrong version? I am getting the map when I finish travelling?

    I love this Bind, Great job, it makes TP a power I will finally use frequently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, you didn't get the wrong version. That's an oversight of mine that I will fix in the next build. Refer to this post I made previously in response to that.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Unfortunately, that was an oversight of mine that I will fix in the next build. In the mean time, go to the directory where you saved the text files and open teleport_on1.txt. In the first line you'll see $$window_show map somewhere. Delete that and it should fix your problem.

    Hope that helps!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Only problem I still have is the difficulty in using Shadow Step after I've reached level 20 and have 'access' to Dwarf Step.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could you elaborate on that.

    I have some free time coming up in a few weeks and I'll try to work on the new build then with all the suggestions in mind that people have made and some other surprises.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Situation:
    Since reaching level 20, I am no longer able to use the bind to successfully teleport in Human Form/using Shadow Step. A targeting reticule comes up, but the power isn't usable. In the combat log, I get "You cannot use Black Dwarf Step at this time."

    My guess, is that once I reached level 20, having Black Dwarf Step as a valid power choice meant that the bind always attempts to use Black Dwarf Step.

    * Edit *
    Thinking it over, I suspect this will be a problem unique to Warshades, given that they're pretty much the only ones who should have two permanent teleport power options.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dang it. I didn't think that'd be a problem which is why I incorporated both Warshade teleport powers into that bind. I will look that over and try to fix it soon. I'll have to bug someone to test it for me. Volunteers?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Love the program... quick question:

    How do I set it up so that the Map doesn't show up after I teleport somewhere? Not sure exactly what setting I need to do?

    Thanks for making this great program!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unfortunately, that was an oversight of mine that I will fix in the next build. In the mean time, go to the directory where you saved the text files and open teleport_on1.txt. In the first line you'll see $$window_show map somewhere. Delete that and it should fix your problem.

    Hope that helps!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Only problem I still have is the difficulty in using Shadow Step after I've reached level 20 and have 'access' to Dwarf Step.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could you elaborate on that.

    I have some free time coming up in a few weeks and I'll try to work on the new build then with all the suggestions in mind that people have made and some other surprises.
  17. Alright ladies and gentlemen. Thanks to Frost, I have an updated version for you. If the old version doesn't work, use this installation program. It should allow you to use the program now. It's 2MB big while the other is 54KB, so don't use it unless you really want to and the original doesn't work. Here is the link:

    tpbind installer
  18. Sorry guys. I've been busy and such. Started school up again this week. Anywho, try this link and see if that helps. If not, I'll see what I can do. I'm going to update it with more features and error-checking in the future. Stay Tuned!
  19. Dah, yeah. Overlooked that. I'll make it so you that doesn't happen with my next build. Sorry about that.
  20. Hello folks. Before the thread gets purged in General Discussion and because I think it deserves it's own thread moreso than my new bind; I present the Ultimate Teleport Bind the Program. This is based on my New Teleport bind which can be found here. For those that don't know, the best new feature is that the targeting reticle always stays up while you are in teleport mode. I will give a more thorough low-down on what it can do.

    <ul type="square">[*]Choose between normal, peacebringer, or warshade teleport types[*]Choose shift or toggle mode[*]Choose the keys you want bound[*]Choose how far you want the camera out while in teleport mode and normal mode[*]Choose the world detail settings for both teleport and normal mode[*]Choose whether to keep shadows on or off while teleporting[*]Choose what windows you want hidden or shown while teleporting[*]Choose the directory you want it installed to[*]Now has a reset in case something goes wrong[*]Makes you aware if your bind exceeds 256 characters in a line (Bind will not work if it does)[*]Allows you to copy the needed command to load the reset file and get started[*]Targeting reticle always shows up[/list]
    If there are any questions, please let me know. Here is an image of the main window:

    Main Window

    Here is the actual program itself. Enjoy!
  21. Good guide magicj! My main is Mind/FF. I've been known to dabble in these same tactics. I definately agree with everything you've said.
  22. This bind in program form can now be found here.
  23. Ok, I don't know what happened between yesterday and a few days ago, but somehow, the game doesn't like the length of these binds now. *Sigh* I'll have to figure something out... In the mean time. ***DO NOT USE THEM***
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Whenever I try loading this macro, I keep getting this odd ugly error spam in global repeating the contents of the various binds more or less. Except it truncates (at $$window_hide_tray$$b).

    Consequently, it doesn't really work for me, so how do I fix this problem .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure rei. I'm actually writing a program along with Frost that allows you to customize my bind and when I use the binds created by the program, the same thing happens. I PMed Cuppa to see if she can refer me to someone who can help. I'll keep you guys updated. In the mean time, you'll have to take out a few options I guess. Sorry.