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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the added info. I've never tried the lower damage attack thing to notice a difference. I'll have to play around with it a bit. Thanks.

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    It makes a huge difference, I would rank it in the top 3 things to know when pulling.

    the other two being the watch the way the opponents are facing and get out of the range of the one you are trying to pull. If he/she fires a shot in earshot of the other mobs, they will come.
  2. Nice Guide!

    ET Suicides lead to no debt? That's interesting to know.
  3. FYI: Long Range missile has a longer activation time than the AR snipe- just guessing, I'd say about a third longer.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    On another note: Post in the Blaster forum how we are crap and see how quickly the tune changes.

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    I'm actually pretty vocal on the Blaster boards and I actually posted there asking the Blaster community at large to review this Guide.
    I want it accurate and honest.

    On a different subject my Scrapper does more single Target damage than my Ice Blaster without crits and he's Spine (I posted on this a while ago when I did the test. The post is called Blasters King of damge...Right).

    Honestly I would like to see Blasters get something real special at 50 after completing all the main TF's and doing 5 of the main Story Arcs post 40.

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    Found your post on spines vrs ice:
    Blasters King of Damage...Yeah Right
    Others can have a read and see what they think. Good points on both sides of the discussion.

    Concerning posting on the blaster forums, I'm not saying that posting this guide on the forums would illicit a different response although I can easily see how it could be read that way. I wasn't talking about your guide and should have made that clear. I was talking more about this kind of post:
    Blasters are worth nothing

    The point I'm trying to make is that in reading the following posts you see blasters step right up and say "I can do this...!" and "I can do that...!" The blaster community higlights its positives and talks about what it can do and not (as much) about what it can't.

    It was an antagonistic post and got the other side of the coin. I think it was a dev in disguise to find out out info from the contrarian side of the blaster community

    I'm all for the special bonus if you get to 50 with a blaster...after debt it works out to more like 60-65 anyway.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you go single target- well, by yourself, no one will be able to eliminate single target as quick as you.

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    Scrappers can, if they can get criticals. Scrappers have a higher damage cap than blasters too.

    The problem is that we dont have the defenses scrappers have. So we both draw all the aggro they do, but only scrappers have the defenses to deal with it.

    Being a blaster is hard, but it's definitely not boring.

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    Yeah I said that about the criticals...and the energy tanks...and the controllers...
  6. Funny and cynical. all and all a depressing read since I'm struggling through it as well.

    On the bright side:

    If you go AoE Blaster- no one will be able to eliminate a single mob of bad guys as quick as some blaster builds can. Herding throws this off since multiple groups are racked up at once but for single groups- when you're on point, you're really on point

    If you go single target- well, by yourself, no one will be able to eliminate single target as quick as you. Controllers might be able to beat you with pets... scrappers with criticals, er...well built energy tanks... ice/eng might be able to outrace them.

    Blappers: Try to do this starting from level 1 and no one will beat you to the debt cap

    On another note: Post in the Blaster forum how we are crap and see how quickly the tune changes.
  7. *Yawn*

    Well, whatever...I give up. Throw down the xp leash- just to make this game harder, but not like it will really effect PLing (other than side effects that Dwimble and Skunkwerks mentioned- and I like the panhandling example whoever that was ).

    I really like this game and and I'll tolerate just about any garbage that gets thrown at me. To be perfectly honest, if I felt that the time/content vrs. reward scale is ever way off, I'll just take the easy way to get that reward for a bit.

    On a lighter note! How about this for the conspiracy theory of the day . This is all just an effort by the Devs to shave .25% off the total xp you earn to keep the casual player in the game longer. Multiplied by all the users out there, this has got to add up to a whole whack of cash. Any believers?

    OMG!!! Further evidence!!
    [ QUOTE ]

    In the defense of the Devs. Erring on the side of overcorrection is the PROPER datamining tactic, regardless of its "political" consequences (positive or negative).

    Let's say that States decided "to curb this kind of PLing I am willing to take a 1% hit in average legit XP/H, in order to decrease PLing XP by at least 50%." So his hypothesis is that his implementaiton will take a big hurt out of the PLing XP without a big hurt on the non-PLing XP.

    If he overcorrects and gets a 5% loss, then he knows he overcorrected. But the important part is that if he sees that at 5% loss in legit XP he gets only a 5% loss in PLing XP then he knows to trash the whole idea: he'll never even get close to his planned goal. he has disproved his hypothesis in a single test.

    On the other hand, if he undercorrects and gets a .5% XP loss and a 5% PLing loss, he doesn't know that the idea is completely untenable. Perhaps the legit loss grows linearly and the PL loss grows exponentially.

    By overcorrecting the first time he finds out the very first datamine if the problem he's trying to curb actually can be curbed using his technique. Then he can adjust it to see if the collateral damage can become low enough to make it worthwhile.

    So it's not only for "negotiation" reasons that you begin such a plan erring on the side of overcorrection. Especially in a test environment.

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    Just kidding, JuppaCo. But it was so conveinient!

    edit: repeated words