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Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.
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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'.
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How would you get the powers? Who would train you in these new ways? They're villains, they wont do soemthing for nothing.
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I can beat up the patrons and take their powers. Simple, really. -
Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.
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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'.
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Ghost Sharks, that is why your idea is wrong.
That and just do some dam roleplaying if you want to do thsat, your charicter worms your way into (insert patron here) then runs of with there mace/sceret tombs ect laughing all the way. Or you beat some heads in take the dam mace/other things and wander off into the night laughting. Sre you might be "lying" to your self about what the missions are about, but that is what roleplaying is all about unless you really are your villian.
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All I'm saying is, they could have the same exact powers but instead of being given to you by some Arachnos flunky, you beat up the patron and take the power yourself. THAT is villainous. -
And the RPers need to get a clue. You can't complain about additions to a game because they don't fit YOUR personal bios. Make believe is not that important in the greater scheme of things. If it really bothers you that much. Quit the game and go invest in a life. Otherwise work with the changes.
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YEAH You stupid RPers! What's wrong with you?!?!?! Trying to RP in an RPG??!?!?! THAT'S MADNESS I SAY!!!! -
Hey, here's a novel idea! If you don't like the powers/don't want to be an Arachnos flunky, don't do the missions! Just sayin'.
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I've got a better idea! How about we get powers without being flunky the way the heroes do! Just sayin'. -
Finally, what would happen if Arachnos did go after the Destined Ones with enough force to pose a real threat? Simple, the Destined Ones would turn to the enemies of Arachnos for protection. Nemesis. The Council. Malta. Even Longbow. All of whom would jump at a chance to get valuable intelligence on Arachnos technology, tactics, bases, troop strengths.... (Though I pity anyone who chose Malta; better to die on your feet than live on your knees.)
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That's a good narrative idea.Can we put you down as a trailblazer for the idea of the alternate PPPs in I9?
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I think we should get to fight the patrons. All of them. -
I doubt it would go through Pocket D, just seems cheesy and lame. If this whole switching sides thing is supposed to be epic and a major event in your character's life, Pocket D just doesn't "fit".
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Well, the whole TF could be held in a variety of more instanced area but still begin and end in Pocket D. I doubt that the hypothetical Crossover TF )switching to 'Crossover TF' since 'faction-switch' has been appropriated by PPP discussions) would be as light-hearted as the V-Day seasonal event, even if Pocket D figured prominently in the structure of it.
Tell you the truth, I'd like Pocket D to get a bit of a lighting makeover no matter what because it has the ambient brightness of a high school prom.Not a club I would frequent in real life, respectfully. I like shadows and smokiness (but not Dark Astoria smokiness) when I go to a club. I think that tweak of the atmosphere there would go a ways to diminishing the 'cheese' factor of the club for you.
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We should all try giving our heroes and villains a cigar. That might smoke up the place real good. -
Well, better to lick his boots than to get snuffed out because he thought you would become too much of a threat and not serve his purpose. This is Lord Recluse's island. He's let you live up until this point.
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I say bring it on. Recluse can't stop me. I am forever. -
If someone tells me a week in advance that they're going to throw a hot, steamy bag of dog [censored] in my face, I don't have to actually wait until they do it to know that I'm not going to like it.
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Hey now, some of us like having dog poo thrown in our faces, so suck it up and quit whining. Being inconvenienced by the game is part of the fun! If you do not think it's fun, you can quit the game, because the devs obviously agree with me and that means you are wrong.
hello! I joined your buffer overrun a while ago, after people stopped doing it apparently =P
I would like in on this if you'll let me.
I'd like to be kin/dark, but I'll take whatever anyone else doesn't want really.
edit: actually, I'd really really like to keep the kin/dark. I made Dark Discomfort on the test server and got him to level 2 and would like to see where he goes with this.