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  1. Sorry, I should have clarified.
    Yes, I want one of my builds to do nothing but heal, and to be able to keep my group alive, regardless of how the tank is doing. A single target healer is an okay alternative if Grav/Emp is no good at AoE heals, and that's fine, I just want to put extra emphasis on my one AoE ability.

    So for a single target healer, anybody have any suggested builds?
  2. Hey, I'm pretty angry that I got 19 replies and 18 of them weren't really helpful. And I hope you all realize you're ripping on Jesus here.
    Anyway, I made the character early when I started and it seemed like fun, so I stuck with it. I DON't want to re-roll to defender, and I already have two builds, one as a troller, and one as a healer.

    How bad really IS gravity? There's no way it's un-saveable, right? I mean, suppose I get our lord and savior to 50, he'll be able to pack a punch, won't he?
    Anyways, thanks for all the replies, but I'd prefer more like the last one, that is, "Well, I don't like what you're doing, but here's how I would do it..."

    Blessed art thou.
  3. Okay, after taking your builds on the train and taking lots of notes, these are the only critisicm/questions I have:
    For the first build, it looks nice, VERY nice in fact, I was wondering why you chose to 2 slot Combat Jumping? Is it because the 2 enhancements make a huge difference? I'd almost rather 3 slot my SJ. Also, Moment of Glory is 4 slotted? Could you elaborate more as to WHY you picked these powers? I've heard various things about moment of glory, but mostly that it's a horrible ability and leaves you fuxxored once it runs out and you can't do anything for 15 seconds.
    Now your second build I'm not a big fan of. For one, I see what you mean about it being much less passive, where you only 2 slotted fast healing and 5 slotted Reconstruction and Dull Pain. But things like 6 slotting boxing and the lack of a Super Jump ability make me wonder how much more defense/resistance that build actually has, and whether that's even worth sacrificing all that +regen.
  4. Thank you much for your replies!
    Unfortunately, I cannot post my build as of yet, since I'm at work and not allowed to get on the game here. (I wish there were some kind of online thing that would let you view your character. Is there?)

    Thanks for the wealth of information, however alot of it is stuff I've already heard. I understand that Barb Swipe and Confront are to be left off the main build for obvious reasons, but things like Resilience and Revive are extremely handy, Resilience because it gives a nice anti-disorient or sleep (something like that, maybe it's stun), as well as a +Def, and Revive is just great because I hate long trips to the hospital.
    Although I really like your build you suggested, again, could you elaborate a bit more on each of the suggested powers and explain why? Thanks.

    Very nice build, but it's for a martial arts scrapper, which from my understanding is more of a solo target DPS (Like broadsword), whereas spines is more geared towards AoE. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    Also, as impressive as 533% regen or whatever you had is, let's try to be a bit more realistic with the enhancements, i.e., no TWO Absolute Amazement Sets plus Hetacomb plus all oranges.

    Additionally, I want to point out that I DO have my Mako's bite slotted in impale for now, it's a relatively inexpensive set that I've heard is really good.
    Keep the info coming please!
  5. Hey there, I have a level 30 or so Gravity/Empathy healer aptly modeled after Jesus XD and of course, I want him to be a healer. (No, he can't cure your blindness.)
    A question I had was how effective a Grav/Emp build could even possibly be for team healing, as I want to make him more of an AoE healer as opposed to a single target healer. Also, what are some good builds for this kind of thing, if any.
  6. Okay, I recently leveled to 50 with my scrapper, and I'm having a bit of a problem picking a build for him. Primarily, here's what I want:

    To be able to solo large groups of mobs and kill them quickly.
    To be able to not only SURVIVE, but survive with a majority of my health intact.
    To somehow incorporate super jump with my build, as it's a fun power and I have lots of nice enhancements with it.

    Here's the problem:

    I've specced so that I do nice amounts of AoE damage, but with lots of neglect to my +regen. I'd almost prefer to be able to survive any battle than to kill mobs instantly, but both would be nice. Just about every build I've found is telling me to go and get Tough/Weave, but these are toggle abilities and are very endurance heavy no matter how I slot them and this I don't like. How necessary IS tough/weave to my survival? I'd rather spend those slots on pimping out some regen abilities so that I don't even need much +res.

    What I have:

    I have 5/6 of the Mako's bite set on my lunge attack, which is 6 slotted. I've also 6 slotted ripper, throw spines, and I believe spine burst, but I was told to not slot out fast healing because it isn't great. Is this true? I also have 1 of the Numina's Convelescance set for a healing ability, and plan on getting the rest.

    Finally, I picked weapon mastery for my epic power set because caltrops are very good I've heard for large groups and I like the web grenade as an alternative for Impale cooling down.

    Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated, I made it this far to 50, now please help become a beast with this character.