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  1. ooo at least 11 more levels for Rockley... may need some help getting there.
  2. Raiders assemble... check out the COH main page - Siren's PVP with Rockjaw against the evil that is Crater.
  3. Rocker's got the Carnie Arc if you want him... and needs the badge.

    Trouble is I won't be on til 9pm.
  4. Sure no probs Tuft... I'm think we need a Xmas tree to hang the decorations on in Atlas Park.
  5. Just a reminder of the 12 noon meet if anyone can make it... otherwise I'll be organising all the details by my lonesome.
  6. Sob... Rockley's still at lvl9.

    Loook's like I'll have to wait til next week.
  7. Anyone still wanting to help me organise this event please come to Atlas Park and send a tell to Santa Leader (you will be invited and told where we are meeting in Atlas). Friday 9th Dec 12 noon and we'll discuss details then.

    If you're interested but cannot make it send me a PM and I'll send you details discussed after the meeting.

    PS: Come in your Xmas Costume.
  8. 36 hours... ah!!!!!! 6 levels to go.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Err i could possibly be there, but can we hold this on the test server so that all the CoH people can join in?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's also a Union event happening on Thursday 29th December... details coming tomorrow.
  10. I'll try and get Rockley up to 15 to join you in BB.
  11. I hope one of the other Christmas presents we get is snow covering everything.
  12. Disco_Freak

    Team Synergi!

    Sorry I didn't make it last night - I actually ended up staying in Bristol due to having a few too many drinks after the meeting.
  13. Disco_Freak

    Team Synergi!

    I'm really sorry to say this guys but I can't make it to tonight session.

    Gotta go to Bristol for a training course (doesn't finish til 6:30pm and I've gotta get home after).
  14. The great thing about Storm Defenders is you can do a lot of crowd control. Storm is a very difficult powerset to play, as you have to be constantly looking left right and centre, repositioning and debuffing mobs.

    Great powers I definitly recommend you take: Snow Storm, Freezing Rain and Hurricane.

    There are a many great combos to use... eg: Freezing Rain them so they are debuffed and being knocked-down, then snow storm the lieu or boss, then just before the rain's about to run out, run in and thunderclap to disorientate the minions, then.... you get the idea.

    Sonics is a great power set to debuff the damage resistance of enemies, how many powers you take from it is up to you, it all depends on if you solo a lot or want to contribute to a group. My character is team-orientated and I've taken only a few attack (to stack the resist debuffs), plus the screech (single target disorientate) to stack with Thunderclap.
  15. Disco_Freak

    Icy rain info.

    AFAIK the defence debuffs are auto-hit (you'll know if they've been hit by the streams of number 1s above their heads).

    I think the optimum slotting for this is 3x Recharge reductions so it can be used almost as soon as it's worn off, and 3x Defence dubuffs.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hi everybody
    I want to know if you have some experience with the Trick Arrow Primary.
    I heard its crappy, but is that really true?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think its a horrible Primary for a Defender, but then I think Storm is too. Give it a shot, see what you think.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Storms a brilliant primary... in the right hands.
  17. Disco_Freak

    Team Synergi!

    Was a great session yet again.

    Wahoo... 1st TF next week.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Can you please rename this thread. It should be the "Winterval" Bonanza.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep lets go politically correct crazy.
  19. Well the dates set: Thursday 29th December.

    I'll have to chat with a few people about events etc and get back to y'all.

    PS- If anyone's got a bit of influence spare for the event let me know.
  20. Well there's definately going to be fancy dress.

    Here are some examples I made:

    Christmas Fairy

    Santa Leader

    Christmas Elf

    Douglas Fir