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  1. Diotrophes

    best 2v2 atm

    with equal skills. Is a Rad/Cold Corr and a Sonic/Therm Corr a good 2v2 combo
  2. I personally like Illusion/empathy. Decoys are great for helping team you cast and forget basically. Group Invis is great for team, (just dont invis tank) he needs to be seen and be the meat shield. :P Controllers powerboost comes back faster than defenders Check out the numbers on powerboosted fortitiude it tingles. I have empath defender and troller, and I feel my troller contributes more to the team even though defenders empathy is a prim and has higher numbers. when team is buffed and team is rolling I get to help control the room and help the team rock. This is my opinin and I approve of it. Have fun good game all
  3. Diotrophes

    Arena 2v2 help

    so besides player skill , wat is the most popular 2v2 combo in arena, including mixing hero and vililain as a team
  4. I have never played a mastermind in pvp before, I was wondering wat the best primary(minion) is the best for team pvp for I14. Since I will be moving and helping team or not helping team we will see LOL. I would assume Ninja is best cause of their speed to help keep me in BG mode. A list from best to worst would be cool also, tx. Give me your experience and comments please. I am not sure what 2ndary I am gonna play yet.
  5. I am the fatboy being picked last, I got my hand raised Syn ooh ooh pick meh pick meh.
  6. I think scribe wanted wins and losses posted to him in private here or tells to him on game.
  7. @Diotrophes
    lvl 50 Fort Diotrophes