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  1. LMAO, you guys have just ripped this thread to shreads, but it needed it, and has given me a good laugh.. I'm a Blaster in-game also and what Misty said about us being the easiest AT to play is SO WRONG... seriously.. even though I don't play my Blaster long ranged with AoE's (Blapping).

    I can easily dish out tons of Burst damage and keep around 3 people disabled while 2 shotting bosses, and 4-5 shotting elite bosses.. With me saying that it does all sound easy, but it's FAR from it..

    I don't have no heal, just my green poppers (and purple resist), I eat endurance like crazy so it's a job within itself to manage endurance level an efficiency.. I'm a squishy who enjoys being in the thick of it(melee FTW) who can just as easily be taken down in the same amount of time it takes me to take a boss out, so that leads me to [censored] the situation around me to help me keep my [censored] alive..

    There's plenty more to a Blaster, Obviously a long range Blaster would require different tactics, but I know i'm playing my AT right as if I do die there is DEFENETLY a difference to the team as things take longer because theres less damage being given out..

    Hence Blasters do DAMAGE... all there is to it.. if that seems easy to you, I suggest you play one good and proper and then re-write this guide on saying how £%$%^'ing hard it can be at times
  2. haha, getting happy in your pants people??, seriously expect nerf's to be done to perma-dom, I aint played this game for long, but the hype in this thread towards the end just shows how this is going to go..

    I11 = Nerf, especially with the purple sets..