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  1. DiamondGabe

    Elec/Therm help

    I have recently been playing a plant/sonic that I love, but I have been wondering what else I could do with holds and resist buffs. Two nights ago I made an elec/therm troller. I managed to get S/L softcapped on my plant/sonic and wanted to do the same on the elec/therm. The closest I've been able to get on mids so far is 42.5% to S/L. I'm at work and don't have the build available to list. My main focus was on recharge and then defense. I squeezed in 5 sets of 5 purples, but only 3 7.5% LotGs. I took the fighting pool instead of leadership and I went Ice Mastery instead of Stone.

    What are you hoping to accomplish with the build?
  2. DiamondGabe

    Hi everyone!

    Hello. I'm Diamond Gabe and I've been a lurker for 3+ years...
  3. I think it is funny when I see Sheild toons without Phalanx Fighting. I've found that many players without don't understand that it is toggle free defense even when solo. The power grants almost 3% defense to all. Players are paying upwards from 2 billion for a PvP IO that does about the same thing. On top of that, if you happen to be on a team your get even more defense when near an ally, like when fighting an AV. Then to top it all off, you don't even have to slot it with anything. It's the perfect LotG 7.5 mule.

    Now, Grant Cover is a totally different story...
  4. I agree. I just spent 20 minutes trying to organize a team of 8 to attack 1 green mito and it just wasn't happening. Fortunately the server went down and ended our misery.
  5. My group, Degeneration X was at one time located within the PortalCorp building, but we were evicted due to all the raids and super group battles wreaking havoc with the portal technology.

    DX then moved to a cave in a small island near Monster island. Sometime later, an accident with the zone teleporters and the raid teleporter caused a feedback loop the phased the base and sent it skipping across 3rd dimensional space like a stone. By the time the feedback was fixed, the base sat 1 mile beneath King's Row.