517 -
Quote:Absolutely. I am looking at getting a new system in the new year and expect that it will be however much I can get for what I have to spend. I like to get as hot a system as I can afford that way I won't have to upgrade for a while.Oh yes, constantly. My immense backlog of games is actually a "help" in this regard - it makes me think twice about getting, say, Skyrim right now at full price when I have enough to keep me busy until next year when it'll be deeply discounted.
Similarly, computer hardware is a moving target - while the cost of "a good, decent computer" usually hovers around $1000, the specifications of what you can get for that price are always changing (upward). You just have to suck it up, pick your time and make your purchase, and accept that within a year (two at most) Moore's law will have rendered it obsolete.
In one sense, the consoles are actually good for PC's. Almost everyone develops for consoles which are five year old hardawre. A modest Pc will run just about anything out there. -
25% seemed like a great deal and I bought a bunch. 50% is better, I'll prolly buy some more. I don't see what the big deal is.
I paid full price back in the day and got nothing but the slots. Under this program, I not only got the slots, but reward tokens and some nifty bonuses as well.
As has been mentioned often, no one is forcing anyone to buy anything, ever. How many times have I bought a game at full price and then found it discounted within a month or so? (too many to count) It just doesn't bother me. No one can know the future and the idea that it is a personal affront to have two sales back to back on the same prouduct is unsupportable to me. (Don't tell Valve. They do this all the time.) -
Even if PVP was the most perfectly designed system in the game with exquisite balance and awarded merits, shards and threads I doubt I would play, due to some offensive players.
The least offensive things I've heard in broadcast was trashtalk. I can't really type some of the more offensive stuff.
I'm sure there are cool PvP players out there. They must be playing on some weird server or schedule.
BTW, complaining that PVP has gotten no love means very little to someone who build bases.
Also, thanks for the transcript! I never get to go to these but it's cool to know what they are talking about! -
Fulmens, I am sorry for being so long in getting back. Had some health issues and also could not log into the forum. Your global is @boltcutter? Let me know and I will send moniez!
I'll go a bilion. You helped me out when my bases needed it. The only catch is I just want to give you the money and have you deal with it. Don't even mention my global (which you will get when I send you monies).
Wouldn't doing that just cause marketeers with two accounts to market on both? I already split mine up like this. I think the only people who would really get taxed are people who use a second account for PL or something like that.
True I have more inf on my main account, but I also have a lot more toons. Even on a server basis there is always one toon there that has a big stack o' cash. -
Thanks! I regularly buy these for my toons, unless I buy Steadfast Protection.
Hey, why don't you make Oblit quads at level 30 cheap? That would really help a bunch of my toons! -
But those look interesting. I may have to read a few!
Actually it's based off of the old saying "Better the Devil you know than the one you don't."
I used to use TheDevilYouKnow when I was posting on Usenet and raiding the bianary groups.
I hated to just let it go since I thought it was a cool nym. -
Just a quick question; Are unslottable powers like Base Teleporter and Brawl, Sands of Mu and others effected by global enhancements Like LOTG 7.5 +Recharge, Kismet +6 accuaracy. Also are the effected by Set bonuses that "all powers"?
Just curious. -
I gotta agree with the availability point.
Last night I bid and completed 3 touch of death sets , An oblit set, Sirrocco set, 2 Mako's, 3 red fortune, Steadfast KN & +def, all this in the 29-32 range. (I missed one or two here and there but he can't slot all that stuff yet anyway)
I also crafted everything I bought. (Buying salvage at the hurry price. 500,000+ for alchemical gold)
True, I spent about 600 million, but I wanted to slot it NAO.
Yes, I paid a lot more for somethings than I needed to, but the point is that I was able to do so.
Yes, I know I made someone happy when I overpaid 40 million for a recipe, but this is after all the reason that I am marketing.
So flippers and crafters, I would rather not pay you if I don't have to, but I am glad that there was something for me to buy! -
I would also say that there is a lot more competition now then was then. More people understand I/O's and how to slot them. Also more people understand how to work the market
You could be:
Ghost of Adam Smith
Adam Smith Redux
Deus ex Marketa
Cash Grab McGee
Adam Ebill Smith
Noob Hater
Rat the Fat Cat
Fat Moneybags
Orphan Maker -
Is the "Very Best of Sweet" the British Glam band? If so, Rock On brother!
Along with Bowie, T. Rex and Slade, Sweet were the very best of actual Glam rock (not 80's hair rock that stole the name) -
The problem with your argument is that you are placeing a higher moral value on your need over Fulmens. You have not proven (and cannot prove) that this is so. It is not so.
He's need to sell it for a profit is not more or less moral than your need to slot it NAO. Both are are self satisfying needs ancillary to the play of the game. It's something that you do to make the game more fun for you.
What if a dozen people all show up wanting to buy it for a million inf? How does the market determine the one with highest moral need? It can't.
To take in-game, merging the markets means that items from blueside are constantly being boughtt by villians for immoral purposes. Is it moral to even list an item that could be used bya villian to spread evil?
This isn't the real world. Huge amounts of coin in COH is not causing wild and reckless behavior that is resulting in the devaluing of COH's Bond rating nor is it forcing Pargon City residents to make cuts in welfare and Medicare. -
Well, if this pricing holds up as you all predict, it will be bad for everyone who used the old system and doesn't have the packs they want. New players and vets who own all the packs won't even notice it as a problem.
In Champions, there were never any booster packs, everything was always ala carte and it is pretty common to spend 5 bucks for points and end up with like 4 outfits. for about 2.00 you can get a hat pack that has 4 hats. No one had a problem because there was nothing to compare it to. I am not saying that COH is apping Champions, but if they are making money with it, surely NCSoft has to consider this marketing strategy.
One time A group of my friends were shooting the breeze and they started talking about Xbox gold service or something. I was spitting nails because they wanted us to pay for matchmaking.
ME:"On The PC? Are they freaking crzay?"
Console only buddy looked at me: "Why? what's the big deal? It's the same price as Sony's"
Other PC buddy: "Because we've never had to pay before for matchmaking"
So veterens who have not purchased the packs they want are the ones who will be most upset. The ones who have them, have them and there will not be any more bundled with that much stuff. Temp powers are seperate, auras are seperate, etc.
Apparently, there are not a lot of people upset about this. Compare this thread to the Party booster pack thread.
We will just ahve to wait and see. -
Another thought occured to me. TopDoc is correct when he says it really not hard to make money, it just takes a little patiance and discipline.
Here's the thing; when I am marketing I can do this, bid, wait for it to fill, etc.
But when I am leveling a toon, I try to be patiant and I just can't. I pay buy it NAO prices regularly on anything under 30 million. Oh sure, if I realize ahead of time Imma gonna need something I will bid cheap and wait. But usually I am way too impatiant.
"I need Steadfast Protection Global Defense NAO! I don't care it's only 3% or that I have made 27 levels without it. I got a place to slot it and I want it, NAO!"
Weird. -
PS> Of course, you know you now owe us a proper Marketeer screenshot complete
with monocle and tea...
I actually did one when I hit 2 billion the first time. That really was the hard one because I didn't know what I was doing and why some things wouldn't sell and so forth.
I finally figured it out when I was trying to teach my buddies and my sister how to market. Trying to explain what I was doing actually helped me understand what I was doing.
I appreciate the congratulations from everyone. I hope that everyone who plays the game, whether they are marketeers or they are full of righteous rage about nefarious market forces, get enjoyment from whatever it is they are doing. That is the point after all. -
One other thing I seem to remember was that there was going to be a discount when buying a larger number of points, There were no details given, because they hadn't decided how it was going to work
It's possible that buying enough points to buy a booster pack MIGHT lower price to comparable to what we have regrading pricing.
BTW, my post was not aimed at any individual, but rather at the whole atmosphere of "Oh Noez! Dooooom!" If you were offended, I'm sorry. But the only fact that we know is that Booster packs are going to be retired. That's it. Until more is known, I don't see any reason to react at all. -
Who sits in Went's? I log all my guys in day locations. If they are JUST marketing, then I log in, check what they bought collect the sales proceed, maybe craft and then log them and play a different toon.
If I want to play them then, I do that and then play them. It takes at most 10 minutes per toon. I never have more than 3 and I don't check them every day, just whenever I feel like.
I played for about 6 hours of which marketing took about 10 minutes. -
There is no minimum, other than what the vendor offers you. In general, I am paying them 1000 times what they would get if the vended it.
For the seller, he is either making more than he asked or I am not getting the item.
For the buyer, they are determining what they will pay, not me. I have no control over what they decide to pay. I offer them a nice, shiney fully crafted I/O that they can slot immediately. They don't have to get the recipe, find the salvage, pay the crafting cost and find someplace to craft it.
If they don't want to use the market, the other sources are merits, AE tickets (for salvage or random rolls) Alignment merits and so forth. They can get anything they would care to work for and never use the market.
Further, the devs tell us that the game is balanced around SO's not IO's. They don't have to do anything but hit up the stores and buy SO's.
Where am I acting dishonorably? -
I bid whatever the floor is. If market is say 25,500,123 is the buy it NAO price and the lowest bid is say 10,000,000 then I bid 10,515,920. I am buy those things that people up for less than that. Lots of people list at a very low price like 1 or 1000 or some number like that. As long as I Have the high bid at the moment then I win the auction.
I am always paying at least 1 inf over whatever the player selling is offering it for. -
Quote:That's right! He sent it to me via email using the honor system to convert it to prestige. I took screencaps if he ever needed to see them.23X was matching me for a while. I should match another billyun and see if he or she will match my matching.
Really nice guy! -
Giant, I have 75 alts. Only 2 are 50s. All the rest are toons that I plan to play and level and I/O. I don't actually think I have enough now.
I convert inf to prestige on new servers so I can have a base.
I spend maybe 20 minutes a session on marketing and that is with 3 toons. I play a lot, probably about 3 - 4 hours a night. I get my money 's worth. Enought that I have two accounts.
I flip salvage to open market slots or to start a new toon off with a little nestegg to get to 27. Otherwise, I don't bother because it is boring.
I don't find it dishonorable. I don't steal from any players, I don't make them do anything. If I had a Action number 1 and I said I wanted a million for it would that be too much? Or should I just give it away at fraction of that because there is a collector who wants it but can't afford it?
How exactly do I get the inf to the "needy" players? Give it away?
Guess what? I already do. When they will take it.
The other night someone was saying he couldn't afford to craft because of all the rare salvage needed. He was begging people to send it to him because he wanted it NAO. He had hit 50 and he wanted to I/O.
I sent him 250 million. He never even thanked me. I asked to me sure he got it and a couple other folk said that they would thank me if sent them money, so I did. They wouldn't take it. They were just griefing him for bad manners. I give away money all the time, when they will take it.
I post up salvage all the time cheap for people with little money. They still pay me too much. What do you expect me to do?
I list my crafted stuff like 20% to 25 % below market value. They still pay me to much.
I gave a level 28 Stealth Unbounded Leap in exhange for a lvl 28 Adj Targeting Recharge. He didn't ask. I was complaining that I couldn't get one no matter how much I was bidding. I practically had to beg him to take it. It took 4 tells before he would accept it.
What would you have me do? -
I think that there three kinds of players. Those who play the market, those who don't and those who do and complain about it. The third group is thankfully small and it shrank by 1 a few months ago.