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  1. Just started an Ice/Ice Blaster yesterday. Thanks for the info on the powers! Just one quick question, I'm kind of stuck on the descision to get Ice Sword or not. Would it make a good backup power should you get caught in Melee range? I imagine using Chilling Embrace and then Ice Sword when you caught in a situation like that to drop your closest foe and then getting back into range for your Blast attacks.
  2. Nice story. That was pretty good. I might just do one up for my Hero. I've been thinking about doing a sort of continous story with him outside of just the game.
  3. I vote yes.

    Super Villains should be allowed to have powers. Considering as heroes we're restricted to certain sets and combinations, don't forget their Villains and not Heroes . They give the villains varied powersets to increase the difficulty. It'd be pretty boring (IMO) to fight something that uses the exact same typical powersets of a hero because you know what to expect from them, and at their level, what limited powers they have, and what they are capable of. Too much information on your enemy to truly make him/her hard enough to warrent a challenge. I don't see what the huge problem is with them using powers outside their level. That would pretty mean you would get upset if you saw a level 32 Hero using their strongest attack in King's Row since they've spoiled the "surpise" factor of seeing the move for the first time.
  4. Have to agree as well. I think it should stay the way it ius now with the mobs and missions. I myself have had alot of fun, and yes have noticed the increased difficulty. It is very much enjoyable (It was before, but at the same time it did seem a little to easy.). I was able to solo the cape mission easy, despite what many have said about it, Did it with a group and found it to be a little more difficult. Some people who protest the increased difficulty have a good reason and legitimate facts, but majority are just upset (as it seems) that they can no longer depend -fully- on solo play alone. That is for a one player game, not a MMO game. Hell even Super Man couldn't cakewalk through Lex Luther's compound. Batman had one hell of a time with Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, and other arch-villians. Why should it be any different in City of Heroes? That takes the fun away when instead of being difficult (which would make it more gratifying at the end) it's now too easy.