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  1. Ok that was funny as hell!!!

    "Shhhhhhhhhh, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shhhhhhh. Why wont you deflate!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! There we go..."

    Also after this part

    "Those goons are after me! You and the kids GET IN THIS ORANGE. I'll go make a lamp post out of cinnamon buns. That should buy us some time. Honey, I think you're sick. I've been having an affair!! With this jar of peanut butter! But I can glow in the dark now, so our troubles are over."

    When he says

    "Heeeeeeeeeey, I love you smurf face!"

    and starts dancing I think I pee'd my pants.
  2. Dawk_Boy

    Ian flats

    Thta friggin awesome!!1 :d

    The wings are done really well and he looks very nice aswell.

    He has that look like...

    "I dont give a [censored] BUT I will kick your [censored] if I need to. Hellyeah Im good looking, you wanna fight about it?!"
  3. Most fav.


    Dark Personamorpher

    Badge Collector

    Brad Masterson lll



    Least fav.

    Pretty much any female character, I seriously cant get into girl toons. I love the options they have but wish the tiara's, platforms, cat ears, bracers and such were also for male toons.

    Im not sexist I jus like males better. They look cooler and much much more.
  4. Im not sure if the (request line) has been closed or not BUT if you are still doing em I'd squeal with glee if you would do one of Doc Boy.

    Doc Boy lvl50 Empath Defender

    Doc on top of the world!

    Wasted Doc

    Ultimate Doc

    Thanks for your time!
  5. I made one! Its not nearly as good as Derek's or Quakes BUT I tried!

    Doc Boy!!!!!!
  6. Ok thats cool! Im try that.
  7. I have a Hami-Doodle section in my photobucket now, check out all my Hami-Doodles!!!1

    They all copyrighted of course.
  8. Nice! I sawed already in one of your other post's BUT still nice.

    Derek Clause is coming to TOOOOWN!!
  9. Happy Holidays!


    Whered all the turkey's go?
  10. OH MY GAWD! Doc looks so cute!

    Thanks bunches CJ
  11. Nice!

    I'd love to make a gallery of all my chars, have no idea how to do that crap tho.
  12. Dawk_Boy

    SG Banner

    Hi all!

    Wanted to share RAF's New SG Banner

    Rainbow Alpha Force on Victory Server is currently in the proccess of making a new website. Our old one seen here was a bit too dark and a lil unorganized. Our new site looks cleaner and much brighter. Lots of thanks to DJ ShortdawG from WFAG Radio who also plays EvilScrappy in our SG for creating our new site and the awesome banner.
  13. I have an up and coming fashion line Doc™ , I need to make a thread like this.

    BTW Great job Green Regis.
  14. thats complete bull poop, false I say false! We dont do that at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111 /e sarcasm
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

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    Oo, you got modded

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