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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celidya View Post
    So in theory i could remove some salvage racks and add tables instead ? Sounds awesome, i'll try that !
    Yup, so long as you can make room in whatever spot you have the tables/racks/etc in.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Does this mean that dark blasters can join during next weekend?
    How the heck do you keep doing that! I've been keeping half an eye on the announcements even while at work and i'd missed that! lol
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    I say dark blasters are welcome...but also should somone want to roll a MM, then maybe the rule can bend a little for the first couple that decide. NOTE: i am not high up on the food chain to make this offical, so the offical leaders shall have to majority rule it for it to pass.
    Heh, under normal circumstances i'd be tempted...however after just getting my Merc/Dark to 50 and partially Incarnated and after restarting my dusty old Thugs/FF i'm good on MM's for a bit....though I do have a 26 Demons/Dark on another server that i'll be moving over shortly...

    Now a Beam/Dark...that'd be a tough one to walk away from!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vinceq1980 View Post
    So Mercs is the only MM primary I have yet to try. Something about the lolcones and the lollethal ontop of the DOT really turns me off.

    However with /time I figure with the -res and +dmg along with just enough survivability measures in def buffing and heals its tempting to MAKE MERCS work.

    So question to the hard headed MMs out there who have stuck to their mercs to 50 , will intensive IO investment along with a dmg boosting secondary help plug in the severe pot holes of this primary? I mean with ach heel proc and lady grey proc and maybe even shield breaker proc Im hoping to see some success with it.

    Please someone out there tell me MERCs can be made somewhat useful. I really dont like reusing primaries when making new alts but I have not quenched my MM desire even with 5 fully IOed MMs.
    Originally Posted by Do0msayr View Post
    Out of all the MM primaries mercs is probably my favorite, although i never got one all the way to 50 (many in the upper 40's tho) i have bad alting problems lol... but i have done every primary for MM. don't let the lethal fool you it's really not that bad especially with the achilles proc in soldiers, assault and tactics and a good secondary.

    Mercs IMO are the most fun especially after the 2nd upgrade, all the cones and AoE. don't get me wrong it DOES seem like they don't do too much damage do to the DoT nature of their attacks but it is a near endless stream of DoT, you just watch the hp literally melt away rather than drop off in huge chunks. They are a sustained DPS pet

    Edit: I never did get into sets until recently but i'm positive with those and the damage alpha it will not disappoint.

    As far as secondaries go though IMHO Merc/Pain was without a doubt my favorite pairing. The buffs/debuffs/heals coupled with the Achilles proc it was just very enjoyable got him all the way to 45, and i really regret deleting him, it was as survivable if not more so than my Necro/Dark
    My Mercs/Dark ranks right up there with my Thugs/FF for me. Maybe even better as now both are set up and IO'd to the best of my ability they are both very survivable and put out plenty of damage, especially when I tell them all to aim on my target! ;p I may actually prefer the Merc as I now find that the Thu'gs/FF can be a little boring with me siting back almost like i'm on a bots/ff lol.

    So, yeah, providing you're ready to put down the inf it's a great set. IMHO and contrary to what the haters say!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celidya View Post
    Hello, i couldn't find a clear answer after a bit of searching (and links don't work in stickies), i was wondering, how many storage tables can we have in a base ? Does it depend on the base size ? I currently have 2, and i can't add more it seems, i'd like to know if there's a way and what steps i need to follow to add more tables

    Thanks in advance !
    You can only have up to 18 storage containers of any kind (tables, racks, vault, etc) and only as many as you have rooms that allow maximum for; 9 for Workshop, 1 each for Medbay, Control and Power. To the best of my knowledge anyway.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phil_Dirt View Post
    Hey! Who are you calling old? Now, get off my lawn!

    I'll be there tomorrow. I may be open to a level pact, need to check with Darkscar.

    *ties onion to belt and walks away (barefoot, uphill)*

    See you there,


    aka Penumbral Current (Dark), Proton Chill (Rad), Clay Pebble (Earth) Particle Combat (Guns), and Talon Spirit (Blades) [yes I know Talon Spirit and Clay Pebble don't have the initals PC, but who cares ]
    I'll try and be on sometime before 8 so i'll keep my eyes open! Having some rubberbanding and pausing-on-clicking issues i'm hoping will clear up.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post

    Haha you can't see my catgirl!
    "That was not the catgirl we are looking for!"

    Damn...that is one sneaky cat!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Oooooh more bullets!

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    *hides the catgirl troller*

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    That's a great idea. I know that there's a couple people that don't have level pacts atm. The best bet is to talk to them. However, there has been a few occasions where new people showed up, pacted and didn't bother to come back or tell their pact mate that they weren't planning on continuing.
    Yeah, the two toons i set up may go the way of the dodo if the headstart arrives prior to launch....mmmmm beam/dark blaster! Or I may keep teh scrapper and dump the Corruptor whom I was neverly overly enthused with.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    Well, imo, if this were feeling virtu-ish then i would have to change my question to : *hands EF a fist full of bullets*
    plus there would have to be somesort of "cat" people dialoge or mentioning...because... doesn't virtue have that?
    Hey, hey, hey, let's not be hasty handing around extra ammo!

    As for cats of one kind or another, I see in another post that EF's ears caught that and a certain character is ducking out of sight!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    Is this anything like Base Raids being disabled until they could be fixed?
    Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
    Base Raids are fixed; you haven't seen any little base raids running around, have you?
    The first was amusing, the second lmao!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    If you would just stay out of my closet, we wouldn't have that problem.
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    EF, do you need any bullets?
    Okay, soooo am I supposed to be coming out of the closet or turning furry...and why is this suddenly feeling kinda Virtu-ish?
  12. Look! If someone else comes to the party wearing the same dress as me there'll be a problem!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Apparently my concerns about a receipt seem to be partially unfounded. My concern about getting a lot of emails from the market seems to be dead on though.

    I'm still disappointed that they didn't think a history should have been included with release.
    Time to make sure my spam filter is good so I don't lose stuff I want to keep!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    How about this: I fully expect that buying the Paragon Points (not the 400-550 free points) themselves will generate a receipt, but using the Paragon Points will only generate certificates & vouchers.
    Crap. I have to get back to following the Forums more rather than scanning the titles of messages.

    I really hope a Red Name proves your fears wrong on this or else i'm not going to be using the store either. I've bought (though on a budget myself) every pack except the Party Pack. I pre-bought GR through the website here and have bought server transfers and additional slots...and once even a name change when I realised i'd really goofed on a name and overlooked long enough to establsih the character as a favourite. Not to mention the yearly subscriptions I get.

    I'd hate not to be able to use the Paragon Market the way it's intended.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    That it has. The last +4 ITF that we ran was a cakewalk. The LGTF was bumped up to +4 because it didn't present a challenge at even con.
    I'd noticed that and wondered if players advanced faster than the Devs, etc anticipated.

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    People will gravitate towards their preferred archetypes, but it's not because those archetypes are better than others, it's a matter of personal choice.
    Definitely true. I know several folks who always play the same kind of ATs and I run in plenty of other folks casually who I tend to see on 2 o3 different types. Even I, who likes to try different ATs - even if I don't always take them all the way to 50 - tend to play in a similiar fashion. Kind of a combo agressive/careful blend.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I'm the opposite, I think controllers are my most hated AT, even though I put defenders at the top. Funny thing is, my main is a scrapper.
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    For what it is worth; my first 50 was a kin/dark defender. Of the AT present, the most i have played to 50 would have to be controller (plant/rad, ice/sonic, earth/kin, fire/kin, and one or two more that i can't remember). I do tend to favor support over the damage. But groups such as this have definately helped me break my original mind set and try new AT. On one of my saturday groups, i roled my first tanker. And i must say, there is a certain amount of satisfaction of going into a mob that only stands there and can only slowly, dwindle my health away. Granted i do have one or two def buffs, but still nice.
    I'm not a huge fan of playing support...though I have several times now.

    Tanks I like but again not a big fan of being critiqued for not Tanking correctly according to some clever sod in the team - yeah, it's happened - I figure if i'm keeping as muny of the bad guys attention on me as possible and handing out some damage alla round while continuing to pull attention away from individual team mates who've attracteded attention the i must be doing something right.

    I had a grand time on my inv/ss Tank with few quibbles form the peanut gallery. Sevral of the other tanks i've given a try have received different attention.

    Of course in this Incarnate age, everything has changed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Just because I look this doesn't mean she should call me old. I'm gonna throw that little brat in the cement pond.

    Granny's awesome. That's a lot of old lady to try and live up to!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    *MP sneezes and continues counting his bullets.
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Did you put your jacket on? You'll catch your death of cold! You better wash your hands too! Those bullets are dirty. And you better be careful too, you'll shoot your eye out kid.
    <snicker>That girl was right...a little old lady!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Why don't you ever play a nice controller or a tanker? Those are nice AT's. Not like those scrappers, they only lead you into trouble. And those blasters running around shooting everything willy nilly. That's a recipe for disaster Mister! I don't even want to know what those dominators do. It sounds dirty!

    /e nagging mother off
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    *MP sneezes and continues counting his bullets.
    lol Couldn't have put it better myself!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Well...that's true. I do love my troller. It could be argued that my fondness comes from the fact that she can solo well, not from the fact that she's a 'troller. I just happen to have spent far too much inf on her build and way too much time getting her T4 incarnates. Now she steamrolls through everything, the exception being hard to mez mobs. Same goes for my ds/dark mastermind. I hadn't felt that way about a mastermind since I started playing my bot/ff in I6.
    Yeah, i'm going to be hard pressed to choose between transsferring my 47 Fire/Rad Controller over first or my 26(ish) Demon/Dark MM...choices, choices...

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    However, when it comes to 'troller knowledge, Big_King is the resident expert. If I remember correctly, he's played every control set to 50.
    An accomplishment that always astounds me when I hear of it. Saw a thread about folks who'd done one of everything in the fourms somewhere...and people say I play too much!

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Why don't you ever play a nice controller or a tanker? Those are nice AT's. Not like those scrappers, they only lead you into trouble. And those blasters running around shooting everything willy nilly. That's a recipe for disaster Mister! I don't even want to know what those dominators do. It sounds dirty!

    /e nagging mother off

    Eh...play what you like. I know in 6 months my favorite AT will change. My troller will more likely than not stay one of my favorites because she can solo and I'm really fond of the personality that I've developed for her. Same goes for the mastermind and the brute and the widow
    You know me...i enjoy both jumping in and laying about me and sitting back and blasting the crap outta everything! I'm easily amused!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Baub View Post
    I've run a few doms over the years, and I had trouble getting into the playstyle. Despite this, my Fire/Fire perma-dom is still one of my favorite characters, and actually my most advanced Incarnate.

    The major difference is that he's got perma-dom. He was poster-boy squishy / weak right up until I spent hundreds of millions of inf to keep his dom up at all times. The permanent mez protection and +mag to mezzes so they can lock down whole spawns (including bosses) from the start are complete game changers for doms. The free full end bar every couple minutes makes a big difference, too; I find myself forgetting that I have Consume more often than not. It's unfortunate that perma-dom requires such an investment.

    After he pulled off enough recharge for perma-hasten as well he became unstoppable except vs. the nastiest spawns and mez-resistant targets (AVs).
    Heh, nice! Likely beyond my budget yet as a billion or so only goes so far these days but definitely somethingtoplan toward. Let's face it though, for me it'd be a blapper with lockdown!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkscar View Post
    Another AT i've never successfully stuck with.I was really enjoying an Earth/Fire but ended up nolonger playingon that server shortly after I brought it from Gold to Blue. Too bad as it was a fun toon that did plentyof decent damage and control even in the early 20's...least that's how I recall it.

    Dammit, altitis...avaunt thee!
    Knew I ought to have checked...It was actually a Fire/Earth. Wee bit of a difference!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
    While I respect their choice. I highly doubt that "all other MMOs who had tried it regretted the move." I mean..sure I suspect LotRO wishes a bunch of us hadn't bought them, but on the other hand, if we hadn't they wouldn't be here now. For games like CO and DCUO it's obvious they're only doing it to milk what's obviously a dying product, I don't believe that was the case with LotRO, nor have I ever regretted my decision
    I've never played DCOU...hell, i've never had any interest in it. CO though a friend of mine, funnily enough the one who got me into this game, drifted over there and enthused about it and insisted that I check it out. It was ok but not my thing. Though there were improvements there I liked, that's a whole different topic than the OP...or even this quoted response. Anyway, the long-winded point is those folks there seem quite happy with their game and seem to feel i's not failing in any way, just as 'we' do here. I guess to someone from a monster like WoW we all look pretty delusional but I figure to each their own. And if some have the time and money to play both, and others, then I can only say good for them.

    Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
    Still, this falls in the "not news" category, since sadly, I never expected NC to offer it, boy do I wish they did when I started...
    Yeah, I doubt anyone here with any common sense expected an established game like this to offer a life sub. I'm happy for the year sub as my wife who played WoW (as she could no longer handle the graphics here) had to pay month to month, or get a 2 month time card.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    I have mixed feelings about doms. On one hand, I played a plant/fire to 50 when I was going for a 50 of every achetype and it was a lot of fun. On the other hand, it was kind of a pain to keep dom up. This was before doms got buffed. After they got buffed, I rolled up an elec/earth dom and ending up deleting it because I just wasn't having fun with it. I think playing my kin troller and my ds/dark mm have ruined me for doms.
    <COUGH> I beleive it's already been established that you're a 'troller phile!

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    However, if you're curious about an AT, rolling one up for an ST is one of the best ways to check it out imho. There's teams running twice a week and you will get some playtime.
    I, for one, was pondering a Darkness Dom...until I recalled there was no such beast...yet! Maybe a Dom as one of my toons for the next one. A Dom and a Blaster or Scrapper (yeah, yeah, so I Like *those* ATs, get off my back! lol).
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    People have been guessing it might be darkness themed or dark illusion, but nothing has been announced.
    Good...thought i'd missed an announcement...

    I knew some were thinking along those lines and I recall some saynig that they were hoping that something that it'd be more. Not beinga huge Dominator fanboy(/girl) Iwas n't too worried.


    Dammit no, I refuse to start another alt...I just got done clearing a bunch from here and across the other servers...dammit.