16 -
Till now the prize is 10 millions.
Another character asked to donate and the Prize MAYBE will increase to 15 millions
I dont think that the transfer time is a problem.
more info soon
Hello all, I was thinking about a costume contest soon. So i want to see how many want to join.
the Prize will be 10 millions for the best costume.
If you are interested just reply with your lvl and name.
Thank you.
Organisers will be announced soon.
Union foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! -
Yep F. Accuracy is a good power, but if i use Cloak Of Fear my acc is acc- and i need to slot is with at least 2 acc enhancements and still it miss some hits.
This is true...Soul Transfer is the worst power in the game is useless and it aggro the enemies around...
Hey all,
i want ask from someone who his character is dark armor and katana how he slotted Dark armor and what powers (how many slots to each power etc.) he has. I realised that i made many mistakes in my defensive set (Dark armor)
Can someone help? -
i said ONLY for CoF what i have on it and death shroud.
and i use acc. from body mastery for better acc so i dont have many acc in my powers -
I got all the powers you said tough stamina and acrobatics. and i said i have 6 slotted the defensive powers NOT what enhancements i have on them
But this is how is slotted it and im OK with it i dont have any problems
look, my char is Katana Dark armor , i have 6 slotted all the defensive powers of DA. (death shroud 3 slot 1 acc 2 dmg if u got it) i have not the last power of it and the gloom. look how it goes for me...you fear them with cloak of fear and ( 6 slot it 2 acc 4 fear) they cant doo something for short time. Because i am katana i dont know if the attacks of calw are Endurance eater. if yes better go on 1 vs 1.
China-Nokusawa 1298 23:11 in the King's house
"Iroku Help me please! Kill the Invaders!!!We must kill all to secure our castle!"
"No father...the only invader is you....You must die....for the things you done...."
"No!! It cant be! Iroku...you are a betrayer....Why?! You have everything you asked! Why you do that to us?!"
"I want my freedom.... I live here like i am a prisoner....
i kill the invaders and then the same thing.... again to prison...."
"This is your fate Iroku!Accept your fate!!! You live to kill!!!!!!"
King Esero said these words while he was fallen on the floor. These words stewed Iroku and she put her sword in her father chest and a tear fell from Iroku's eye...
"Sorry father....Someone must command our country better than you and me....someonewith his heart and not with hate...this could have bad result to our people....."
Invader left the house with Iroku to lead them....
Iroku had mixed feelings....in the one side she have now her freedom....but in the other side her father had her as a weapon and not as her child...
20years later......
Iroku got married with the a guy from their gang(the invaders of the castle).. The mighty Liu Se.....Liu Se
was the strongest guy in china....not only in body but in the mind too. Iroku was happy with him and liu Se was happy with Iroku.
The day for the invasion in the Domurosaka Fortress came. Domurosakawas an evil guy who kidnapped boys at the age of 7-10 and made them fanatic soldiers and destroyed their spirit so the only person that they can believe is him. Iroku had a bad feeling about the day of the invasion and tried to persuade Liu se not to go.
Liu se said to miroku...
"dont worry Iroku. everything will be ok after we will kill this Domurosaka and free the children that he have prisoners..."
9 hours later...
The Iroku's Gang arrived home...
Iroku ran in the garden to see how many came back...
she was watching with silence.... A huge guy was carrying someone in his back... she ran at him...
"Iroso Who is that in your back?"
Iroso!!!! why you dont talk?!"
"Sorry my lady..better to see with your eyes"
Liu se was dead with a blade in his left side of his chest...straight to his heart"
Iroku's child came out
"Mum what happened and you are out with this rain?"
"Go in!" said iroku
"GO IN!!!!!!!"
Irokus child went in with tears
Iroku said to the gang?
"Who done that to my Husband?!
One of the soldiers said:
"My lady... We tried to save him"
"Stop say things that i dont care and tell me how my husband died!"
"Domurosaka killed him...we said that we must attack all on him and he said not..he wanted a fight 1 on 1"
"This damn monster....Domurosaka....at least you killed him?"
"No my lady...he escaped in his second fortress"
Iroku's kid listened all these things...
1 hour later when Liu Se's body gone to graveyard...
Iroku's Kid....took a katana sword and he gone from the gang's home.... and she left a paper in his mother that was saying "
I leave the home.. Dont try to find me...
i will train and i will return when i will feel ready to fight Domurosaka.i took dad's plans to read them , so i will have in mind my father..."
In part 2.:
Who is Irokus Kid
What Iroku and the gang felt with this letter
part 1 of 3 ends here -
w00000000000000000 Gratz Tinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!11
~*~SIRU JIM~*~
lvl 50 scrapper -
lol Sorry bout that. I wanted to rename the post to Santa Siru and delete the name -=The Return=- My mistake.
Hello Guys! Happy New Year! I hope you remember me. I write this forum to let my friends know that i will be back soon at coh. so S T A Y here !
lvl 50 Katana/Dark armor Scrapper
C u soon.... -
Hello Guys! Happy New Year! I hope you remember me. I write this forum to let my friends know that i will be back soon at coh. so S T A Y here !
lvl 50 Katana/Dark armor Scrapper
C u soon....