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  1. *looks at calendar*

    So....where will everyone be?
  2. DarkLilac

    Kate & Merci wip

    Good thing I haven't gone to sleep yet!

    Seriously, do not feel bad in any way for not finishing today. No need to explain, I totally understand.

    It will be done when it is done and I'm fine with that.

    It is rather intriguing to be surprised while I'm at work....I just hope I don't scream out loud at the awesomeness....I just don't think they'd get it!

    But surprise is cool with me.

    Take it easy for the night, it's a big day tomorrow with I11 and all!

    And thank you.
  3. DarkLilac

    Holiday Art Sale

    Couldn't have been better timing! Thank you.
  4. Thank you everyone! And Happy Birthday to you too, Todd.
  5. Cake! Where? where?! Offers the Squirrel and Aldy some cake. Thank you.

    *falls asleep on the cake*
  6. DarkLilac

    Holiday Art Sale

    I can't wait for mine.....well I can wait but it's not easy!

    Oh...by the way.... *encases that can of Defrost in a block of ice*
  7. DarkLilac

    November Art

    Wow, very cool. I really like how Veikira turned out
  8. DarkLilac

    oh! lookie :)

    Great commission! His style is so fun too, congrats, very nice!
  9. DarkLilac

    Kate & Merci wip

    What she said!

    Sorry for the late reply. Decision on DA
  10. Have a wonderful birthday!
  11. DarkLilac

    I can haz arts!

    That really is a super nice rendition of Rowr. One of the best, I think, of her. Congrats
  12. DarkLilac

    Kate & Merci wip

    Oooohhhh Eeeemmmmm Geeee! That is looking so cool so far, I almost can not wait!

    Get some sleep! With Thanksgiving down here being tomorrow I might not get to see what updates might happen!

    I'll save the rest of the gushing for the end
  13. DarkLilac

    New Larissa pic

    Nice new additions for your gallery! I really like the Mystical-Enigma piece, especially that the pencils were changed to a green, very cool look.
  14. Those are really nice, Temporal. Cute touches with the snow globe and the face in the fire!
  15. Awesome! I was just thinking about the City of Nuts a few days ago hoping more might show up sometime...funny stuff.
  16. Have a wonderful birthday!
  17. So I11 might be a good time to make a new character and meet some forumites!
  18. Hope your birthday was a good one, a little belated wish.
  19. DarkLilac

    Kate & Merci wip

    Ahhh, I never got to mention that I love the colors on the Bruiser! Enforcer is looking cool so far too. I'm all for fun with the guns as long as my girls don't take a back seat to all that hardware

    Sure is building up the excitement being revealed in pieces, tho! Loving it.
  20. DarkLilac

    Feral Kitty WIP

    Me either, can't wait to see the color, looks great so far!
  21. His clothing looks great so far, going to be awesome colored!

    P.S No worries, LJ, I know it will rock
  22. That IS looking pretty interesting so far! Keep us posted for sure