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  1. Green...with envy. Hehehe

    That looks awesome!
  2. DarkLilac

    A drawring...


    Happy, Happy!

    I so love this and I'm so glad to finally be able to see it in all it's wonderfulness! Thank you, thank you.

    The others look fantastic, too. I hope you fix the line snafu too, but they are still super!
  3. That looks awesome. I love her hair, and the ribbony parts and the long gloves. Really nice so far!
  4. That really stinks, Far. That happened to me back in high school too. Someone stole my wallet out of my purse in the locker room. Apparently, it was supposed to be locked during gym but not that day for me. It was very upsetting. Sorry to hear you'll be denied gaming for awhile because of some theif.

    Maybe something will work out for you.
  5. DarkLilac

    Chocolate Luv

    [color=#cc99cc]That's really cute, Bas. Like the colors.
  6. The wings are so...luminescent, so pretty. Wonderful work!
  7. 6 yrs pushing it? No way! That's exactly what I will be doing...it's still believable at this age!

    More cake anyone? Or maybe cupcakes...with funny faces made out of various colored frostings and sprinkles for hair...

  8. *brings cake*
    Happy Birthday!
  9. Oooh...wow...stunning...love the portrait in the background and the full wing span....looking great so far.

    I feel your pain Farwielder.
  10. DarkLilac


    [ QUOTE ]

    Nono, thank you. The generousity of this board never ceases to amaze me!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Agreed! I can't wait to see all the fabulous work you have for us in the coming weeks!
  11. Fun thread, Bas! I wish I didn't miss the last.

    Anyway, here's a little something for this round...

    Presenting Doctor Slicendice...reporting for surgery

  12. WOW! There were 8 Pocket D's when I had logged on for the party, it was crazy!

    Arctic Sun is a title giving machine.

    Here is mine.

    Fun times!
  13. Lots of good ideas. It will just be fun to be a part of it no matter what gets used. I haven't said so because I figure it's obvious by posting in the thread, hehe, but Lilac is up for anything.
  14. Kerse came out so cool, the pose and the overall feel. Fantastic!
  15. They were all great entries. Congratulations Celtic!
  16. Trying to garden and everything comes up dead. Must be a necromancer hiding around here somewhere...
  17. Ooooh, pretty! That came out great.
  18. I think it's pretty damn good and whatever tweaks you make will enhance it. The background story of it all makes it that much more interesting, too.

    I always gravitate toward archery in games. Love being an archer and bowmen are the sexy.
  19. Wonderful piece. He does great work, congrats on yours.
  20. [color=#cc99cc]Very cool, nice stuff.