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  1. I didn't know that was your first run, Beef. I thought you'd done it 2 or 3 times by then and were just helping others get the MoITF badge.

    Was a great team, thanks again.
  2. I find the current appearance sufficient but never really liked being mistaken for a Devouring Earth. <_<

    An original Granite look would be nice and if it let's us customize, all the better! I would like it if it were possible so we'd still become "Giant-sized" when in Granite form. I love that Granite towers over everyone else. Better yet, let us be able to scale Granite form!
  3. DakotaSunrise

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Psygon View Post
    First up:

    Dakota Sunrise
    So adorably cute! Thank you very much, Psygon!
  4. Submitting my drawing of my main character for the City Scoop.

    Stone Armored
  5. Very nice collection, Desmodos! I need to learn how to paint...
  6. DakotaSunrise

    Stone Armored

    Drawing of my flagship character. Took me a while to figure out how to color this.

  7. /signed

    This is a great idea. Maybe a sonar-like "blip" in the Navigation window or as a status icon?
  8. DakotaSunrise

    Gale Storms

    Thanks, everyone!

    Here's a peek at the waves before I touched up the inks and used the Bucket Tool on them. Warning: Not pretty!

  9. DakotaSunrise

    Gale Storms

    Hurricane Gale, our Storm/Electric Defender, letting loose and loving it.


    I tried inking the main figure with a Hunt 102 and think I did fairly well. I'm proud of myself for having to do only a few small corrections in PS.
  10. DakotaSunrise

    Fate Weaving

    Thank you! But I can see lots of errors or things I could have done better. Well, it's all practice, hence the vellum which is awesome but a bit pricey. Eventually, I hope to get enough confidence to ink directly on the pencils.
  11. DakotaSunrise

    Fate Weaving

    Decided to try out non-digital inking. It was a bit scary at first.

    I used Faber-Castell Artist pens since the local hobby store didn't have any nibs instock. I didn't want to mess up the pencils so I inked on tracing vellum. I did a rather squiggly job on the face but gained a bit of confidence as I went along. Right as I thought "Hey, this isn't that tough", I did a major screw up on a line on the cape. :/

    Overall, it turned out pretty good. I still had to correct several (*cough* lots of) mistakes in PS. Still, not bad for a first try. Well, first because most of my previous attempts at "inking" was using a Bic ballpoint to sketch with.

    btw, All the lines of the weave were added in PS. I knew I didn't have the skill or patience yet to try and do them with real ink.

    Edit: It would be nice if I added the link. :P
  12. Beautiful cover! Love the fly pose and the old war planes.
  13. Wonderful drawing, 8baller! Love the angle of the pose and the detail in the axe. Keep them coming.
  14. Thanks, everyone! It was a fun pic to draw.

    [ QUOTE ]
    poor cat.. looks like he/she is ready to crap out her/his heart..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kobu is a male cat. Lazy as can be because he never leaves her shoulder. :/

    [ QUOTE ]
    &lt;stands in line for a commission piece&gt;

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, DarkEther, if I start offering commissions, I'll be sure to let you know.
  15. My Ice/Kin Kaori Kentou, her cat Kobu, and a rather unwelcomed study partner....

  16. I'm going to guess it was the Defender, in Perez Park, with the Luck Charm.

    No? Dangit....

    Beautiful piece!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Here's some insanity for you...

    Insanity for making it at least ;^_^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jeez, that is.... insane. @_@

    I love it.
  18. Yup, she's very scary. *shudders* I guess "arresting" means something else on her homeworld.

    Btw, I removed the Mature tag from DeviantArt. I thought it would just display a warning, not require login.
  19. Finished this picture last week of our Antonian scrapper, Cirelick. Slight blood warning, though there's really no gore. Wanted to keep it PG-13.
