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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    You really do need to feel that earth/fire dom team to get an apreciation and understanding of it.
    Kat has felt it and still doesn't understand it. But yes, I would hate to run into a team that spikes completely differently from any other team and not have any practice with it. Unless you have no intentions of beating them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    But if the point of practice is to make you capable of winning official matches...shouldn't you be looking to also win your practice matches? Every single time we play against WARE we play to win. In my mind that's the whole PURPOSE of practicing. That's why I don't understand Shenanigans not wanting to practice with WARE...it would only increase their chances of beating them in officials.

    CG on the promotion. I still don't like you.
    Xanatos needs the title of MFHB because he truly doesn't give a ****

    And yes you should try to win practices which is why internals are so pointless. If you don't feel like you need to win you won't give it your all. When you give it your all and lose you continue to push harder which will get you to a higher skill level and that is the point of practice. If there was a team that was better than Ware we would practice them everyday and it would improve us exponentially. The weaker team in a practice gets the most out of it. If we were ***** we would only practice HB and Fap but instead we practice anyone.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Congratulations on your promotion Hemm, you're still fat.
    He is slimming down from practicing us more than 3 matches a week. If i were you I'd fear fighting them week 7. Since they will likely be in peak condition at that point. Either that or practice us more.

    Long live the badgers.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    Oh yea... 2-3 billion inf for a 3% defense IO or 1.5 billion for a toxic proc is under valued... These prices are worse than any IO that is native to PvE, and much of the reason for the high prices is because they have value in PvE as well as PvP.

    The only reason there is any reasonable supply of these IOs is because people afk farm them. It's just one of the many problems that the devs created intentionally and ignorantly but refuse to fix.
    Sad but true. Without pvp io farmers these ios would only be sold off market and for even more ungodly numbers. I'd guess that farmers and duping account for over 99% of the pvp ios in the game. Some pvp io farmers have 16595 hours logged so a big thank you to those people for attempting to remedy the economic crisis in coh. And an even bigger thank you to those that dupped 1000s of glad jav procs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    GG's guys. You showed great teamwork, congrats on the win.
    It is all the practice they do with us. We have seen noticeable improvements in many of there newer players. There is no helping gunrock but that last spike on Kat at the beginning of this league would have killed him. We still have Mondays and Tuesdays open if you guys are looking to get some solid practice in.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jaso View Post
    lol seriously that is a kill every 7 seconds in a 10 min match! Did they just stand there?
    No, they put up a good fight but we just had too much dam
  7. GGs tonight, but I think we can do better than 85-0
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    How did you score 85 with respawn timers and escape powers etc?
    They can't all be respawning
  9. Daknah

    YOUR Dream Team.

    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    Just caught this little gem, lmao.
    I feel like you and vex could just sit around making each other laugh at other peoples expense for eternity. OP forum 2v2 team
  10. Daknah

    YOUR Dream Team.

    Do you doubt I am a random sonic blaster from freedom?

    I joined the game during i14, an AE baby to the extreme. I was a level 50 fire kin that didn't know how to use the train. Starting TFing i15 with Prophets of Supremecy. First entered a zone or 1v1d (with my sg) at the start of i16 that was September. Kbs really started in November so I joined those on my pvp io-less sonic em. After two weeks of kb I was being picked over max no offense to max I have no problem with him as a person. I formed friendships with Vex Chris and Musey and got better. Beat poned and final res in 1v1s in my first week of non Pve sg matches. Then the league formed. I was asked to join u2bg and accepted. However after I found out it would not include my new friends I decided to co lead the post op we'll talk band of misfits. Vex and I then turned our d6 players into an unstoppable force that even beat a 5/6 d8 U2bg team. If I had been able to hold the team together instead of having 5 d8 players left at the end we would have won the league thanks to the points system. I quit for awhile came back to join Steve, then headed the FML and won it with BFG. Quit again. I had 15 month vet badge before I came back this time. So other than Venatrix whom I found in the 12th round of the fpvpl d6 draft picked soley because she had the global Lady Inferno and I wanted to try to sway Reaver to our team by having all the females, I have the least game time played/pvp time of any of the known names in this league. I think the problem is people like you BW that have played for awhile and still suck so they make excuses instead of getting better. And way to copy my soul storm build, you do it wrong. And don't even try to say you did it first. I did that as soon as going rogue came out.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    So that's why you guys are winning so hard? All wearing new pumps on state of the art rigs with free blizzards and complimentary 'meds'? Corporate sponsors ruined the GAME, man!
    You should see the uniforms Nike made us, they put the Oregon ones to shame.

    #OccupyWare.gov share the wealth.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by perilX View Post
    Gotta rep the championship, we are the winners.
    Gotta rep the wolf, respecting the pack.
    Gotta rep the sponsors, free DQ today was amazing.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    psh try saying that to an art director and see if he doesnt show you the door.
    I am pretty sure that is the first time you have actually made me laugh. Hats off to you sir.

    Btw the last edited by in your sig is messed up. Perhaps vex can give you some advice on that, he fooled so many of us with it.
  14. Good for you for having a talent. I can't draw my way out of a paper bag. But the beauty in this current gp is in it's simplicity. He makes gp's not to astound people with the artsiness of it but instead to make it pleasurable to the eyes. Mission accomplished. We want people to enjoy reading our match commentary and our beautiful screen shots as well as look at our sponsors that have paid a pretty penny to have there names attached to the unstoppable force that is WARE.gov. So with your infinite wisdom look past your art so you can see the beauty that accomplishes our goals.
  15. That better be on the Gp. I want it. So awesome.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    They were updated on the GP site shortly after officials, I forgot that there was a space for that on this thread, thanks for reminding me.
    That gp is too ugly for me to view. All ware viewed gp's must be peril approved.
  17. Update the standings
    Ware.gov 6-0
    Shen 3-0
    HB 3-3
    Exile 3-3
    Fap 3-3
    CC 0-3
    CN 0-6
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jaso View Post
    actually they were ahead of you then stopped gaining all together? Perhaps they declaired victory then quit? lol
    Incorrect. They have gained 600k since then while we have gained 1.7 mill
  19. In 1 day we went from tied to 1 million up. Are they ready to give up yet? I mean that display of power should cripple the masses.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lll Phoenix lll View Post
    Yeah even though the last weeks it didnt seem like that.
    You were tricked
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lll Phoenix lll View Post
    Did CC pick me again?
    Yes, round 5 this time. Exile and CC were the only ones picking and Exile doesn't like you apparently.
  22. Daknah

    YOUR Dream Team.

    Since I am post i13 my team will all be based on post i13 talent

    Emp- Klesk
    Emp- Spiner or Vex
    Rad- Vinnie
    Blaster/Dom- Silit
    Blaster/Dom- Liberty
    Blaster/Dom- March
    Blaster/Dom- Me
    Blaster/Dom- H0j

    We would need Z, Peril and HP as well.

    So Basically Ware.gov + Z and H0j (also minus mebs)
    Or U2bg + Lib Vex and I
  23. O good you can do 8v8v8s now
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jaso View Post
    impressive! weren't they head 1.8 million before you started?? lol
    We went down to 1 person for 2 weeks, and then none for 3 days. Losing to that is like losing 40-0 on Tech Lab
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Any teams wanting to practice either of these nights since Casual Champion seems to have dropped?
    Free up Tuesday or Monday and get at us.