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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    They can't stay for one more week to play us? Rofl.
    Would you?

    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    What happened to you, Bitter? Where's the love. You've lost your sparkle.
    O he shines like a vampire in a bad teen drama.

    Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
    Like ugly irish people who like ducks and little girls
    Uncalled for Mr. Heals. Lets be civil.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    I don't really care. If everybody is fine with that then it's fine with me.
    With CC dropping I would assume they dont vote. So that would mean you would need a majority (4 of 6) to switch the rule and I assure you that wont happen.

    I am very glad that the majority of the captains were level headed enough to look at this change not in a sense of how can we get an upper hand but instead what is the right thing to do.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Also, one thing I was counting on for this draft was for some of the CC draftees to put themselves in the pool after leaving CC, but Newguy posted last night that his team was disbanding after this Sunday anyways, so it might be better just to push it back until Monday or Tuesday since that would put the entire CC roster into the pool so long as they want to be there.
    Does that mean that Ware can draft Bud????
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I will loose that smakesignal!!
    I r b furst owt
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Newguy_44 View Post
    CC will fight this weekend against Chicken Nuggets then disband. Any players that still want to play can be picked up by HB I guess you guys were saying. Thats fine with me
    I am sorry to hear that. Ware was looking forward to matches with you.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Exile wanting to beat WARE has nothing to do with the change, not sure how many times I have to say that before people get it.

    In the double elim setup the league would only be longer for the final 2 teams, as the other 2 would both be eliminated by the 2nd round, Silit showed me a pretty simple bracket for it.

    In any event, with any of the options currently offered in the vote, the league would not be extended, and the option to keep it as is is still there.
    Your intentions may be pure, but this is being used (maybe not by your team) just to get an edge over ware. That is why it is problematic to change the league set up so late in the season.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evo_X View Post
    Sooo for what it's worth, I'm thinking elimination would be the easiest.
    Point system seems ok for getting to playoffs, but I dunno about during.
    It's to messy it seems. Keep it simple.
    Sooo elimination mebe?? =P

    Keep it simple, I agree. Keep it so simple that we keep it the way it was first agreed upon at the start of the league.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    This is true. Due to the points awarded for d6 matches, we'd have had to win every playoff game just to be tied for first. Keep in mind, this back when teams could force ties and lose you points - if just one team was successful in doing that (multiple teams tried - CIGAL even had everyone quit out save for their stalkers in an attempt to make us lose) we would have lost.
    But Feo Statesguard and Captain had gotten so good.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    If people are so easily influenced by other people's votes they are pathetic little haines stains. Can't we just vote on mumble on Sunday before matches, 5 minutes and done?
    Wait till we get our haines on you!
  10. Daknah

    PvP Servers

    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Exalted has Burns, can't go wrong there.
    Fixed to give credit to leader of VIPvp
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    I can add the option to vote for that, I didn't add it because it didn't seem like an option anybody would vote for but WARE, just as I didn't add my 6 team playoff model because it would probably just dilute a vote or 2 and serve no real purpose, despite still believing it's better.

    It's still a vote, it may pass, it may not, nothing has been decided yet. You are trying very hard to push this agenda which paints me as some corrupt league leader who is trying to model this league to somehow benefit me and nobody else. I didn't just bring this idea up out of no where, the idea was brought up to me and I asked multiple people what they thought about it, and the response was generally that it was worth bringing up, so I did. I just happen to agree with the idea.

    If I wanted to model this league to benefit me or my team, I could easily just start making up BS rules that hurt other teams ability to win and things of that nature, which I have not done yet.
    It is very evident that you care alot about this league. However, I see you too quickly jump to something. The point of the league creator imho is just to get the ground floor done. You seem to want to have your hand in every aspect of it and create more issues than are needed which is more like how Bud and Kat ran their leagues. Granted we eventually over threw them and got a pure captains vote but the league creator shouldnt be trying to think of things to change nonstop. The captains can call for a captain's meeting to propose changes. It is great that you care so much but it seems a bit too over zealous.

    As for the vote:
    Best of 3 or Best of 5
    Keep points system that is in place or Move to elimantion system with 1v4 2v3
    Keep points system that is in place or Move to Elimantions system with top seed picking opponent.

    That would be the way I would phrase it. 3 separate votes of A or B. It would not be fair for us to vote with 3 choices due to split decisions, some might not care if its 1v4 2v3 or top seed pick opponent and just want it to be elimination and those that want it to remain points will be able to have their voices heard on each vote.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Oh sweet my request to have my forum handle changed went through.
    I wonder if we have to remove you from our mission statement now... Or maybe just change the caption. I like option B.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crusherina View Post
    Like I have stated before multiple times, if you can find the whole group together to practice, we will be willing. The thing is, we have a one day time zone (Saturdays) to actually 'practice' if you will. Although it may seem like I live on the game, we like for everyone on the team (drafts included) to join in on practices. Or would you like to 8v1 my poor wimpy stalker?

    This goes for all of the teams, the Chicken Nuggets practice every Sat at 7 eastern (depending if everyone shows up on time) and do a few rounds until Artic wears his little healing fingers out. If you see me, feel free to jump up and down, wave your little arms to get my attention and ask, if we are not closing down (which happened the week before when FAP asked if we wanted target practice, everyone was already leaving).
    I am sorry, it was more of a joke. I know you guys practice every saturday and Ware would love to join you. Usually we don't have more than 2-3 people on at that time though. But really that was just a joke to lighten things up since we have been attacking Shenanigans about not practicing us so much. Also thank you for the matches last night Shenanigans I am really sorry we couldnt put up a better showing. We weren't expecting matches so didnt have Sils M Dils the Klesker Poison Sniper Rystorm or even Warlus around and then Marchicus and Seether decided that their real life plans were more important than CoH. We will try to get some more practices some time this week if you would like or just be better prepared next Tuesday. Thanks again for that by the way.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    We will have a Captain's vote for it on Sunday before officials, Captain's should send me a tell or preferably an in-game e-mail with the following:

    1. yes/no to change the playoffs to single elimination
    2. if we change to single elimination, best of 3 or best of 5 (You should answer no matter what your vote was for the 1st question.)

    In between now and then I would encourage Captain's to get with their teams and figure out what your team wants to do, please don't send me your vote until Sunday, before officials.

    Each team will get 1 vote, majority rules.
    Where is our option to pick our opponent? You are trying to simplify the vote to get rid of options you dont like. Our vote is entirely contingent on that. And I would once again like to point out that the entire structure of this league is being voted on right here and its 2 weeks before the end of the regular season. That is kind of absurd.

    Remember the past 3 leagues were all points based with no kind of single elimination play off at the end. FpvpL points with round robin playoff for more points at the end. Champion league the bud edition was just a points system no playoff. FML points system with points playoff. Which is exactly as this league was constructed, now you want to change it this late into the season? That is kind of ridiculous. So the only team getting screwed at all in this change would be WARE. So if you are going to screw us compensate us by letting the top seed pick their opponent in the first round of playoffs (this opponent being one of the other 4 teams that made the playoffs since I did not make this clear earlier)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    I'll practice anytime provided I have enough people on to make some kind of team. Doesn't only have to be Tue/Wed/Thurs. Just a matter of herding..
    Seems no one has people on while we are spamming "8v8 practice anyone?" Which is every night.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    Should be allowed. The first re-draft only had a couple teams going back and forth and drafts are supposed to be allowed up until the week before the playoffs.
    That was different, Exile had people they wanted.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    You could always set up some kind of practice type deal with HB who has the bye that weekend, and during the thanksgiving weekend break, I'm sure there will be people who have downtime who will do some form of 8v8 be it Kickballs or practice matches since nobody has officials scheduled that day.
    This is insulting... We have to break arms just to get practices during the week.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I don't want to extend the season and asking people to give up 2 weekend nights will be bad. You will have teams loosing simply because of no shows, which isn't fair.
    Agreed, the wolves drink on those nights. And extending the season is a bad idea. GJ Philly ^5
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    The problem is we don't have enough teams to have the seeds be a minority no matter what method we do it in, so I'm less worried about that and at this point, more worried making sure everyone gets the most out of this league. At this point that to me seems like trying to give all of the teams maximum playtime while trying to keep it somewhat competitive. With the current setup I have for that 6 team playoff, you would be fighting all of the better teams basically the whole playoffs, which is what your concern was if I'm understanding correctly, right? You don't want to fight a bunch of matches where you fight the lower seeded teams and what not, but would rather fight teams that put up a better fight, or maybe I just read that wrong.
    You seem to have read that right however you don't seem to read the rest of my posts. You are completely destroying the need for a regular season. Hell ware could make a new team right now and if somehow able to join the league this late, get two weeks of matches in and make the playoffs and then win it on that team that just won 6 games. Keep it to 2 weeks, top 4 teams and let us pick our opponent as the reward for winning the regular season. Drawing out this league is not in the best interest of all pvpers. Honestly we are in a good position right now to start a new league right after this one. That would be nice.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    I would be open to that, I'm assuming it would basically be dissolving CC and doing some kind of redraft out of their remaining active roster?
    Great now Ware has to take at least 3 weeks off in a row... Its bad enough that we can't get practices from some teams, CHICKEN NUGGETS!!! (You thought I was going to go with Shenanigans lol) But now we cant even get matches for a month SWEET. I thought this league was about PvP.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    Presumably every team would have played and lost to Ware by the time the playoffs even occured, so I don't see how anyone could logically make such a claim. If you're just looking to make some lame dig towards me, don't clog this thread with it. If you're genuinely acting as an errand boy for their concerns, make sure the captains settle any complaint about lineups so that we can avoid any further pissing and moaning down the line.
    1 word. Gunrock.

    Now some more words. He/they/it could try to say they could have beaten the wolf pack if they had only not been eliminated by Shenanigans (which is very likely to happen)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    Since I know that no one actually read this, I'm gonna go ahead and re-post it from the GuildPortal:

    I only see two drawbacks to this kind of final bracket (and one doesn't really count as a drawback). 1. This is a complicated system... but I figured it out easily enough. 2. This would extend the duration of the league by adding extra matches. Some people seem to want to extend the league, however, so I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

    Summon the Jedi Council.
    Ware does not want to have a bye, if we get a bye in playoffs that will make 3 weeks in a row of not playing. (possibly 4 if CC doesn't show up to fight us) So a month of no matches makes things stacked against us imho. Well in reality it doesn't stack them against us but instead it gives teams a glimmer of hope. **** YO GLIMMERS!

    Lets break this down really quick.
    30 teams
    8 playoff spots
    26.67% make the playoffs

    32 teams
    12 playoffs spots
    37.5% make the playoffs

    FPvPL 2011
    7 teams
    4 playoff spots
    57.14% make the playoffs
    proposed 6 team playoff structure:
    7 teams
    6 playoff spots
    85.71% make the playoffs

    4 out of 7 is (for the mathematically impaired) a majority. That is far more people in the playoffs than there should be. We made a points system for a reason, which was something something make the regular season relevant giving a team a buy does not make it relevant. Hemm that tourney also had 24 teams in it during group play if I remember correctly. You must reward those that proved themselves in the regular season. We aren't even asking for an advantage we are asking to pick our opponent out of the people that make the playoffs, that is if we switch to elimination instead of points.

    The fact that you waited this long to ask to change the system tilts my mind towards thinking you finally realized you had to do the impossible to win the league (Not only beat but in fact sweep the wolves).

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a captain and I do not speak for my team, however I think they will agree to this compromise of losing the sure fire win in points in order to get to pick our opponent in the playoffs.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    1 v 3
    2 v 4

    Winner v Winner
    Loser v Loser

    Is more competitive, achieves the same result, and ensures that the top spot is rightly earned. (As 1 would most likely have to beat off 2 & 3.)
    It would be silly to set it up so we were forced to fight seed 3 instead let us pick which seed we fight so as to reward us for earning that top seed. Top 4 make playoffs 1vs any other team of thier choice in the top 4 then the other two teams fight winners fight for first losers fight for 3rd.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    This is laudable.

    However, you don't want to get into how the old NHL was with the Adams/Patrick/Norris/etc. diviisions and you had really bad teams making the playoffs because 4 out of 5 teams made it in each year....and they were basically speed bumps (I'm looking at your Hartford and 1980s-early 90s Toronto) for the teams that would be perennial contenders. Unlike irl sports there aren't really injuries/media/etc here...it's a video game. Sure you have people with better rigs, teams, skill and that's 100% fine.

    If you want everyone to be in it, do it like this:

    1 fights 2.

    3 fights 6.
    4 fights 5.

    Winner of 1 vs. 2 gets a bye into finals.
    Winner of lower matchups play off.
    Top team (1) fights remaining team (3-6).
    Winner is declared.

    There are a lot of permutations you can go through. I mean MLB has what...four or six teams making the playoffs, NHL has 16 of 30, NFL has ?. Playoffs should be attained on merit, not parity.
    4 on each side out of 30 total in MLB
    6 on each side out of 32 total in NFL
  25. So the first 7 weeks of this league was a waste? Did anyone honestly think that ware Shen and exile wouldn't finish top 3? So really it was all to decide who gets 4th spot and fed to the wolves.

    Want to know why I want pick of opponent? So we can get 6 matches vs Shen and exile in during this league. Steam rolling the other teams is only mild enjoyment. I don't want exile having an excuse that they could have slain the big bad wolves when Shenanigans knocks them out of the playoffs.