9 -
Thanks for the explanation - think I will remove it just to be safe. I knew it was not destined for Dev's choice or Hall of Fame.
I have made a mission in the AE "Spaced Invaders"56856 and it has been reported for "violation of LucasFilm character"
In this mission the characters I have are:E-Walk, Spaced Trooper, Martian, Gismo, Predatory, Wooky, Cling On, Bork, Dark Invader, Dark Mauler, Puke Litetalker, Yogurt and Ridicule.
Obviously they are all based on some of our favorite aliens. I though I would be ok by making sure they are all not their real names.
If anyone knows if this actually could get me or CoH into hot water could you let me know as I would rather remove that story than risking getting banned.
Thanks in advance to anyone who responds. -
AE System
Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
Signal to Noise -- Neutral -- 67277
Character/Supergroup Origins
Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V (42221) - Heroic
Noah Reborn -- Heroic (2370)
Jumping in Feet First - Heroic - 1345
Midnight Bells Toll ----Villanious
A hero is made, not born. -- Heroic 20863
Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
THE BOMBER --- Heroic --- Arc 16607
In The Shadow of Statesman --Neutral--1160
A Show to Die For! --- Heroic --- 30645
Check... and Mate #15095 - Heroic - Mini Task Force
Teen Phalanx Forever! -- Heroic (67335)
This Life Immortal - (5756) Heroic
The Extadine Lab -- Heroic
MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
ParaCon -- Heroic
The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero)
The Fire Bunnies - Neutral, They are only bunnies after all...
You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) - Neutral
Trademark Infringement -- Heroic (2220)
Hail to the King Neutral (34640)
Walk On the Wild Side - Neutral - 3580
Shirley You Jest (25474) -- Neutral
The Invasion of the Bikini Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! - Heroic - 61013
Gnomish Madness (30204) - Heroic
Doctor Nadir and the Hellion Heist (49661) - Heroic
Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! - Heroic
The P.U.G. Strike force (arc 35585) -Villian
A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 -- Neutral
How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic (12669)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I - Heroic (althoughs romantic villains could try this too)
Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) - Heroic
Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (2019)
The Toypocalypse! (49280) - Heroic
Bricked Electronics -- Heroic (LIVE! 2180)
The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (16809)
The Monstrous Regiment of Lesbian Hellions -- Heroic (27178)
Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics (2150) - Villainous
Ninja Crimewave! (2142) - Heroic
Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
The Internet is for Crime (53385) - Villains
Plastic Pistol Peril (1135) - Heroic
Friends in Need (Of Body Parts) - Villainous (31005)
A Little RnR - Heroic (17523) click for Promotional Poster
The Conciliators: Simone -- Heroic (4010)
The Fan Club -- Heroic
Matchstick Women -- Heroic -- 3369
Of Mentors and Legacy - Heroic - 1589
Global Domination
Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)
Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (1388)
Easy Money -- Villainous (31490)
Historical (Realistic)
Wrinkle in Time -- Heroic(68920)
Historical (CoH Lore)
The War on Superadine - The Regulators in their 1980's drug war (Heroic) (Arc 7959)
Origins - Volume 1 (57077) -- Heroic
Hectic Holidays -- Heroic (36999) also comedy
Astoria in D Minor (41565) -- Heroic
Dark Dreams (3615)
Don't Play With The Dead (31813) -- Neutral
The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) - Neutral (Unless you happen to be a mad cultist, in which case, go nuts!)
Small Fears -- Heroic
Lights, Camera, Scream! (#68627) - 3 Mission arc that get's you into the B-Horror film circuit.
Large-Scale Crisis
A Hero's Halo -- Heroic
This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
A Warrior's Friend - Heroic
The Clockwork War -- Heroic (18672)
Flight of the Valkyries - Precursor (20272) -- Neutral
The Human Hive (#1632) - Neutral
The Magical Miss Fitz (5079) -- Heroic
Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
A Deal with Destiny -- Heroic
Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
Red Storm Rising (Arc 4912) -- Heroic
Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)
Misc. Adventure
The Portal Bandits (3326) -- Heroic
Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
Dream Paper -- Heroic (13030)
Dream Paper 2: Restless Sleep -- Heroic (16797)
Dream Paper 3: Broken Dreams -- Heroic (13064)
Atlantis Attacks! -- Neutral (30898) -- Click for Promotional Poster
Anactoria's Descent Into the Underworld -- Villainous
The Seelie War -- Heroic
The Unseelie War -- Villainous
Tales of Cimerora, volume 1 : Of feathers and fur -- Heroic
The Aegis Affair - Heroic
Witches and Warriors (53006)- Heroic
The War of Fate(12220,46722)- Heroic
Rites of the Maenads (61159) - Heroic
Nemesis Plots
Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral
Player-Chosen Outcome
Hunting the Dark Dragon -- Heroic
Playing Gods -- Heroic (51106)
Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
Above Mars - Part 1: The Wellington -- Neutral (13215)
The Final Nemesis
The Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (29549)
The Continuing Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (70237)
Spaced Invaders --Heroic(56856)
Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
The Meatgrinder -- Neutral
Grim Riddles (#1396) - Heroic
[/ QUOTE ] -
AE System
Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
Character/Supergroup Origins
Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
Midnight Bells Toll ----Villanious
Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
THE BOMBER --- Heroic --- Arc 16607
Check... and Mate #15095 - Heroic - Mini Task Force
The Extadine Lab -- Heroic
The Great Chicken Caper of '09 -- Heroic
MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
ParaCon -- Heroic
The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero )
The Fire Bunnies - Neutral, They are only bunnies after all...
You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) - Neutral
Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! - Heroic
A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
Attack of the Space Clowns (18749) -- Neutral
Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 -- Neutral
Lawyers of Ghastly Horror -- Heroic
How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I - Heroic (althoughs romantic villains could try this too )
Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) - Heroic
Bricked Electronics -- Heroic (LIVE! 2180)
The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (LIVE! 5073)
The Conciliators: Simone -- Heroic (4010)
Global Domination
Axis and Allies -- Villainous (10597)
Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (20161)
Historical (Realistic)
Wrinkle in Time -- Heroic(68920)
Historical (CoH Lore)
The War on Superadine - The Regulators in their 1980's drug war (Heroic) (Arc 7959)
Hectic Holidays -- Heroic (36999) also comedy
Dark Dreams -- Heroic (18914)
The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) - Neutral (Unless you happen to be a mad cultist, in which case, go nuts!)
Small Fears -- Heroic
Lights, Camera, Scream! (#68627) - 3 Mission arc that get's you into the B-Horror film circuit.
Large-Scale Crisis
A Hero's Halo -- Heroic
This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
A Warrior's Friend - Heroic*
The Magical Miss Fitz (5079) -- Heroic
Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
Red Storm Rising Arc 4912 Heroic
Misc. Adventure
The Portal Bandits (3326) -- Heroic
Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
Dream Paper -- Heroic (LIVE! 1874)
Anactoria's Descent Into the Underworld -- Villainous
The War of Fate: Betrayal (19698) -- Neutral
The Seelie War -- Heroic
The Unseelie War -- Villainous
Tales of Cimerora, volume 1 : Of feathers and fur -- Heroic
The Aegis Affair - Heroic
Nemesis Plots
Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral
Player-Chosen Outcome
Hunting the Dark Dragon -- Heroic
Above Mars - Part 1: The Wellington -- Neutral
Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
Down With The Sickness -- Neutral (12420)
The Final Nemesis
Netrunner -- Heroic (14434)
Spaced Invaders -- Heroic (56856) also comedy
Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
The Meatgrinder -- Neutral
* -
That was the problem - took out my custom boss in last mission now its published - thanks a bunch.
I have created a mission arc and tested it out. When I go to the my local stories tab to publish it the publish and test buttons are greyed out. I go back into edit and no errors. I can save and test from the edit.
Someone suggested that maybe the name of my arc was already taken so I tried renaming it and searching to see if there was an arc with my name. None found.
This arc contains a different charcter group for each mission. Even though i can test this could this be why it wont publish?
If anyone knows what I am doing wrong your advice would be greatly appreciated. -
thanks for the feedback - I had been unpublishing mine.
I noticed in the patch notes that there were 2 things that could make a mission invalid. In both cases it said "do not unpublish" your mission as you will lose your ratings.
So is it possible to edit a published mission? -
With all of the missions available to choose does anyone have any advice in how to "get the word out" on a story arc.
I have created an arc titled "hectic holidays" and was hoping to get some people to do it.
I have formed a team and went through it, they seemed to like it but it is much better when you get to see the chat from the contact.
I hope this isnt the wrong place to do this but if anyone could try it and send me feedback it would be greatly appreciated. I do appologize if advertising your arc here on the forums is discouraged.