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  1. Crescent_Fresh

    New artist

    So what you're saying is that I can catch more flies with vinegar than honey?
    As in it would also be helpful to work on parts and experiment with them to get better and more skilled rather then keep drawing the whole thing.
    Awesome idea
  2. Crescent_Fresh

    New artist

    Here's my second sketch that I just completed Sketch 2: Electric Boogaloo
    And if you are going to rip my character then make sure to give me credit in your bio
  3. Crescent_Fresh

    New artist

    That is a ridiculous analogy in fact that's the best ridiculous analogy I have ever heard in my life and I thank you for that.
    And your advice on doing the robotic details last is also good. I'll try it.

    I love all of you who have helped me out!
  4. Crescent_Fresh

    New artist

    I took your advice and got a how to draw manga book and I've been practicing and I'm slowing improving.
    Once I get better enough that it's noticeable then I'll post more pictures.
    Thank you?
  5. Crescent_Fresh

    New artist

    Hi everyone, I'm trying out my art skills and I was wondering if anyone had some tips.
    Here's a sketch I did during school, which is why it's on lined paper.
  6. Wow, nice, awesome, and cool art.
    Those rock. I'd like to see more of those because I like them... and stuff...
  7. Crescent_Fresh

    My Comic

    That is awesome-rific!
    I wish I was that talented.
    But I do have my stunning good looks to help me in the world
    Good job and keep 'em coming (no pressure)
  8. Do you play CoV and are you on the Victory server? If so then maybe you know me
    Here's my super tough/scary villain, he's an Electric/Electric Brute Electro Ch!cken
    I hope you have fun with all this?
  9. 3 things:
    1) Thank you soooo much you person made of pure energy and light!
    2) It's funny that you picked my toon fighting a penguin because here's the backstory for Electro Ch!cken that I've been using since the beginning....
    Electro Ch!cken was made in an evil toy factory by super non-intelligent penguins in the year 2025. He broke free when one of the penguins left the window open. He found a time travel machine and went back in time to the year 3110. There he worked as a coal worker in inter-galactic soup mines, where they mine for soup. Eventually he came to these islands where he made his home in a dumpster 10 feet below the Earth's surface. Electro Ch!cken became a super villain and started doing evil things and stuff. And that is why Brazilians speak Portuguese to this day.
    (thanks again)
  10. I posted one earlier about Electro Ch!cken I hope you saw it
    thank you and I love you all
  11. Those sprites look really super awesome special fudgy cool.
    I'm not sure if you are doing any more yet but just incase you are... Electro Ch!cken
    electric/electric brute w/ super jump
    incase you were wondering
    Thank you
  12. It's stuff like this that makes me proud to play this game.
    God bless CoX
  13. These are so cool! Almost as cool as me
    I used one and it looks so awesome
    Here it is and thank you
  14. Crescent_Fresh

    I'm sorry.

    I'm sorry that I have to reply with this screen shot (maybe NSFW) Hmmm...
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Victory Server -

    Electro Ch!cken #0 - He's Everywhere! He's Everywhere!

    ***for those old enough, think back to the old radio comedy from our youth, Chicken Man!***

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OMG... that is so awesome! I love the electric font for the title. Thank you soooooooo much
    Where do you get those fonts from? they are really cool.
    The end?
  16. Crescent_Fresh

    Free Drawings

    This is Electro Ch!cken he's an electric/electric brute
    This is so awesome that your doing this.
    Have fun
  17. Thank you sooo much Syatfin! I was just using a digital cam. I'll try FRAPS, and hopefully I will make an even better one. If I can't I'm going to kick you in the head! Just kidding it'll be the chest.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Great concept but the camera shaking gave me a headache.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Was it the "camera shaking"? Or was your mind BLOWN by the awesome combined force of The D + Electro Ch!cken?
  19. Song: The Metal
    Artist: Tenacious D
    Starring: Electro Ch!cken
    Awesome Level: Infinity²

    Here it is: The greatest thing I've ever done with my life!
  20. I finally got some MAJOR artistic skills at drawing my toon or whatever people call it. I drew a masterpice that will stun the world and even have some people vomiting (that's how good it is).

    WARNING: Only look at this if you are prepared to have your mind blown!

  21. I hope you have a happy BIRTHDAY! And I hope you don't get caught by an evil fastfood chef (trust me it's not fun) but if you do then better luck next year!
  22. Are animal-inspired villains ok? If so, here is the one you've all been waiting to see in a different post...

    Electro Chicken in: SNACKS!
  23. Now for all of you who are wondering (which probably none of your are) this is the story of Electro Chicken ...

    Electro Chicken was made an evil toy factory by super non-intelligent penguins in the year 2025. He broke free when one of the penguins left the window open. He found a time travel machine and went back in time to the date 6/18/3110. There he worked as a coal miner in inter-galactic soup mines, where they mine for soup. Eventually he came to Rogue Islands where he made his home in a dumpster 10 feet below the Earth's surface. Electro Chicken became a super villain and started doing evil things. And that is why Brazilians speak Portuguese to this day.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Great now you know they are going to start a stupid SG like The Avian Alliance or The Variety Bucket or even the dreaded
    Poultry Posse

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is an awesome idea. And now I realize I have the wrong feet . This has been an awesome thread, I hope it continues.