11 -
And now some words of wisdom:
"Brute: it's not just an AT, it's a state of mind."
"It takes a special kind of crazy..."
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Fun story. Was doing new year mish with a buddy of mine and got tore up pretty bad by an over abundance of red caps. Ran off, healed up and started back in. He says, 'you're going back there?' My response, 'Heck yea, nobody beats on me like that and gets away with it.'
Proceeded to clear out the room -
One of them was a fluke. (As an a "what the heck," unplanned, not an invertibrate.)
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you sure about that bill?
I have mild altoholism. My stable on my chosen server is full, every now and then I get a new idea and generally go to another server to try it out. My main is 43, and the characters I really enjoy playing are all over 30. Once I8 hits I'll likely get my heroes up (highest hero is 24). I have deleted many toons to make room for a new ones, heck I recently deleted a 20 cause I thought of something I'd enjoy more. My biggest thing is play what's fun, don't worry about the 'uberest' toon, the 'best' build, etc. -
Dang, sounds like you're the impatient one there specter. I've never been on a team PuG or otherwise that got wiggy on the leader for seaching for more members.
As the the tell issue, I always prefer a tell. If someone sends me an inteligble tell and I'm available for teaming I usually do. The only thing I really want to know in advance is if they plan on taking an AV or are specifically looking for help with one. And I'll generally ask which AV so I know what I'm getting into. Additionally unless they mention the level I'll always look them up first. It's annoying as heck to get in a team that's +/- 5 levels or more. Can't count the number of times I've gotten a /t soandso, want to team? *looks up soandso, see's they're 10th level* when i'm on a 30+ character. -
When soloing, Energy/Energy Brutes rarely have trouble getting and keeping Fury up. All they need to do is pick some bad guys and whale on them for a while with their weaker attacks, taking the hits the bad guys put on them in return.
[/ QUOTE ]
*pictures a brute laying about with a whale by the tail*
/sigh if only....
Very good guide though. Have a 43 EM/EA myself and I can't find a thing to dissagree with you on. Doodie head(sorry just had to throw that in
Few notes for ya Fellinar.
Stone Fist. Drop the recharge in favor of another acc (see note on hammers). Fist charges fast enough on it's own.
For the hammers I have to disagree with your slotting. Currently I use 2acc/2redux/1recharge. The reason is thus, SM uses so much end you need to hit more often than you miss, hitting more often is better than hitting less for more damage. On a brute fury will more than make up for not slotting damage. And with LR/Hasten/recharge SO, you are attacking fast enough to build fury without the enemies attacking back. If i can't find something more usefull to do with the slots I may put a sixth in there and make it damage, but that'd be icing on the cake
Fault is very usefull for it's damage mitigation. It does knockdown/back and stuns as well. This is extreemly usefull if you run on the 2nd or 4th difficulty level as the group sizes are generally larger. The slotting I currently use is 1 each, acc/recharge/redux/disorient.
Seismic Smash. I'd drop the recharge in favor of another damage or end redux. Even with 2 redux it still uses a good chunk of end, so you don't really want it available any faster than LR+hasten gets you. If it's up you'll want to use it, I know I do
Hurl Boulder. The main reason to have this power is for runners (in PvE) and flyers (in both). Secondarily, it's a heck of a lot more usefull that BU or taunt. The damage is quite good, give it an acc or two but don't waste alot of slots on it unless you want range for PvP. You won't use it often enough to need redux.
Tremor. Again, no need for recharge. It's base recharge is quite good and by the time you get it you have LR. Un enhanced it actually charges faster than fault with a recharge SO. Again, add acc so it actually hits those +3's and higherI'm looking at 3dmg/2acc/1redux, basically it's base damage is the same as stone fist, but to everything around you. When fighting a boss, run LF and after a few tremors all the minions/lt's will be dead
Shields - You don't need 2 end redux in the shields. One if you really want it, but by the time you get stamina and power sink you won't even need that really. Don't waste the slots, or respec em out later.
Lightning field - Less end redux, more acc, possibly end mod as well as it does drain the enemies end (but doesn't give you any)
Grounded - default slot until later levels when(if) you have them to spare.
Lightning Reflext - Default slot. Add for runspeed if you really, really want it.
Conserve Power - Can be useful. Doesn't recharge end, reduces end costs of all your powers by like 90%. Good for post crash, sappers, loooong hero/av battles. Very situational.
Power Sink - Too many slots. 2 end mod, 1 recharge is plenty. If you typically are using it on only one mob, you might want 3 end mod, but if you have at least 2 mobs then the 2 slots will cap you off.
Fitness - Agreed
Fighting - by taste
Medicine - by taste
Speed - I consider hasten a must to maximize the potential of this combo. YMMV This does put you in line to have SS for travel unless you want yetanother pool power and leads to selecting hurdle over sprint from fitness.
Leaping - Acrobatics will be usefull if you PvP alot. For PvE grounded is more than sufficient. -
There's one thing I'd really like to see..
Suggested by: Me!
Category: Decorative
Custom: No
Type: Purchased
Description: See also, cot, hammock, bunk, bunkbed, sleeper couch, futon, twin, queen, king, etc. Something to sleep on. Would allow us to actually have living quarters. The two hospital type beds just don't cut the mustard. -
Enigma, with 2gigs of ram in there you try turning down/off the virtual memory? With that much actual ram i doubt windows will really need much vram. The big problem is it tends to use the vram first which, being on the hard drive, is considerably slower than your nice pc3200 sticks. If you've done this, well then i dunno man.
Dystopia, they still are, you have to select the 'chaos leather' mask/pattern as well. Should be at the bottom of the list. That and the plate armor and a couple others do that now.
Lol Zloth. No silly, there's a 50% chance you will resist the teleport effect. That DOES sound like defense, but it's not. If it were defense the tele would have a 50% miss chance, which is different than you actively resisting the effect.
Mostly semantics, I knowI been PnP gaming for ages though and can usually explain the difference well.
Btw, nice guide Speqter. I may actually add lightning field to my build eventually, given the end return with a large group of baddies. -
I'm not quite sure where the triggers are in there. I know there is the "you got near the vault." I suspect there may also be a "you smashed the vault" or a "you got near (or touched) one of the back-room safes."
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The triggers are all the red light beams you see around. If one hits you it triggers an alarm/ambush. There's 2 right outside the vault door, making them dang near unavoidable.
I ran my brute into the smash and grab after doing the bank and hit all the alarms i could just for kicks. Happily smashed away at the multitude of PPD that came pouring in until my time ran outHad some status/debuff issues, but not too many (he was 22ish at the time)
I have to agree with CuppaSyniq, I think y'all are seriously overcomplicating the mission drop thing.
My bet is it will simply remove the mission from your que. If it's from a contact you haven't outleveled they will offer it to you again next time you talk to them. The only thing it'll really let you do is retry a bugged mission, and make room in your que for new missions. That's pretty much it.
Edit - Just to clarify, by 'bugged' I don't necessarily mean a mission that is broken. Sometimes missions just won't complete for some reason. Usually resetting the mission works, but if that's not an option being able to drop it and reaquire it would be usefull.