1414 -
And Comrade doesn't mind at all, he's actually quite chuffed and pleasantly surprised. Thanks Temeprus.
And here's what Comrade Hero looked like before he was a hero. Second Design Sheet by Yamandú Daniel Orce.
Stylized Russian Test Pilot uniform. Chest emblem is that of the Sukhoi Design Bureau.
An improvised club.
The original drawing had Comrade Hero holding a metal pipe.
I asked Benjamin if he could add something like a steel and concrete girder.
He did and it looked kind of funny (caveman-ish).
I said make it a whacking great piece of the steel and concrete.
And voilà, you have a Comrade Hero 'caveman' lugging around an improvised club in a futuristic environment... -
Cassandra Cain... the most lethal and terrifying young lady to put on the Bat costume.
Fantastic and congratulations! Jeremy's work just shines.
I agree with the Model Sheets by Erwin Ropa. They're fantastic.
Urah! Congratulations on your very first piece of fanart. Fantastic!
Quote:Errr.... I blame you for promoting Erwin in the first place.Love the model sheets...
I just hope we don't turn EuRopa into a "model sheet" only artist...
I've asked Erwin to do more model sheets once Yamandú Daniel Orce completes the first set (civilian Comrade Hero) and I start work on the other secondary characters.
Thanks. Operations was the tricky one as she's a character who can manipulates 'virtual' reality in the real world. It was hard to describe that, thankfully I came across some good reference material. -
Some Comrade Hero Project Model Sheets by the talented Erwin Ropa. Based on the design work of Yamandú Daniel Orce.
Comrade Hero by Reginaldo Salvador Vicente. The last of my main characters form City of Heroes done by Reginaldo, who previously did all the superwomen.
The Second Doctor with his companions Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Herriot remind me of Matt Smith's Doctor and his companions Amelia Pond and Rory Williams.
With the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon provided the brute physical muscle that the Doctor lacked; and Zoe Herriot was a scientific genuis whose formidable intellectual prowess was such that she managed to annoy and infuriate the Second Doctor.
The Second Doctor came across as a bit of a right nut-job. But often used the perception that he was a bumbling and befuddled Time Lord to outfox his enemies; showing that beneath the clownish exterior was a master schemer, manipulator and trickster.
Quote:Agreed. Like the shampoo commercial is so fond of saying - it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.I'll tell you the one secret to success at this: perseverance. Keep at it and you'll achieve it.
Keep chipping away at it slowly and building both the contacts and experience.
Quote:Really sowrry to hear that, CH! When one door is closed, a window is always opened. You just need to hang on a tad longer until you find that opened window.
Heh. Thanks. Landing an animated show is a longshot, but definitely an interesting one. So long as the production company wants to keep pitching it, I'm happy for them to do so as it's free publicity and exposure.
Quote:Thanks for updating us on the processes CH, it looks like two steps forward and one step back, but your perseverance should ultimately pay off. Meanwhile, you're doing something you love doing
I may someday be chasing one of my own projects through a related system over here, so it's great to get an inside view of the process, and also a reality check. Your odds of 1 in 14 are still better than for authors submitting unsolicited manuscripts... (0.5%?)
Cheers, air'd
Sometime it's not always be a matter of what you could have done better though. It may be a simple case that someone else was better suited for the job, or factors beyond you or the potential employers control - like the economy.
Stay motivated, roll with the highs and lows, and keep writing/drawing on a regular basis. A lot easier to say than do. -
June update on my Comrade Hero Project.
Back in late March Buto Productions here in New Zealand approached Maori Television about a bilingual (English and Maori) Comrade Hero animated series. The Maori Television network gave their broadcast commitment and Buto Productions made application to New Zealand on Air in April for funding under the Digital Content Partnership Fund.
Alas, the funding was not granted, and I was notified last week. (which is why I can now talk about this!)
While disappointing, I take comfort that the decision was based on funding constraints of New Zealand on Air rather the Project itself. There were fourteen million dollars worth of applications made to New Zealand on Air for the Digital Content Partnership Fund and only one million dollars allocated.
Buto Productions will be pitching and making application to Te Mangai Paho (the Maori Broadcasting Funding Agency) for funding in the next round later on this year.
In the meantime I'll keep going down the more familiar path of applying to Creative New Zealand in July/August for contestable arts literature funding of my Comrade Hero Project.
I'm slowly reediting, rewriting and updating Project material.
There's design work being done in animated, comic book, and 'realist' styled concept art that is slowly being completed, as well as other concept and reference pieces.
If you want to see some of what I've been doing you can download Comrade Hero Project PDF Files from Google Docs at: http://bit.ly/mNipnF - no registration or login require.
Thanks to everyone for your support, encouragement, and feedback. If I've been a quiet little mouse, it's because of having my head down the past few months.
James. -
Quote:Thanks VexXxa! Simon Gough has been busy coloring the Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl Triptych. These are the completed flats. Final colors with background to follow.
WOW!!! I totally love your new additions, CH!! Especially Sorah's! I have always loved her work! Gratzzz!!
Quote:A good idea, and something I add in for reference as well. Not always the specific likeness but the general physical and/or facial features.All great suggestions and terrific links. The only thing in addition I ask for, since I am primarily a portrait artist is, who would play them in a movie, that is to say suggesting an actor/actress they like... but your average artist might not ask for that, though it always helps in my opinion to give more than less.
You only have to look at Adam Hughes' take on Catwoman to see the influence of Audrey Hepburn. -
Quote:Thanks for the share chief. Managed to pin down Erwin Ropa to do some black and white comic style model sheets thanks to your information. Now if you could whip up some animated cell-shading style artists as well, I'd give you a platonic manly hug.What she said.
But also, if you look around hard enough, you can generally find a good artist in almost every price range. Some of my current favorites, who are on the affordable side, would be:
With some of the above you could probably even afford colors if you wished. But the main thing is to find an artist whose style you like and which suits the picture you have in mind... Saving X dollars by going with an artist cause he's cheaper isn't really cost effective if it ends up they produce a picture you don't really like. -
Quote:Thanks. I've slowed down a lot on commissioning thanks to project related work over the past twelve months.Ok this just is not right!! One player should not have this much cool art work all to them self!!
I mean come on every time I pop in this thread, it's cool art here, cool art there, everywhere cool art.
lol, I kid ya but really nice adds! Can't wait to see what you get next. -
Black Widow and Comrade Hero by Sorah Suhng. Been a while in the making but again, well worth the wait.
Comrade Hero and Friends by Ryan Stegman. To be colored in due course by Sean Ellery.
Been waiting a very long time for this, but Ryan is rather busy these days fulfilling his contractual obligations to Marvel Comics.
I asked Ryan for a Comrade Hero piece in a similar vein to Jim Cheung's cover for Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D Annual #1.