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  1. Yup, finally got it on the 3rd attempt.

    Seems fine at the start, then gets progressively worse. I had Netgraph on constantly, it seems everytime I fire a power off, it goes nuts. I thought it was the amount of enemies on the map at once, but it was doing it even when it came down to just myself and Lord Recluse!!

    It's a shame, reall. I WANT to wade in and fire off loads of thunderstrikes, I WANT to feel all powerful, but I can't

    I guess whoever plays Tyrant in the Magesterium trial obviously has a better PC and a stronger connection to the server than us lowly players
  2. LOVED the Young Justice episode!

    Always been a fan of The Flash, all version, in fact, I'm sat here in a new Flash t-shirt! (You want to see it? Hang on, I'll run on over..............there you go......what, you missed it? so to see them altogether like that was immense! Peter David has always been one of my favourite authors as well, so he nailed it

    The mention of the Metagene and the subtitle of Invasion makes me wonder if they are going to go into the whole Invasion comic book crossover DC did back in the 80's?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Bah, that's hardly what I want to drink when I'm watching football. Speaking of which, did you see that ludicrous display last night?
    I know, right? What was Wenger thinking, sending Walcott on that early?

    ......I miss the IT Crowd
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Who could forget him? ******* keeps trying to get me to drink Cuke.
    Yeah, but to be fair, it's awesome! Who doesn't love a Bacardi and Cuke??

  5. Damn you people for showing me the one day only sites!!

    Seriously, how could I resist this on Shirt Punch today?

  6. Quote:
    Who is on Twitter
    What is on Facebook
    I Don't Know is on Myspace
    Yesterday is on LiveJournal
    Tomorrow is on Friendster
    I Don't Care is on Google+
    Heh, don't forget that Delusional is on FriendFace

    Also, is there anyone here who *doesn't* follow Samuraiko??
  7. Damn, some nice stuff out there, especially at Superherostuff! Shame the delivery costs make it so prohibitive

    DW, already got a couple of surprisingly nice shirt from Primark, Batman and Superman. Just need them to get in some other stuff now.

    Was tempted by a Dangermouse one they had because, well, you know....he's the greatest, he's fantastic.....
  8. Not surprisingly, I'm on as @Coin_
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocPhotonic View Post
    Yes, finding a Lobo t-shirt is tough, but you can get all the others from
    That's the thing though. Amazon only seem to have the same old heroes on there, never see anything but the big names and lots of Avengers stuff. Would love to find somewhere that does things like Nightwing, Titans, Young Justice, Kid Flash, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, all that kind of stuff!
  10. Anyone know of any good sites for good quality, not too expensive superhero t-shirts? All the ones I find are either too expensive or I don't trust that it's official stuff, some of them look like silk-screen knock offs

    Bear in mind, I'm un the UK, so delivery costs might get too much on some sites, but again, happy to pay if recommended.

    Also, sites that have a good selection, getting fed up of seeing the same old logo's for Superman, Batman, GL, Flash etc. Would like to see a least a few of the other DC heroes out there, finding a Lobo shirt is a nightmare!
  11. I'm presuming that CoH and all recent games play perfectly fine on 64 bit systems? Would hate to go to all this trouble and then find out it won't work!
  12. Win 8 looking that bad??

    Huh, given how everyone raves about Win 7, I thought they might get it right.

    So, does the 64 bit version of Windows make that much difference then? Never had a 64 bit system before
  13. Hey all, was after a bit of advice about upgrading my PC.

    I recently had to buy a new mobo and CPU due to the old one dieing, which slowed me down on upgrading my graphics card, couldn't afford both, sadly.

    Now I have some money and am looking at getting an upgrade, but am undecided which way to go.

    I'm looking at getting a Nvidia GTX 560, but I can either get a 560 normal or pay more and get the 560 Ti.

    Sounds like a no brainer, I know, but I'm also toying with upgrading my OS to Windows 7. Atm I'm on Vista, which works fine, but is only the 32 bit version, so some of my memory is lost as a result and makes it pointless upgrading it in the future. I know moving to the 64bit will improve this and makes me more future proof.

    The question is, should I get a GTX 560 and Win 7 64 bit edition, or should I use the money to get the superior GTX560 Ti and stick with the OS I have and upgrade that later, perhaps when Win 8 comes out?

    For the record, current specs are.

    Core i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz
    4 gig of ram (using the 3.5 Vista lets me use)
    500 gid HDD's
    Mobo is a Gigabyte GA-H61MA-D3V

    Thanks in advance, all
  14. Hey all

    Been wanting to get this done for a long time. Always wanted to get my main, Coin, done as a proper piece of artwork that I can put in a frame above my desk, but him done in the style of the Justice League Unlimited/Batman/Superman Timm-Verse cartoons of recent years.

    Can anyone here point me in the direction of someone who might be able to do this? Or can anyone here do it? I'm willing to pay for it, obviously, but it will very much depend on the price, I'm not the most affluent of people
  15. For fun the new Ultimate Spiderman has been great, my kids are often lolling at that one

    Young Justice is excellent as well, dunno if it's a little dark though at times.
  16. Honeslty, so much fuss over nothing.

    And why does it have to be a publicity stunt? It can't just be that they are making a character gay in the reboot? Who cares anyway?

    As to Azrael in the new continuity yet? I'm a bit behind atm. He could be a major enough character for this.
  17. Looking at the other thread about where to start with comics got me reminiscing about my very first comic books and I wondered what other people started with?

    For me, it was around October 1988, or somewhere around there. I live in the UK so the dates might not be completely accurate due to delivery times and the like, but I remember my Nanna being in hospital for an operation and I was going to visit her, only to discover that it would be an hour or so before I could go to the ward to see her.

    This led me to the hospital shop (I love the little shop! ) and browsing through the UK magazines and comics. On the shelf though, were a few US comics, all DC comics, including a couple of issue 1's, as well as few characters I recognised. So I bought...

    Hawk and Dove mini series issue 1.
    Starman issue 1
    Action Comics 623

    Now, of the three, the first I read was Starman and he's always been one of my all time favourites, just for that character. I love all the variations of Starman over the years, but Will Payton holds a special memory after reading the Roger Stern version, which introduced me to comics Was thoroughly gutted when he "died" saving everyone from Eclipso, but hey, this is comics, no one ever really dies

    The Action Comics I bought because of the awesome cover had one of the few heroes I really knew much about, Superman, and he's continued to be one of my all time favourites ever since, but the comic itself confused me as it was doing it's weekly anthology thing back then and half of the characters and storylines made no sense, but I was very much a fan of Green Lantern soon after

    Hawk and Dove I also loved, even the Rob Liefield artwork (Hey, I was young and didn't know any better! :P ) but I could tell there was some back story to it, it was a true new set of characters. This is what led me to find my local comic book store, which luckily my home city had one at the time (and still does to this day, so it's not a completely dying industry after all ) and I found out more about them, as well as the world of DC Comics. Again, I was completely devastated when I saw what happened to Hawk and Dove in Armageddon, but hey, retcons ftw

    So, there we go, that's my first, who wants to tell us how they popped their comic book cherries?
  18. GOOD NEWS!!

    This just in from Jackie himself on Facebook.

    Hello all my friends and fans,

    Yesterday in my press conference in Cannes for Chinese 12 Zodiac I said that this movie was my last big action movie.

    Today I was shocked when I woke up to read all the news coverage that I was retiring from doing Action movies.

    I just want to let everyone know that I am not retiring from doing action movies. What I meant to say is that I need to do less of the life risking stunts on my movies. After all these years of doing so many stunts and breaking so many bones, I need to take better care of my body so I can keep working.

    I will continue to do international action movies.

    And I will keep improving my English :-)

    I love all of you!

  19. Says he's just going to do normal acting roles in movies now.

    It's like a million Ninja's suddenly cried out in terror........and were suddenly silenced.

    Understandable though, I'm amazed the guy is still alive, tbh
  20. Man, if it wasn't for the time difference problem, I would be totally up for this!!

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer Summer Rewatch!!

    Seems to be well itmed as well, what with His Royal Jossness being so much in vogue atm
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
    We can but hope in the Word of the Whedon, and the deliverance of his Magnificent Purple Fluffy Jumperedness from the evil of executive laziness and awful scripting. Amen.
    Preach, Sister.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    Sure, Buffy wasn't his at the start, but he sure transformed it and made it his...
    Not sure where this comes from. Buffy was very much his from the start. He created and wrote the movie, and also the TV show, right from day one. He might not own the rights to the movie, sadly, but that's normal for any new player in the industry, even nowadays, but he was definitely the creator of it all.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    Oy. I'm backing away from this, because it's precisely this kind of response ('no, the show was never given a chance, but it's brilliant no matter what') is an discussion that never ever ends well. Serenity's a fine show. I'm going to leave it at that quite simply because anything I say here is simply going to inflame your sensibilities about the show you care so much for.

    I'm just going to constrain myself to discussion about the movie.

    Dude, please, don't just paint me as some rabid fanboy who can't bear to see his love dissed in any way. I'm not and I hate being made out that way.

    Not for one second am I saying that Firefly is the greatest show ever made, nor do I make claims that it would definitely go on to be just that.

    My argument was against your statement that "If Firefly's setting was going to take off, it just would've." That's nonsense when it's not given the chance by being shown in the correct order. You take any successful series, be it movies or TV, show it in completely the wrong order, and it's not going to do as well. Even the hard core sci-fi fans who loved Buffy would have more trouble following it, so it's no surprise that it got cancelled after just 11 episodes that were shown in the order 2,3,6,7,8,4,5,9,10,1. Given how much Whedon built up storylines and characters in his shows, doing that just killed it off.

    This isn't about fanboy-worship, this is about saying the show never get a fair chance and to say that if it was good enough, it would have succeeded, is just plain nonsense.

    So, yeah, please. don't just denigrate my argument without actually getting the point of it.