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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    They DO have their skills tested. BY RUNNING THE INCARNATE ARC.
    Being able to complete the incarnate arc does not make some one a skilled or even competent player.

    Also, I'm confused as to how some people think the game recognizes players who are leeching, and gives them extra rewards for it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    Dude. Your reasoning is completely invalid.
    I know, right?! It's like, GAWD I can't believe people have different tastes than I do. Are they just STUPID or some thing???
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Never tried Hardcase's arc have you?
    Nope o_o

    Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
    What was so bad about it?

    Tell us!
    The first mission was pretty cool, but it was ridiculously short. I barely had time to solo three AVs before the mission was completed! Not worth the load time at all. The next two door missions are just average. Nothing wrong with them, they're just typical go here, beat these up, do this missions. They're not terrible, they just don't give any reason why I'd rather do those than 95% of the other missions in the game.

    What makes it worse, though, is the ungodly amount of zoning the arc makes you do. The reason I said having to do a certain arc to unlock specific content is PROBABLY the biggest problem I have with the game is because I'm not entirely sure I don't hate repeated zoning even more. From the first mission, you have to go to IP then back to Ouro to do the next mission - that's two zone changes for one door mission, and I HATE that. Then it's to the RWZ, which requires two zone changes from Ouro. Again, just for one door mission! That's two missions and four zone switches. And that really irritates me.

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    We had (and I repeat HAD) 11 more options that were tested and working removed at the same time as the Alpha Slot was pulled, so don't even try to play that card. So zero development time, as the options were already done & tested.
    There isn't enough forum space in the world to express how depressed this makes me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Poor creature - this only the start of your Incarnate nightmare
    Maybe next time I'll just get really drunk and complain the entire arc about how much I hate the arc.

    It could at least be funny if I butcher English enough, right?
  5. I saw some one advertising that they were forming a team for the arc, so I figured what the hell?

    And holy crap, this is the worst arc I've ever played. How do I stab it out of my memory?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    How about this: step out of the AE long enough to remember why you bought and played in the first place?
    I was wondering how long it would take before some one implied I'm an AE baby.

    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    Seriously - if you don't want to do the Incarnate content, *do not do it* but you do NOT get to complain that you can't access the Incarnate SYSTEM because of it.
    Actually, I do get to complain. In fact I got to make an entire thread just to complain in!

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    But that's not what the OP said. The OP didn't say they didn't want to do Remiel multiple times
    Well, I kind of did - I mentioned how tedious it would be to run it on several characters. My issue isn't with running the arc ONCE, it's with running it on every character I want Incarnate access on.

    I should specify, though, that I'm not against the existence of the arc. I'm sure it's a fine arc and I know a lot of people have been enjoying it.

    It's just that I, personally, can't stand the thought of it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    Most importantly, you should have *fun* with it. Fun is what most people seek to derive from playing games. If you want an insta-'I Win' button, then go back to speeding through the rest of the game.
    This is what I'm talking about. Every one thinks that just because I dislike the way some thing is unlocked, I don't enjoy the game and I only speed every thing and I want every thing handed to me.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    If you want high-level content to be magically unlocked for you, then I have to pose this query:
    People seem unable to grasp that not wanting to do an arc to unlock it isn't even close to wanting it magically unlocked.
  9. I also said "Having to do it on every toon I want Incarnate access on would be so tedious."

    And I have never lead either of those TFs, for this same reason, although I have done most of the missions in Croatoa on various characters.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

    Um. The original poster didn't have a point.

    What are you agreeing with?
    I thought it was pretty clear that my point was that having to do the same arc over and over to unlock some thing can get annoying after a while.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
    did i get that right?
    No, not at all.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    It's at this point I'm calling bull fecal matter.
    ...Because I enjoy the individual missions of the ITF?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goldbrick View Post
    Well, if you want a tank-brute, my advice is to go stone armor. I have a stoner brute and he's very tough and hits hard. Closest thing to a comic book brick in the game.

    I only have tanker invulns, and I'm not sure I'd recommend invuln on anything other than a tank. In my (considerable) experience, invuln doesn't start to come together for a tank until lvl 40, and doesn't really get supreme until level 50 and well slotted with IOs for high typed defense, with some decent positional defense as well. I imagine it must be even slower going for scrappers and brutes where invuln is the secondary.

    I have a nice lvl 50 willpower scrapper, great survivability. Willpower is great out of the box.
    I'm not really hoping to be a tank, but since being attacked means Fury, I'm intending to get attacked as much as possible...which means I need to be able to survive getting attacked as much as possible.

    I'm gonna give it a go (with War Mace as my primary) and see how it turns out.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    No, that doesn't mean what you think it means.

    You can do content unlocking the Incarnate Arc.
    You can then do content IN the Incarnate Arc.

    Both are content.
    However, I would only be doing it to unlock its reward, which makes it uninteresting.

    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    In a TF - you do a mission to unlock the next mission.
    No, actually, I do each mission because I enjoy them. They just happen to lead to other missions. If the first mission of the ITF didn't lead to any thing, I would still enjoy it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    My brain just exploded trying to understand this.

    Yeah, it's confusing.

    Basically I'd rather go do content I can do NOW, than do content just so I can do other content. You know?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    You won't do it even once?

    Forgive my thickness, but how will you know it is the worst arc ever if you won't do it at all?
    I'll run it if I see some one advertise that they're forming a team for it, and I happen to be looking for a team.

    And I never said I consider it a bad arc.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Other than with the word extreme, how would you describe the following:
    It's called "emphasis"

    Putting the word HATE in all caps several times is the only way to emphasize how much I hate it, since I can't use tone of voice in text. Maybe next time I'll put "(<-Read in a really angry voice!)" instead.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    You sound like a pure Achiever -- you want the prize at the end of the struggle, and everything leading up to getting the prize bores you. Fine.
    No, actually. I'm not very concerned with prizes, which is why I won't do the Incarnate arc despite its reward.

    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    I don't have any advice for you. You're a minority. You have to adapt to what the majority wants. I don't think it's too onerous this time, so you'll manage.
    Indeed. But I'm still going to complain about it.

    And thank you for actually bothering to address what I said and not being a sarcastic git.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I can understand not wanting to repeat stuff across lots of characters, but seriously, you had to repeat stuff to get lots of characters. I get the concept, but not the extreme reaction you seem to have.
    I don't see what's extreme about it.

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    What else is there to do?

    EVERY CHARACTER has to go through the same content somewhere along the lines. Do you only do every TF only once or something? How the hell do you play if you don't repeat content?
    I repeat the stuff I enjoy, sure. Not stuff I don't like to do.
  19. The sarcasm is cute, despite not addressing the point at all.

    I guess what it boils down to is that I wouldn't bother with the arc if there was no reward, so I really have no interest in doing it just for a reward.

    ...And yes I'm aware that sounds really backwards.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    So, then we shouldn't mention that you can't even access a ton of stuff if you don't buy Going Rogue?
    Not sure what has to do with any thing since buying Going Rogue isn't a mission. :\

    And although tips to get tedious, those are at least some what varied. The same arc on several characters is not.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Um, the vast majority of the game's content is mission based. You're seriously trying to tell us that you don't get capes for your toons because running the cape mission arc is too painful, and that you won't get any Incarnate stuff on your toons because you have to run a mission arc?

    I love running missions. Missions are great. But having to do certain missions, on several characters, to enjoy a certain aspect of the game? No thanks. I'd rather go do a mission I want to do because I want to do it.
  22. I'm sure this is old news to a lot of people, but some people don't read up on the details of issues before they're released.

    Maybe I'm alone here, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE having to do missions to unlock content. It's probably the biggest complaint I have with the game. Capes, Auras, ITF, even Patron powers. It is so irritating to have to do a certain arc just to be able to go do some thing fun/interesting. I have like four level 50s who can't access capes just it's such a pain to unlock them.

    I've been told it's a short arc, but I really don't care...Having to do it on every toon I want Incarnate access on would be so tedious. I didn't think it would be easy or quick to be able to become Incarnate, but having to do a story arc is just annoying. I don't expect to use the Incarnate system at all.
  23. Maybe I should have mentioned that I don't use sets (so I won't be soft capped unless I like it enough to play after hitting 50) but I guess I can see how Invulnerability survives despite some what lesser numbers.
  24. Looking at it in Mids, it seems pretty easy to get around 30% defense to all but Psionic with out sets, but all the resists except smashing/lethal are just bad.

    At least, on a brute. It looks a lot tougher on a tank (which is expected) but it doesn't seem like the brute version would be very durable. Is there some thing I'm missing?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
    - Everyone that took the Fitness pool before now can choose one of the power pools and three of the few powers he had to opt out of before, meaning everyone is closer to being able to take every power they find interesting.
    I'm actually unsubscribing because of this. Being able to actually take powers I want?! This is just terrible, it totally killed my interest in the game. I want to have to not get all the fun stuff I want!