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  1. plans to kat nap moggie and her rock
  2. whats funny is i didnt know torch light was greenlit by PWI... PWI has impressed me over a few months with handling of co and STO and other games...
    they might be a bit money grubbing but dam it they keep all their games running
  3. really wish the word sunset wouldnt have been in the statement
    the game is not sunsetting it is being maliciously cut
  4. slim to none....

    they have never done it before and they have let good games die before

    ie tabula rasa and auto assault

    im hoping they do let it go this time but dont get hopes up
  5. interested in seeing the final picture =) looking great so far
  6. what will the background be? explosion or blue from coh screen?
  7. can we post every day that we love you too?

    and now for AAs and mine favorite puppeh moment...

    AA once asked us to give advice to new gamers

    my line was Never P into the wind..

    =) and i got a hug from AA for it . I made AA laugh and it was fun =)
  8. From their website and i quote

    NCsoft®, headquartered in Seoul, Korea, is the world's premier publisher and developer of massively multiplayer online games, including the critically acclaimed Aion®, Blade & Soul, Lineage®, Guild Wars®and WildStar™ franchises
    First off

    I learn of ncsoft because of their crtically acclaimed game..City of heroes
    to ignore impact COH has had on their "premier MMO" is moronic

    I only played coh..i tried aion it sucked. I wasnt interested in lineage or guild wars. Okay so Aion is big in Korea doesnt mean that its third rate

    TO ignore city of heroes to me is a final nail in the coffin...means to me they written us off
    and i laugh that they are the premier mmo..i think blizzard,cryptic,perfect world,bioware,SOE ( even with the SWG screwup), and ea have a better reputation than ncsoft at this moment.

    im just steaming here now and cursing ncsoft..but i realize this is how corporations work and bottom line is bottom line....
    we can and have affected their PR..and i hope blade and soul sinks and GW does not playing another Ncsoft game..and i hope our devs find a dream job,,,
    sent another letter to their PR and to CEO to either continue COH or to sell the IP
    hope you join me
  9. still cant believe that 355 ppl voted to let it go...(11.5%)
    glad the fight on is winning,,,, with 2818 (88% of the vote)

    and i fight on
  10. Happy boobies..err birthday!
  11. Okay so you already written one letter to ncsoft

    do it again

  12. Cien_Fuegos

    Be a Hero

    good choice of words
  13. "Ncsoft and godzilla"

    opens the envelope

    Biggest monsters in the world.....

    " Mod 9 and haetron"
    opens the envelope

    Both hate the good morning thread....
  14. * puts on a turban and hands a deck of envelopes to fedor*
  15. steals the hampster wheel as well..runs off to titan network
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    Bwahahahahahahahahah-*catches his breath*-hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    (quoted because yes it was funny)
  17. now thats what i called being caught between a boobie and a hard place.,..

  18. happy birthday shared birthday buddy

    awesome art work sorah im sure xantos willl like it
  19. the plan worked..*runs off with the hampster and keg of beer*
  20. nope * purposely ruins xp for JJ*

    steals the get off me lawn sign...and the beer
  21. interesting how you spell mondo cool and i am a troll backward on any game i am always cien fuegos =)
  22. Happy birthday to myself =)

    oh and Xantos who shares my birthday strangely enough,,,,

    itll be my last birthday celebrated on this forum ...