8 -
I heard CRT's install cancer in your eyes with out your permission much like a Trojan for a computer!
If the new monitors resolution is higher while the frame isn't much bigger, you may need to let your eyes adjust. Keep the new monitors refresh rate at the highest allowed setting and use it in a well lit room (try to break the habit of watching porn in a dark room). Resting your eyes by looking elsewhere for a few minutes will help with the fatigue. Its always a good health practice to not stare at a computer screen for more then an hour at a time with out a break.
Like all bad things for your body, you'll adjust to it.
Low Response times and High refresh rates do help. -
I can make and delete new characters how ever I can not delete older characters on guardian that are at least around 5 months old.
Also as Sharker_Quint said earlier, we do like to keep all relevant topics together in as few threads as possible to show the moderators how many people are active about this problem instead of diluting it with multiple threads. The mods usually delete duplicated threads of a common problem.
Keep in mind you most likely wont see a responce from a moderator. If one were to respond it most likely wont be earlier then Tuesday due to the 3 day holiday this week. I believe this will include all tech support. NCsoft doesnt encourage 7 days a week tech service, even though the servers are up 24/7/7. -
Quote:Read the rules before posting.
5. Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of non-constructive posts. As a rule, non-constructive posting is not permitted:- Spam - this is considered to be repetitive posting of the same topic or text or nonsensical posts that have no substance and are often designed to annoy other forum users.
Here is a link: FORUM RULES
You have been attacking others in this thread and made consecutive posts as much as 4 in a row for the sole purpose to attack or venting your frustration on them in a negative manner.
While you are right in saying we are not moderators, however you are wrong to take your frustration out on the forum users.
Id also like to quote this, since it seems relevant here:Quote:- Threads that make threats or use other combative language are not allowed. If you ask a question on the board, be aware that questions on our boards are most commonly answered by the community. Demands for answers from NCsoft are not permitted, however we may often address some questions and concerns with an official topic. In the event of legitimate emergencies, or other unprecedented scenarios, we will endeavor to provide comments, even if it is only to state that there is no officially available information.
I was poking around in the evga forum and apparently a fix had been released. You can setup evga precision to run while CoH is running.
Any anomalies in a game or program caused by evga usually can be fixed by this method.
You should have 2 icons in your tray.
Open "Evga On-Screen Display server (the one with 60 on the icon). Click the triangle pointing up next to your clock if its hidden.
Click the "add profile" (+) icon next to trash bin at the button left.
Navigate to City of Heroes install directory, and add "cityofheroes.exe" to the list.
While the cityofheroes.exe is selected, to the right will be "Application Detection level", Set this to "None".
Make sure your settings are the same as the pic.
This will allow city of heroes to run properly with evga in the back ground.
I also added "cohupdater.exe" with same setting just to be safe.
If you noticed, the tool evga added is called RivaTuner. Not sure if its anything to do with original DeathAlchemist was talking about.
Let me know if the pics are too much and ill remove them. -
Do you not know what sarcasm is?
Its saying the opposite of what you meant.
ifQuote:was sarcasm, then that would mean he DOES see a reason to start new threads about a problem where people, old and current, have already posted multiple times.Well he's chimed in on all those threads as well. I see no reason to start yet another one.
Quote:there are like 4 other threads about this in this section. 2 of them at least are on this first page. so i would bet that you are not alone in this.
YOUR bitterness is not appreciated here. I am also having the same problem, my friends included on guardian, but none of us felt the need to troll the forums to get unneeded attention and start a flame war because we were upset with the situation brought on by the server error. -
Quote:Thanks for the info!FelisNoctu,
Your problem is that you are running EVGA Precision. I was having the same problem a while back, you can use EVGA Precision with CoH, however, if you are editting your settings at the same time it is running your game or system will freeze/crash as you've noticed. Turn off EVGA precision before starting CoH, change your settings, and then you can turn it on. You should be able to find other posts in the CoH or EVGA forums related to this problem. If you want to OC, you can use a program such as Rivatuner, it works without a problem while in CoH. So just try not using EVGA Precision and see what happens. Good Luck! -
I get same thing with the freeze, but its only graphic related. I can change anything non-advanced setting or it will drop to 0.1 fps. after which i have to restart the game (force close) to get the graphics to role again. (its like looking at a screen shot but my mouse and name tags still work.
Happened to me recently too, extremely annoying!
Deleted an old character to reroll and it would not be fully deleted.