250 -
I never thought of the market being flooded as a possible result. I still can't see the work of the 1337 few flooding the market with rare recipes.......
The entire point of this thread has gone out the window.
1.) Optimus thinks he can solo every TF in under 30 minutes and that it is too easy to obtain the rare recipe reward.
2.) Most of the people in this thread call shenanigans or don't see it as in issues as they themselves can't duplicate the feat.
3.) The rest of the thread has turned into a pissing contest/Q&A
4.) If they were actually explaining HOW they did it in detail the thread my might still have a point for those curious how it's done, but they aren't sharing.
Just let this damn thread die already -
You see, my problem with this is I think the Shivan is crappy temp power. I used it a couple of times, wondered where the hell he was running off too, and gave up on it. The idea of it being Uber is just alien to me.
Of course, bare in mind that I haven't tried soloing AVs either.
I'm funny like that.
The under 30 minutes for an SF is probably an exaggeration, but the accomplishments are doable.
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Didn't he say under 30 for the villain respec trial? Considering how easy it is, I could believe that.
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Well, the title of this thread is
[u]I can solo Trials and TFs in less then 30 mins [u] -
Using a temp power (Shivan) intellegently is a far cry from an exploit. The entire point of a Shivan is to use it against enemies. Fighting out of holes in geometry is exploiting an unforseen technical error in game mechanics to achive an unfair advantage over the opposition.
Since this is only possible for less than 1% of toons in the game the concern over trials and TF's being milked for rare recipes in unfounded, exagerrated, and generally a nonissue.
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I'll concede that the accolades may not make a difference, but do you agree with my above assertion ? -
I read your Brute thread and found it quite entertaining.
It was an enjoyable read and I dig your costume.
I'm sorry. Please indulge this one cheap shot.
lol your shivian must post on his shivian forums about all the AVs hes solod and everyone tells him naaaa you had an ultimus pet out thats not fair
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I gathered this from reading the thread
1.) Shivan offsets AV regen by doing huge amounts of damage
2.) Your brute tanks it out untill his Fury allows him to do astronomical amounts of damage
3.) Your toon has been specially bred for it with the help of higher level toons with accolades not normally available at those levels.
In those circumstances I do believe it is possible, but those circumstances will not occur for 99.9% of charecters in the game.
Since this is only possible for less than 1% of toons in the game the concern over trials and TF's being milked for rare recipes in unfounded, exagerrated, and generally a nonissue. -
No I haven't read your Tank/Brute threads.
But there is an astronomical leap between a tank/brute doing it and anybody being able to do it.
If you would be soo kind as to provide a link to your threads I would be happy to indulge your invitation to read them.
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Well my Tanker thread was removed when boards got purged but my Brute thread is there. My tanker was Stone/SS I still do have the screenshots though.
Brute thread
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I'll read the thread and get back to you.
But the point remains about using an optimal build. I run Stone/SS myself. Stone properly slotted provides unrivaled protection in the game and super strength's Rage puts them to top tier damage. -
No I haven't read your Tank/Brute threads.
But there is an astronomical leap between a tank/brute doing it and anybody being able to do it.
If you would be soo kind as to provide a link to your threads I would be happy to indulge your invitation to read them. -
I'm sorry, but I DO NOT BELIEVE anyone who says they can solo AVs with anything but specialized builds, level 50's exemped down slotted with HO's, and a mammoth tray full of inspirations.
The bump to the AV regen rate alone has made the DPS requirement on the player out of the realm of possibility for most builds.
Brutes have an easier time than most, but I can't see a Blaster/Defender/Stalker accomplish it. -
I hope your kidding about the safeguard missions....
You only need to defeat like 4 minions 2 lts and a boss if your set to heroic.
Mayhem missions are tougher due to the ambushes, but even then.... -
He's Nerfherding.
Also, as Rach pointed out, just because they are RARE doesn't mean they'll be any good to you. or that you'll find anyone interested in trading for it. -
To be honest, even if you can solo a TF in 30 minutes and get Shivans in 10 minutes it's still not that easy.
*You need an Uber Build - 90% of the builds in the game can't do it.
* You need a bunch of people willing to join the TF and then log off so you can solo a reduced version of the TF. That takes a huge coordinated effort. Larger SG's may be able to pull it off , but again 90+% of the people in the game won't be able to in a regular manner.
It's not practical, or sane, to attempt to manipulate the system in this fashion more than once or even twice a day. Without Powergaming you could accomplish a TF a day.
Sure, one person may be insane enough to do it, but he needs to con a team worth of saps into helping him. How often is he going to be able to do that ? -
I would like to compliment you on the guide. It was well written.
I am however going to take you up on your offer to critique your costumes.
You design costumes like a graphic artist would. You do not design costumes like a comic book artist would, or like someone who would actually ever try to stich spandex together or fight in those outfits.
Random thoughts in no particular order.
Tight & Loose - Sure Captain America pulls it off, but flared boots and gloves went out of style along time ago.
Blends - Nice organic feel to them. Don't really look right on Spandex. They wouldn't weave the cloth that way, so was it air brushed on ? You don't see blends often in comics either as it would be more difficult to ink.
Color Wheel - The triangles are good, but complimentary colors my shiny metal behind. Orange and Blue ? Only if your a Cobra Urban Viper or DeathStroke. Purple and Yellow ? Yeah just like..no wait.....yeah there pretty much isn't anyone in comics running around in purple and yellow.
Complex Design - I disagree with this. Lightning bolts on everything if you want, It matches. Incidently, you charecter Crashfreeze appears to have a fire motiff going on every part except his chest and his head is on fire. He couldn't get much more flaming if you tried.
Infernobot's costume screams function over design, except for the flared boots. If she was trully worried about her appearance imagine covering up the exposed wires or the hoses going into her face would be a bigger concern than the boots. -
Don't! Its a completely useless Vet Reward, and unless you are getting it for souly concept reasons, its a complete waste of time.
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I agree 90%.
It's not useless.
It's just nowhere near as good as Sand of Mu, unless you are fighting BP and COT.
Since the greatest part of getting the vet power is getting an extra attack at charecter creation and COT and BP don't really come into play untill you level 20+ Sands of Mu is just more usefull through levels 1-20. Sure those levels fly by fast, but they are the levels you really use the extra attack. Once you have SO's you usually also have a pretty adequite attack chain and won't be using your vet power as often.
Now if the Axe did extra damage to outcasts, trolls, and clockwork I would have to reconsider. Unfortunately, the axe does Lethal damage, which is highly resisted in the late game, and only does bonus damage to a select few targets.
Sands of Mu > Axe of Selective Target Slaying.
It's like a sword +1/+5 Clown Slaying. Sure it's fun, but how much use are you really going to get out of it. -
I'd like to thank the OP for posting this simple yet accurate little essay on the techniques employed by successfull stalkers.
Now in no particular order I would to address various points brought up in the thread.
* With BU and double slotted accuracy, I have never dependabley been able to attack through PFF. Sure, sometimes it happens, but in this game you're always guarenteed at least a 5% chance to hit.
*TP FOE, STUN, PLACATE, ASSASIN STRIKE, ENERGY TRANSFER is enought to give people nightmares in PVP
* Stalkers after 40 are like Pierce Brosnons charecter in The Matador. Sure, you used to be a superstar in PVP, but now most PVP'ers, post 40, have learned how to deal with stalkers while you Patron Power Pools haven't done anything to make you a more effective Assasin. In PVE your all fine and dandy untill your friends are all doing the RSF 4 nights a week, collecting SHOES, while you are soloing Storey Arcs or attacking people in the 2 minutes that your Tier 9 Defensive power keeps you alive in PVP. Sure, your not useless or anything, it's just that most everyone else is MORE usefull than you are in this range. The only real reason to play a Stalker past 40 is that you love the charecter soo much you want to see them get to 50, no matter how cold and lonely a path that is
* Fighting Regen Scrappers seems to come down to doing enough damage to them that they can't click their heals fast enough to save themselves. Having played a Regen Scrapper as well, let me tell you this happens rarely. If I have Dull Pain and Instant Healing running, it's downright hilarious to duel with a Stalker, especially if he isn't Energy Melee. -
I've tried Assault Rifle before and didn't have any real direction with it, so I didn't get very far.
After reading your guide I have a great Idea of what direction I want to go with my new Blaster.
Thank you for contributing such a great guide -
You could just get Vamps and Wolves in missions.
You can pretty much get most of them by level 1 if you had a friend willing to let you tag along unsked. -
Great Guide.
I hate having to track down this information on independant sites. -
2) IF you are pulling: Make sure everyone knows what pulling is, and how to do it.
Pulling correctly: where everyone hides around the corner * except the person who shoots or taunts one [or a few] enemies, and then runs around the corner. *
Then you wait. *
Then the pulled enemy comes around the corner and everyone piles on.
* this is where 1/3 of all screwups happen.
NOTE: Many people THINK they understand how to pull, and they're wrong. Don't take their word for it, explain anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, let me explain it to you. While the advice given is good it is imcomplete and a little knowledge is in fact a dangerous thing. When you pull, follow the above advice, BUT target selection is a huge portion of it, which some people never learn.
You want to pull a minion, preferably closest to you and on an outside edge of any grouping.
If you attempt to pull a boss, the whole mob will come.
If you pull a LT, most likey the whole mob will come.
If you pull a minion who has to run through his pals, they will notice and join him.
If you pull with an AOE I will personally hunt you down and smash your PC into tiny pieces.
Blasters/Defenders are not always the best people to pull. Now with everyone getting a ranged origin based power at creation even Scrappers and Tanks can pull. Since they have the best defences, its sometimes better to let them pull, just incase things go wrong they will be the target of the aggro. Old school players automatically assumed primarily range fighters will pull for the group since it was the common practice before the origin powers were available.
[u]Other Advice I Would Like To Impart[u]
* Your Team DOES NOT NEED A TANK. While a competant tank can contribute immensely to team they are by no means a prerequisite for anything in this game, short of a Hammidon Raid.
* Your team DOES NOT NEED A HEALER. This isn't WOW or Ultima or even DDO there are no frakkin healers in this game. There are players who can heal, but if that is ALL they do then they are not contributing to their fullest. incidently if by healer you meant DEFENDER, remember that some Defenders, some Controllers, some Masterminds, and anyone with the medicine power pool can heal. Like tanks they can contribute immensely, but seriously if you are in desperate need of constant healing your tactics are sub-optimal at best.
*If you are on a team that immediately and repeatedly worries about having a tank and a healer, before even getting to the mission, QUIT THAT TEAM. If they are so inflexible in their playstyle that they only know how to play with a tank to hold aggro for them and someone to heal them constantly then they aren't very good and you would profit from more skilled team mates.
* There is nothing wrong with doing missions on heroic at any level. You will progress farther/faster on heroic than team wiping on Invincible repeatedly.
*Avoid PLing your toons at all if you are a new player. If you are inexperienced having your charecter Power Leveled will just leave you at a greater handicap. This game is NOT about being level 50, it's about the adventures and fun you have getting there. There are volumes of theings to learn about this game that come over time spent playing. You charecter having 10 times more powers to choose from is pointelss if you don't understand how to use them effectively and alot of that ceoms from trial and error. -
Today be International Talk like a Pirate Day, but I be seein not ne'er a reason to be changin me posts on accounts of it.
Correction to my previous post: Jump Jet Prestige Power
Positron wrote:
It's a little different than Superjump. It's a little different than flight.
It's kinda like a Superjump where you can "add height" at any point in the jump (even when you are falling back down) by pressing the spacebar. By itself its horizontal mobility is limited, but you do carry your forward momentum into your jump. This means that superspeeders will get a huge horizontal jump out of it.
It helps the other Travel Powers too, so it has a benefit even when you have another travel option:
Fly: Increases the speed of Flying
Superleap: Increases your Jump height and distance
Superspeed: Get the above mentioned horizontal jump
Teleport: You can use it to extend your "hover" time by hitting spacebar when you are falling.
It runs for 30 seconds, and has a base recharge time of 150 seconds. The inobvious caveat of "these numbers can change at any time" applies here too. -
See, so now EVERY CHARECTER past level 20 can be an Avian !!!
Good advice and a fun read !!
The only thing missing to make this guide utterly perfect would have been the numbersNyah !!