90 -
I do I do, posted on DA and added to fav's, thanks so much TA's Mom.
CB -
another great piece Tim!
I commented in DA but wanted to tell ya here too!
[/ QUOTE ]
CB -
cool screeny..but whos the dude stitting down...and where can I get his job. If your thinking of doing another one of those group pic's I'd love to be considered. The one you did made my fav's on DA...cough although I might add I was'nt in it cough.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dude, yer right there! Just there... no, to the left a little... no, back to the right... now look up a wee bit... see? Right there behind Waldo!
[/ QUOTE ]
lol story of my life, always behind Waldo, damn guy gets in my way everytime, no wonder I'm not lvl 50 yet
CB -
cool screeny..but whos the dude stitting down...and where can I get his job. If your thinking of doing another one of those group pic's I'd love to be considered. The one you did made my fav's on DA...cough although I might add I was'nt in it cough.
CB -
Great piece, two tickets here please.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wanna be the 'fluffer'
[/ QUOTE ]
ahem.....and a fluffer is what exactly???..........TA whispers into CB's ear....right then fight you for it.
CB -
Great piece, two tickets here please.
CB -
grats man, great piece, mind you where is the after the fight piece lol
CB -
A big happy Birthday, to an ultra talented chap.
CB -
Hi Rox's
As you know posted this on DA.
very nice piece, could be from a panel of a comic, works so well with the background. also the colours are not to over powering so they don't take anythig away from Crimson.
Grats on getting a great piece Brandon.
CB -
awesome stuff, great group piece, I new you had some great art pieces but not that good. I can't wait to see the finished story....nothing to do with my cameo...off course...ahem
CB -
Man that is sooooo amazing, thanks so much for the cameo, it looks like a great mix of toons there. I'm sure that was very hard to choose, there are so many great people and toons out there. In my opinion Brandon is an outstanding choose, he is without dought my fav CoX comic artist, so I can't wait for this to come out. Having read your story in the comic, I'm sure this will really rock. Those sneek previews have wet my appetite. If it ever goes on sale I would buy it for sure. 2007 is gonna be a great year I can just feel it.
CB -
Good lord, how do you answer this, there are sooooo many great pieces I have seen this year....... of the top of my head, anything by Brandon Mckinney, a top bloke with a style I just really like. Juggy has a produced some excellent stuff especialy recently. Gill goes with out saying the man has so much talent. Derek Fayte I like as well, he has a quirky unique style. DJ is a top man, his pieces are top class. again its not CoX but Rowr you have come on with your art skills so much, you know I have a couple of piece in my fav's on DA.
I like this one because it has one of my fav toons and its done by my fav artist. Rowr
I know I have'nt mentioned so many great artist, Graver, Spinomania, Farwieder, Guildhelpers, Crimson Jimson, Rox, Alex, Jim Tessier, sorry about that, I would probally end up writing a novel if I mentioned all the great pieces I have seen, all I can say is keep it up and roll on 2007.
My fav piece I have done is TA but it was close.
CB -
Great Piece Juggy, you are really putting out some great stuff lately, its Xmas all round.
CB -
Cool, great piece Graver, as I said on DA, this could be a panel straight out of a comic book.
CB -
hey hey all
Just been looking through the WIP, I can't wait to see the finished pieces, great great stuff all round, keep it up.
CB -
Hey hey
Thats great man, your right a very Kirby feel, very old school. Should look great when its coloured, I can't wait. Thanks so much, another one added to my collection.
CB -
hey hey all
Thanks Juggertha,
I posted on DA and sent you a PM, but just so everyone knows, well its AWESOME, I love it, its in my favs and I will save it to my hard drive. You captured CB so well. top class man, top class. Its allways nice to get a surprise now and again and its even better when its such a nice surprise.
Your friend CB -
Theres some really cool stuff coming out here, you know what I really like though is the buzz of energy and enthusiaum that is around. Thanks Scarfgirl for this. Everyone keep up the work.
PS, sorry for working so fast, you know thats just my thing. I though of different poses, but nothing seemed right, so I just went with the actual look of the Hanged Man cards, I'm sure as Scarfgirl says if we get your theme then it works. Can't wait to see the rest.
CB -
hey hey all
Here my Tarot card the Hanged Man I still have the larger version so I can crop it to what ever size is needed, once the border is decided, or I can send you the big version and you can crop.
CB -
Like most projects we do for fun there is no timetable to finish or pesky folks pounding on your door looking for updates
I'll make sure to update the list when each person finishes their piece tho and bump the list to make sure folks are still alive
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool, are you gonna let us know what cards we are doing? as there maybe a couple of duplicates about, I said I was happy to do Death and the Devil, but two other people want to do those, its just to stop confusion....I'm happy to do the hanged man if those two are taken now.
CB -
lol no your as much a part of this communiy=ty as the moderators bro!!
*hugs CB*
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks man..... but don't let Sassy see
I'm the same as everyone who comes here...I just love to see great art, whatever the level is, if its done with love and heart then thats good enough for me....and we all know you appreciate good art.
CB -
Dang did I miss the hug....better late than never, big welcome back dude, missed you, we need someone to control these wayward artist
CB -
That sounds cool, I don't mind chipping in, maybe doing the Devil, Death or Hanged man, these are not nesassarly evil cards, or anything for that matter.