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  1. tl;dr -- I mean -- looks like a fun event!
  2. Tonight we're ambushing TippeyTop and stealing all his pie.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    when we evaluate the production and distribution of the Comic, our current feeling is that the needed time and energy can be more wisely spent and net a more direct impact to the game. This includes things such as organizing more player meet and greets, additional in-game events, focusing on great in-game content like the recently released 9th free expansion, Issue 9: Breakthrough, more contests and promotions such as the Comic Book Creator Contest and more support of quality player initiatives like the PvPEC and City Scoop.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Okay, so I have the majority of the CoH issues, but I admit I haven't even read one of them... but is LH saying that the comic was produced directly by people who have a big impact on game mechanics, community events, etc.?

    If so... no wonder it never had a chance, quality-wise and sale-wise, against more popular titles. Our devs and reps were making a comic? lolz. Even if it is just a money thing, that should have NO impact in the amount of effort set forth by our community reps to make player events. I don't see how canceling a comic would make more things happen, other than hiring more people with the money they save on a comic... doesn't make sense to me though.

    I also initially shared the opinion with a poster above me wondering if Cryptic's partnership with Marvel influenced the end of the Top Cow (imprint of Image Comics) series. Most likely, though, the comic wasn't selling enough to continue throwing money at it. I still don't see the end of the comic benefitting players in some other aspect though.
  4. Can you list the next Villain-side Hami Raid on el calendar? I believe we're aiming for a 7pm start time with last-minute EoE farming starting a 5pm-ish.
  5. [*] SG/VG Name: Titans of Paragon / Tyrants of Pain[*] Public relations:; most members frequent PinnacleBadges and HamiBound channels.[*] Peak teaming hours: Mon-Fri 6pm-Midnight (East Coast USA); Sat-Sun various hours. [*] Amount of PvP: 25-35%[*] Amount of Powerleveling: As often as needed/desired, most members have several 50s available with great mission sets. Not regularly scheduled.[*] Amount of Drama: Little to none... it's a GAME! Have FUN![*] Size of Base: Hero base (12x16) is equipped for raiding and holding IoP's. Villain base is also IoP-ready.[*] Requirements: Active teaming with SG members, SG forum participation (private sections for SG members with daily conversations), TeamSpeak participation, players 18 years of age and older recommended[*] Other: Must have fun! Discussing non-CoH/V topics on a regular basis is both expected and encouraged in-game as well as when not playing. Make some friends![*] Guild Motto: Because it's better on ToP![*] Leader or Recruiting Officers:
    Founder: @OverThrower
    Officers: @Kellhound, @Crypt, @Lady Pitch, @Electrice, @Mr.Catastrophe[*] Voice chat: TeamSpeak[*] Preferred Method of contact: In-game tells or private messages on

    Any other questions? Find us in game and ask away.
  6. I just caught wind of this idea. And I love it. My suggestion would be to make a command out of it... /ball would summon the ball, and if it lays untouched for, say, 2 minutes, it despawns.

    And of course if you force the ball into a mob of unsuspecting NPC enemies they'd take offense and attack you for disturbing them.

    Big Red Ball FTW!
  7. ... crazy idea here... lose Defiance (since I've only used it effectively TWICE since its creation), pick up something that's Accuracy-related. Stay back and fire calmly, Accuracy is better. Get close and fire too rapidly, get sloppy, Accuracy decreases.

    Definitely could use some Perception in our personal Buffs though.