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  1. Hey, that leads me to another one...
    ...if you have no idea why anyone would stop earning xp at level 46... you might be an AE baby.
  2. Gratz!
    Banana dogs for everyone!!!!
  3. Casa

    What's good?

    If you don't have one, the veats rawk, but the new tf sucks.
  4. "I have a case of alt-itis"
    "I got this game 2 weeks ago"
    MM I want to marry you and take our lvl 15's on a stroll through Perez Park and splash in the fountain where the badge is and make all the fellas drool.

    ......if you get a whole bunch of emails from G A G O R and don't understand why they don't just send tells, since it would be faster advertising for the best sales....... you might be an AE baby.

  5. Hey hon,
    I hope I can come. We gotta teach the new peeps how to pole dance!
  6. Me no likie PVP, ewwwwe, lol

    As far as the conversation....

    Ask anyone, I am a professional debt earner 8P---

    I have a fire/wp Brute @ 50, good debt earner, a dark/dark tank, supurb debt earner, and a stone/mace tank who is nearly impossible to kill. The clud....thump....slow....and the gotta tp into battle or rely on a kin buddie, dependancies are far outwayed by the survivability of a stonie, but I think a better 2nd would be fire, since I have had the fortune to see a supurb stone/fire on my server.

    If you want to take and keep the numnutz *baddies* go stonie. If you wanna dish/take/live a fire/spines scrap is fun.... since you like scraps....

  7. Casa

    Eat THIS!

    Gimme the gummi finger!!!!
  8. Soilfir......
    That was F N fantastic!
    Woooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo
  9. Casa

    buh bye !

    hugs hon, hope to see a #4 to pester 'cause pepsiman's gonna eat all the cookies
  10. Casa

    New to Gaurdian

    Which udder do i milk?
  11. Casa

    New to Gaurdian

    There is only one rule on the Guardian channel


    Anyone who thinks they have debt are merely borrowing it, or they are......



    There are debt thieves everywhere. You can only escape them by pole dancing in Atlas. Makes the AE babies wonder what kinda supradyne you took. WOOT!!!!

  12. LOL
    Hubbie says, where is episode 2?
    ya'll rawk


    if you don't know where the green line goes to..... you might be an AE baby.
  13. Raider Rich that was specdamtacular!
    My whole family was rolling!
    ....if you say "I only got 76 xp for this kill" and its a PUG team..... you might be an AE Baby
  14. Happy B-day Kay, you goofball!
    *passes whip*
    Here, you'll need this for the icing.
  15. Casa

    Name that Baby!!

    If I was gonna have another kid it would be Sterling for a boy or Silver for a girl, but this is from a woman who named her son Scerick, like a combination of Spock's father and a little tiny bit of a thing. 8D
    People with "S" names tend to be bold strong leaders, so I am biased.
    I wish you all the very best!
    A child is the very best thing that can come to you in life!
  16. Casa

    What if...

    I would pet you and let you have tuna juice.
  17. LOL
    Y'all rawk!
    idk when, hmmmmmmmmmm
    I will have to think upon this
    We had a 185 debt itf just the other day....
    Do we have to quarterhell to qualify, or just over like 400? hmmmmmm
  18. I thank you for this knowledge, now I am changed to what I wanted to be. I remember how VERY hard it was to get a name originally. Spent hours, lol.
  19. My hubbie shudders when I say the phrase..."Non-emp-fender"
    It's like saying Mufasa in Lion King, lol
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mysterioso View Post
    ... you're in the AE building in AP, ask how to get a cape, and (after being told to see the rep in City Hall) ask, "Where's that?"

    *hands flashlight to AEer*

    *hands road map to AEer*

    *escorts AEer through balcony doors*

    *pushes AEer over balcony*

    *walks downstairs*

    *hands seeing eye dog to AEer*

    *points to City Hall across the street*
    I can see them needing shades 'cause the light hurts their eyes. Probably has straight line to ww and mz libby

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Subway View Post
    If someone on your team says, "Hey! Stop stealing Casa's debt," and you're like, "Wait, what? Who's Casa? Why does she want my debt?" ... then you may very well be an AE baby!

    I love the skip rope powerlines!

  22. -You assemble a farm team of seven lowbie toons, then spam the broadcast over and over again: "AE team lf lvl50 Fire/Kin" (true story)

    ..... or a lvl50 tank *snerk*
  23. LOL
    This has me rolling!
    But..... I like to get debt! lol
    Oh and someone on 50 chat said one that made me laugh but it did not get posted yet, so I will put it on here.
    You might be an AE baby if you are a healing tank, and are afraid to go into mobs of baddies.
    Hugs n Love to all of you!
    Keep it comming.
  24. I thought it might be fun to do this a la Jeff Foxworthy....
    You might be an AE baby if.....
    You get to 50 and have allllll the travel powers
    You know you got it in you! Share....