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  1. ah ok thanks for the information. I was only in FW helping someone out. It's not really one of my favorite areas (just me). Guess i'll have to do the arc though to get rid of it. Odd though that my buddy says he didn't have it.
  2. Hello Heroes and Villains! I was playing with a buddy of mine the other day in FW and I noticed when I came out of the zone, I had a new power called "Aura of Possession". I have attempted to find some information but there doesn't seem to be anything out there and I'm hoping somebody knows something about this.

    It is listed as a temporary power but there is no information listed when you click the 'info' tab. All it says is "You have been possessed by an Apparition!" It makes my little character glow and her eyes have the misty look that WS/PB have. Since it is listed as a 'temporary power', I'm hoping it will go away soon, but I would like to know if it is giving me any buffs or debuffs. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. I'm not bothered by the down time if it will help the game function smoother. If CoX goes down then i'll switch to STO, if STO goes down then i switch to The Sims Either way, they will be back up and running and hopefully the games will run smoother for all the Devs hard work.
  4. Captobvs

    Base Bugs in I21

    Since they didn't make any changes to the base in I21, what I want to know is why the base logo was affected in the first place?
  5. Well I know for sure that Free players cannot join an SG, so that's not an issue anyway. But as for Premium players not being able to pay SG rent, isn't it up the the Base Commander to set those options? I have my base setup so any of the players from new recruit to top rank can pay rent.
  6. This is apparently still an ongoing issue. I noticed it started with the last patch update so maybe the next one will correct it but i'm not holding my breath.
  7. Almost 10am and still unable to enter game. Thought it was launcher but after updating that it's still no go.