28 -
Sorry for not being more clear.
But to answer your questions, WanderingAries and TerraShock, yes. Unfortunately, I've had to do all of those things. I even re-installed Windows. But, I may have found one of my issues- when I updated my DirectX, my performance seems to have worsened. Not sure if that's one of the symptoms, or just a coincidence.
Yeah, it's been checked. The hardware has been given a clean bill of health, and none of my other systems, programs, or what have you are being affected. It's only City of Heroes that crashes on me.
I'm just getting super frustrated. This double XP weekend has been a complete waste for me. Had the whole weekend off, and I've been crashing every ten minutes. Makes keeping a team around almost impossible. I can't even stay on long enough to run a single DFB half the time. -
Terra, I really thought your idea was my fix, but alas- the crashing continues. I've seriously tried every idea people have thrown at me. I even had a friend of mine who fixes computers professionally come in and check it out. Still no cause found for the problem.
Your suggestion did fix my choppy animation problem, though. So that's sort of a plus...
I'm really hoping that I don't end up having to re-install windows or something. -
Someone suggested to me that I disable PowerMizer from my NVIDIA drivers. I'm not using a laptop, so I'm not sure if that would make any difference. I've tried every other solution that people have suggested, and a lot of my more common symptoms match complaints I've been seeing with PowerMizer.
I might have a primary suspect in this case, now. Does anyone have any experience with Powermizer on PC, or is it just a myth, like Bigfoot, Elves, and Eskimos? -
Well, I'm certainly hoping it's NOT my video card dying... I don't get why it would only effect CoH though.
One symptom I apparently forgot to mention is a little newer- choppy animation. Almost like it's skipping frames or something. -
I'll try that temp gauge idea- but here's a question: if having the most updated drivers isn't always the best idea, what NVIDIA drivers WOULD you guys suggest, and how do I even download an older driver?
...Did I mention that I'm bad at this? LOL
I'll try shutting of my geometry buffers, too. -
The driver updates? I don't remember. It might have been around the same time... also, I didn't even THINK about dust. I'll have to check that out, too.
So, I'm not a techie- I couldn't tell you what's what inside my tower, and I need some help.
Up until the past month or so, I've been playing the game just fine. Ran like a dream. Then, all of a sudden, I start getting random crashes. Most of my instances are where the game will freeze and I'll have to go into the program manager to shut down. Sometimes I'll get a black screen that tells me it's crashed with a pop-up box. (Sometimes I'll get that screen after going into the program manager, too.) Other, rarer times, the screen will scramble completely. Sometimes, the whole computer locks up and I have to do a hard reset. Or, I'll get blue screens of death telling me that the graphics driver has timed out, or something to that effect. Nobody knows what's wrong. It's ONLY when I play City of Heroes. Every other app and thing I do on the computer runs just fine. I was told to run CoH helper, so here's what that tells me:
---System information gathered by CoH Helper version
DxDiag gathered at July 30, 2012 01:19 (-07:00)
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Central Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (2 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 4096MB
.Net Memory Report: 3093MB out of 4094MB available
Page File: 6721MB (1465MB currently in use)
C Drive: (Maxtor 7 H500F0 SCSI Disk Device) 390326MB out of 476929MB (81%) free
D Drive: (SONY DVD RW AW-G170A ATA Device) zero-size drive
Windows directory location: C:\Windows
DirectX: DirectX 11
DirectX Diag version: 6.01.7601.17514 (64-bit version)
Display Notes: No problems found.
Sound Notes: No problems found.
No problems found.
No problems found.
Input Notes: No problems found.
Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / GeForce 9500 GT
Video Memory: 2796 MB
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 5/15/2012 3:48:00 AM
Driver Language: English
Sound Device Description: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Driver File: HdAudio.sys
Driver Version: 6.01.7601.17514
Driver Date: 11/20/2010 3:44:23 AM
Sound Device Description: Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
Driver File: HdAudio.sys
Driver Version: 6.01.7601.17514
Driver Date: 11/20/2010 3:44:23 AM
Sound Device Description: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
Driver File: HdAudio.sys
Driver Version: 6.01.7601.17514
Driver Date: 11/20/2010 3:44:23 AM
WMI Information
Motherboard Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Motherboard Model: (empty)
Motherboard Product: M2N-E
Motherboard Version: 1.XX
BIOS Manufacturer: Phoenix Technologies, LTD
BIOS Name: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
BIOS Version: Nvidia - 42302e31
BIOS Release: 20070214000000.000000+000
Registry Information for Current User
Resolution: 1280x1024
3D Resolution: 1280x1024 (Not using renderscale)
Full Screen: Yes
Maximized: No
Screen Position: 0, 0
Refresh Rate: 75Hz
Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes
Physics Quality: Medium
Maximum Particles: 50000
Max Particle Fill? 10.000
Physics Card Enabled: No
Anti-aliasing: 4x
Anisotropic Filtering: 4x
Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
Water Effects: Medium quality
Bloom: 1.000 (turned on)
Depth of Field Enabled: Yes
Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
Shader Detail: Medium?
World Texture Level: Very High
Character Texture Level: High
World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 1.000
Entity Detail Level: 1.000
Shadows Enabled: No
Shadow Mode: Stencil shadows
Shadow Map Shader: Unknown (0)
Environmental Reflections: Disabled
Advanced Occlusion Settings: No
Ambient Occlusion: Off
Occlusion Strength: Off
Blur: Bilateral
Ambient Resolution: Performance
Gamma Correction: 1.000
Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: No
Close Suppression Range: 3.000
Show Advertisements: Yes
Audio Mode: Compatiblity
3D Audio: No
FX Sound Volume: 0.600
Music Sound Volume: 0.600
Show Advanced Graphics Options: No
Overall Graphics Quality: 0.500
Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
Save Login Username: Yes
Transfer Rate: Unknown bytes/second
Current Game Version: ?
Installation Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes
Mod files in the Data directory
No modifications found
...Does this tell ANYONE what might be causing my problem? I've run virus scans, malware sweeps, de-fragged, uninstall/re-installs, graphics driver updates, sound driver updates, I've done compatability tests- everything tells me that it's fine. The game just doesn't like to play without crashing lately, and it's getting increasingly more frustrating since I don't know enough to fix what the actual problem might be. -
Well... looks like the contest was probably not even HELD. I can't get any of the SG to tell me how it went, as I couldn't be there tonight. (I like my digital life so much better than my stupid REAL life.)
I can't believe that someone actually complained about getting 2 million for doing absolutely nothing.
*Beginning old man voice* "Why... back in MYYYY day, back when we didn't even GET capes, let alone your newfangled rocket packs, 2 million was a GOLD MINE! And we was glad ta' take it! Sure, we weren't worried about that young upstart 'Council' nonsense that was on the horizon- we hadn't even heard of them- and we didn't have to deal with inter-dimensional evils, or cities of villains, but it was good enough for us, dagnabbit!"
Just a heads-up for you RP'ers out there on Virtue; on Friday, June 15, at 9pm EST/6pm PST the Arachnos Venom Corps is holding a Costume Contest in Pocket D with a 2 million inf prize! No theme- just bring your favorite toon. All are welcome!
We're aware that this can cause crowding in the club, and for that we apologize. We simply felt it would be the most fun, neutral, enjoyable place for everyone to get together and see how we all look!
We will also be recruiting for members to join our RP villain group- we're all very friendly, and we love creative characters! If you have any in-game questions, send E-Mails and messages to Mad Dr. Braino, or Operative Drider.
We hope to see you there, and we hope you'll join our group! -
You know, it really doesn't bother me when the servers go down, but I get annoyed when I can't find any PATCH NOTES about it. I don't even care if it's trivial glitch fixes- I just like to know what's up!!
My solution to these things is simple. If I find an arc that I think is farming, I report it. Then, I let the Dev's handle it from there. If they don't think it's farming, then it isn't- and if they do, they'll yank your privelages and give you the scorn and shame that you deserve.
Amusing side story: I was invited to team up with a group in the MA. I told them I was in the middle of testing, but I'd drop it if the arc was fun. I also mentioned that I wasn't in the mood for farming. So, the team leader replied that his mission WASN'T farming, just a good fun arc with good xp.
Well, that sounded perfect. So, I dropped my testing, joined the mission, and was immediately set upon by HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of boss-level identical toons, had nothing but melee powers, and had no defense powers of any kind. The team leader then told us that the mission was "Designed for long-range toons." and ordered the Dominators and Controllers to hold the mobs so that they couldn't reach us, while the ranged attackers fired away, and slaughtered the defenseless boss mobs right away.
That, to me, seemed like farming. So, I stepped out of the mission when it was over, and sent the farming report in. Before the team leader had a chance to reset the arc and re-farm it, the Devs had already pulled it down. Unfortunately, that left us all in the awkward position of being chewed out as a group by the team leader for "ruining his mission and being a tattle-tale".
The funny part is that someone else on the team took the blame for reporting him, because apparently, he and I had done the same thing.
So, the devs take farming pretty seriously, they jump in with swift action, and in some cases, leave you with awkward situations right afterward... -
I love hearing about people's adoration of Jenkins! While I didn't give him his name, I was the one who hijacked the thread in the CoV Beta (I was Dr. Nefarious over there,) and started making up the gang-quitting schtick. Then it caught on, and one of the dev's was cracking up over it. Next patch, Jenkins was added to Outbreak. It was brilliant.
While I don't have the original Jenkins posts anymore, I do have a link to one of the newer compilations of the old Jenkins thread right here -
I don't suppose you have an arc ID number for that mission, do you?
In the new booster for Magic, I've seen
<ul type="square">/e juggle
/e juggleballs
/e juggleelectricity
/e jugglefire
/e jugglemagic
/e cardtrick(or /e magiccard)[/list]As well as the costume change emotes:
<ul type="square">/e CCcast
/e CCprestochango
/e CClightning
/e CCspin[/list] -
Where can I find the burning Arachnos warehouse map? That would be perfect for a mission in one of my arcs!
I would love to find the mission map of Portal Corp, where you fight outside in their courtyard, and can go inside to where the two portal rooms are.
The only Portal Corp maps I've found are the re-skinned tech lab looking maps. Cool maps, but I want the map of the actual building that you see in Peregrine Island. -
If someone already pointed this out, I apologize in advance, but I found something to make all the '5th Column removal conspiracy' fans out there go slightly abuzz:
'Nazi' is considered a 'bad' word by the mission editor. Now, last time I checked, that isn't swearing. That's like saying 'Spetznaz' or 'Greenpeace' are bad words, when they're just titles for groups of people- which makes it look as if CoH/CoV has a problem specifically with Nazi content, which (unless I recall incorrectly, it was a long time ago,) is something they specifically said had nothing to do with pulling the 5th Column out of the game. I feel like someone should have put out a press release way back then saying:
"Oh, we just HAPPENED to remove the 5th Column at the exact same time that we released the game in Europe. Yeah- that's the ticket. Oh, and any future references to them will be retroactively changed to 'Council' instead of '5th Column'. Oh, and if the 5th Column ever DO come back, we're just going to call them Italians. But hey- it's all coincidence. Did we mention that Nazi is a bad word? No? Well it is."
...So, I guess Indiana Jones fought the 'Gosh Darn Heckzis'?
ha ha ha -
I was thinking about doing a Jenkins arc, too. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up. Maybe they could put Jenkins in i14 as a usable contact or character, and you can get the "Hired Jenkins" badge from putting him into an architect mission!
I put the word 'screw' into my mission text, as in "Don't screw this up," and I was told that I was a naughty boy.
Sometimes on certain costume parts, when you pick 2 colors (usually a red and green, for example,) the game will show a red dot and a green dot, but the pattern will be all red or all green. I've found this with a couple of color combinations, but it also varies by the parts you're working on.
...Sorry I don't have a specific example handy, but has anyone else come across this while making their toon? -
Here's a quick one:
*KRONOS thunders out from behind the trees, his heavy feet shaking everything in sight, as he slowly approaches and looms over Jenkins*
Sapper: "...And here's the metal polish and a rag."
Jenkins: "Yeah. I quit. Polish your own robot." -
ok, so for those of you who were not in beta, the Jenkins Conspiracy started when a poster said he thought we would have to prove ourselves to each villain group leading up to Arachnos. This led to a discussion on how that would work and how would you quit anyway. During the course of our tomfoolery it became Jenkins getting fired. What made it even better is that it was Jenkins you have to rescue in Breakout.
Well, in honor of this conspiracy I will post what I have saved. Keep in mind that I did not copy the poster's name, so I cannot give credit where credit is due. Sorry
Official Bodyguard of the very lovely HexGirl. So watch it pal!
Some people are just born human. The rest of us, we take a lifetime to get there.
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Official Guide Post Fremen
Reged: 06/15/04
Posts: 5648
Loc: Swimming in Quiddity
Re: The Jenkins Conspiracy [Re: Muad_Dib]
#3976341 - 10/30/05 09:57 AM
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I can't think of the last time villains got together and held a meeting to see who the next big Super Villain would be. Can you IMAGINE that meeting?
Skulls Rep: "This 'Psycho Flame' guy. He's up for Villain status, and we're all here to review him today. Who's met this guy? Anyone?"
Hellions Rep: "I met him once. Seemed really mean. Good with lighting people on fire, too. We liked that."
Skulls Rep: "Shut up, you."
CoT Rep: "We had the pleasure of his company for a short while, too. We felt he lacked what it took to be a master of evil mysticism, but he had a nice look. And a great chanting voice."
Skulls Rep: "Hmm.. we'll keep that in consideration. Anyone else?"
Freakshow Rep: "We thought he was going to start out strong- but in the end, he refused to fuse metallic joints to his body, and spent a good deal of time sticking magnets on our faces as we slept."
Clockwork Rep: "Hey! Us, too!"
Skulls Rep: "Not very promising. Anyone have any positive comments? This guy really wants to be a big time villain, and he's waiting patiently for our approval."
Sky Raider Rep: "He's pretty good with a rocket pack. And he had some decent maintenance skills when it came to our shield generators. Plus, he's really a people person. Good personality."
Skulls Rep: "Well, I think I've heard enough. I'll just call Lord Recluse with what we've talked about here, and see if Psycho Flame is worthy of a callback."
This post was me! I can't believe this topic survived the Beta! GO, JENKINS!! -
So, to get everyone on the ball, over on the CoV Beta boards we had decided a Jankins badge was in order. If something as goofy and ridiculous as 'Kill Skuls' could do it (and become graffiti in the Rogue Islands, at that,) why couldn't our boy Jenkins?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again- I think a "Hired Jenkins" badge would be great, because then you could have your name say "So-and-so Hired Jenkins". Unless your name isn't So-And-So, but regardless, it would say something more befitting of yourself.