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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry for double post:

    I noticed, one time, that Shadow Maul's animation looked as if *I* was the one getting hit by it. The whole "OMG I'm being ravaged!" look. Tried to reproduce it, but failed. It occured on the rare occasion when you just stand there while the animation plays out, such as when you drop from fly while activating a power, your character will simply drop and do nothing while the power animates. Just an odd thing I noticed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is fairly common in both Dark Melee for brutes and scrappers.
  2. I'm a bit puzzled by this apparent swap in defender/controller shared abilities. Initially we were told that Controler Secondaries were 80% as effective as the corresponding defender primaries. There was nothing about differentiating debuffs and controls. Now that whatever system of balance was set up determined that actually controllers have equal effectivness in most areas and even more effectiveness in some.

    I share the sentiments on questioning the need for defenders in light of controllers effectiveness. Why not just eliminate all the defender sets save for dark?
  3. Excellent point. Im sure if Zealot comes around he will agree that hover/fly is quite useful beyond travel and character concept ideas. Hover is definetly your friend. Along the same line as with gale, if you cast the lightning storm while hovering above a group of mobs the KB of the storm will be lessened by the steep angle, again giving you a knock down instead of knockback.
  4. Down here in the south you know, both pronuciations come out the same. I had various friends, some from florida, some georgia and some alabama try and say them and i couldnt tell the difference between the two. Fer us sun tzu and sun sue are the same. The best tho was a buddy from was out in the booneys who just prunounced it T-soo, and then said What'r-n-the hell is a T-soo fer?
  5. Miss!!! No ho ho, i neva miss darlin' my aim is too impek...impec...imp...well its too darn good.

    Gator cocked her head to the side looking towards Isis and pushed her hat way back on her head. As if it took all this time for what was said to swim in through the alcohol and the reply to swim back out,

    I reckon ill be y'ok. S'long as i git me sum WINGS...ooooo, i mean wings. Gator glanced around again realizing she had been a bit loud. Heh, you know tis ain't the first time i wuz the drunkest girl in the 'stablishment
  6. ((ooc: Just assuming, since ive not been doing much else, that ive had a few since the first))

    Ignoring the ebb and flow of customers coming into the bar, Gator Bait sat enjoying the ambiance and the music. Rocking a little in her stool she caught herself staring at a the bottles behind the bar. She realized that she had done some pretty significant damage to the establishment's first shipment of Crown Royal. Reaching for a bowl of bar snacks, Gator noticed the bartender had placed a menu on the bar.

    Naw i's ain't too hungry jus a liquid *hic* diet fer me she said to no one in particular. Then speaking towards the area behind the bar (regardless of anyone's presence there) you know, you know *hic* i really really....Really taken a liking to this place...NO! I love it, yeahhhhhh i love this places. It, so ALIVE. And i luuuv all you heroesss to, you're all my hero *snicker*

    As she finished her speech she slid sideways off her stool. Immediately popping up, she looked around to see if anyone was looking. Maybeeeee, shyeah i will have sum wings, heh heh thats a funny word wiiiiinnnngsssss. And some wata, and maybe close down m'tab fer the night. A girls gotta know herrr limitss *hic*
  7. A tab? Well shoot i reckon so if im gonna git-r-done right. An don worry bout The Ole Hickory Stick Gator Bait said motioning to her rifle. I keep that jus fer the baddies. If you got some place you'd like me to stash him i will, but its not like the darn thing can jus dissaperate.

    Gator Bait shone her angelic smile which seemed perfectly incappable of of any sort of vice; however, upon throwing back her shot a string of foul language came out that one might first expect to here from a 6-year-old rather than this dainty girl.

    %#$&@...thats some guuud stuff. Lemme tell you, thatll be the last time i let some melee guy talk me into going up against them Warriors. Lawdy they pack a punch, and that darn scrapper fellow, cute as he was, wanted to be right up next to the baddies. I think they....

    Gator Bait trailed off as the first twangs of guitar wafted over the bar. oooo yeah, now thats what ima talkin bout. Good choice on the music hon. Having lost her train of thought, Gator Bait simply raised her glass to the man down the bar and smiled.
  8. Shoot hon, you tryin' to flatter a girl? Here you go. Gator Bait flashes her ID to the man, and smiles that im-having-my-photo-taken smile to him. No longer tensed and over excited, Gator Bait sauntered down the hallway and turned into the door marked bar. She spent no time surveying her surroundings and made a B-line for the nearest bar stool.

    Without looking to see if the bartender was busy or even ready for her she calledIm gonna need a Crown and 7up on the rocks and a shot of Canadian Mist She glanced around for others in the bar. Well boys, Gator Bait's in town, and shots of whiskey 'r' goin' round. Anyone who needs one comeon Im fixin' to tie one on tonight.
  9. In a blazing flash the bar doors open and for a moment all that is visible through the sunlight pouring in is firey burst of a superspeeder barreling in through the doorway. The blazeand the accompanying drone of the superspeed fades out and a dainty girl of about five and a half feet is left standing in the entryway. She is dressed in a blue shirt and a matching skirt, which is actually quite longer than it appears. The girl has silver hair pulled back in a ponytail, all topped off by a faded dirty cowboy hat with the side brims rolling slightly up giving a true almost scarey backwoods feel to the emsemble. A faded design of a skull and crossbones marks the girls chest. The girl slings a rifle behind her back and turns to the host with a jittery, over-focused look in her eyes.

    without a sign breath between words:
    Well howwwwwdy there hon i'm downright giddy about this new place openin' i just can't seem to find a place, you know a nice place, where a body can git a drink and not have to fend off the media and the men and the criminals, and just, you know, relax and really let her hasten down

    On the final syllable of her flurry of words the girl seemed to slump and slow her jittery movements.

    Whew lawdy she said much slower than before. There, my hasten done finally wore off. Names Gator Bait y'all, i just figured i'd hava looksee and might could get a drink.

    Looking down the hall, Whewy, it looks down right fancy up in there. I didn't reckon y'all were a fancy type rest-O-rant. But can a lil ole country girl git herself some whiskey even in her work dugs?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone know if Phase Shift shuts off Steamy Mist as well?

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    Not sure cuz i've not seen it in-game, but based on what we know, i'd say no. With the invisibility powers you can't have a power active that effects other players. Also mist is a toggle and i think with phase shifts you can't have any toggle powers up. Again i'm surmising from the information that's been thrown down already.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    One question I did have about SS powers relates to Snow Storm and Fly Speed. Particuarlly on tsoo ancients and freakshow shockers - if I place snow storm on them, and they decided to flee via the air... They don't seem slowed (movement wise) in the slightest, is that supposed to happen?

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    Ive, noticed this as well with the Tsoo ancestor spirits. Not only are they not slowed when they take off but they flew right past the hurricane. Now with all the wind and snow flying around it was hard to tell if the spirit phase shifted which might explain everything.

    Every time i read this guide it re-inspires me. Zealot i think you are the only known cure for altism.
  12. Something i use in combo characters (two differenct or opposing powers, fire/ice storm/rad) like yours is that the science experiment happened and turned you icy (or hot it dont matta) and the SUIT does the opposite thus keeping you alive and in-balance.