Help me come up with an Origin/Background whatever




I have an origin story about all my heroes except the one that has become my main (of course). My main problem is that I picked Science as his origin, and am having trouble thinking of a story to match that.

So looking for ideas.

He is a fire/ice blaster. Costume is a suit of power armor...

Any help would be appreciated.




My hero is a science blaster to but energy/energy

Its kinda wierd but maybe he got the suit infused through his flesh to his bones, by using intense heat and they used a sort of radiation to mutate his structure so he could wield fire, but figuring something out for the ice is hard. Maybe they put him in a big wierd cooling pit with ice and snow and stuff, and the experiment went wrong and he got the ice powers to cause his body was still hot from the radiation. Then who ever did this to you dumped you thinking you were dead cause they "disposed" you.

Its kinda goofy but polish it up and itll be pretty good. Hope my isead help.



I have an origin story about all my heroes except the one that has become my main (of course). My main problem is that I picked Science as his origin, and am having trouble thinking of a story to match that.

So looking for ideas.

He is a fire/ice blaster. Costume is a suit of power armor...

Any help would be appreciated.


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During the Rikti War, many atrocities were commited in the name of the War; by us, no doubt, but especially by them!

One of the more horrific of these atrcities was the release of a complex family of retroviruses that induced uncontrollable mutation-like effects in those that contracted the diseases.

Many lives were lost to the effects of their own new powers run amok. Some people would be racked with fever, getting worse and worse, until, finally, they burst into flames. Others had chills so bad they literally froze to death under heated thermal blankets. Still others melted into disrupted moldering puddles of what was once flesh as a result of the massive deadly radiation that they suddenly started giving off. And on and on the stories went, with unbelievable powers turned against the bodies that housed them. Some poor souls caught multiple versions of the virus at once, and scientists and doctors were never able to determine the exact cause of death, since it could have been any of a number of the effects the infections triggered.

Fortunately, medical science was soon able to develop a countervirus that, although it did not eliminate the effects of the mutagenic retroviral agents, it at least prepared the bodies of the populace for them, so that, with concentration and training, these powers could be harnessed and directed. The counteragent was immediately distributed as a vaccine, a measure against the Rikti abomination.

Within days, hundreds of new heroes flocked to City Hall to register themselves and to aid in the efforts against the invaders. Though untried and still new to their powers, these fine people had an axe to grind... against the monsters from another dimension that had utterly and completely changed their lives forever.

One such man was <<Insert your character's name here>>

OOC: OK... so... what'cha think??



Something i use in combo characters (two differenct or opposing powers, fire/ice storm/rad) like yours is that the science experiment happened and turned you icy (or hot it dont matta) and the SUIT does the opposite thus keeping you alive and in-balance.



I have an origin story about all my heroes except the one that has become my main (of course). My main problem is that I picked Science as his origin, and am having trouble thinking of a story to match that.

So looking for ideas.

He is a fire/ice blaster. Costume is a suit of power armor...

Any help would be appreciated.


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During the Rikti War, many atrocities were commited in the name of the War; by us, no doubt, but especially by them!

One of the more horrific of these atrcities was the release of a complex family of retroviruses that induced uncontrollable mutation-like effects in those that contracted the diseases.

Many lives were lost to the effects of their own new powers run amok. Some people would be racked with fever, getting worse and worse, until, finally, they burst into flames. Others had chills so bad they literally froze to death under heated thermal blankets. Still others melted into disrupted moldering puddles of what was once flesh as a result of the massive deadly radiation that they suddenly started giving off. And on and on the stories went, with unbelievable powers turned against the bodies that housed them. Some poor souls caught multiple versions of the virus at once, and scientists and doctors were never able to determine the exact cause of death, since it could have been any of a number of the effects the infections triggered.

Fortunately, medical science was soon able to develop a countervirus that, although it did not eliminate the effects of the mutagenic retroviral agents, it at least prepared the bodies of the populace for them, so that, with concentration and training, these powers could be harnessed and directed. The counteragent was immediately distributed as a vaccine, a measure against the Rikti abomination.

Within days, hundreds of new heroes flocked to City Hall to register themselves and to aid in the efforts against the invaders. Though untried and still new to their powers, these fine people had an axe to grind... against the monsters from another dimension that had utterly and completely changed their lives forever.

One such man was <<Insert your character's name here>>

OOC: OK... so... what'cha think??

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Nice.... I like the retrovirus idea....



I also have a Fire/Ice blaster, and though she is a mutant, the mechanics of the power could be the same: She doesn't really manipulate Fire or Ice per se. She manipulates molcular energy in a field such that the energy is constantly being pushed away from her... the effect is Fire at a distance, Ice up close. She was in her teens before she learned that she could control and concentrate her powers to produce actual effects aside from random flares at a distance and a permanent haze of frost around herself. Now she is called Jungle Viper (She hails from Brazil), and fight here in Paragon City against the 5th column and other assorted badguys.



Nice.... I like the retrovirus idea....

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Like anyone who writes for fun, I appreciate the positive feedback.



Ok, so here is what I went with... Or at least a rough paraphrase as I am at work so can't look at what I actually wrote I went somewhat along the retrovirus thing, but not quite:

A normal man before the Rikti invasion, he was captured be the invaders during the earliest parts of the war. On their command ship he became one of their test subjects. Seeking to learn all they could about the human species, they submitted him to a nightmare of biological, chemical, and radiological experiments. They made him crave death.

His salvation came in the form of Positron, leading a strike force on the command ship, discovering him and bringing him out. His body was ravaged, and rehabilitation took months, but he was never the same. He is so scarred and broken that he is barely recognizable as human anymore. He now wears a suit of Power Armor given to him by Positron to hide his ugliness, as well as gain other benefits such as flight.

There was one positive side effect from his ordeal. At some point during the experiments he gained the power to effect the temperature around him. Now he can freeze the moisture in the air to encase an enemy in ice, or make fire rain from the very sky.

He turns his new abilities towards vengeance.....

Very cliche I know... but hey.. it's comic book stuff...

Thanks for the help guys...



Ok, so here is what I went with... Or at least a rough paraphrase as I am at work so can't look at what I actually wrote I went somewhat along the retrovirus thing, but not quite:

A normal man before the Rikti invasion, he was captured be the invaders during the earliest parts of the war. On their command ship he became one of their test subjects. Seeking to learn all they could about the human species, they submitted him to a nightmare of biological, chemical, and radiological experiments. They made him crave death.

His salvation came in the form of Positron, leading a strike force on the command ship, discovering him and bringing him out. His body was ravaged, and rehabilitation took months, but he was never the same. He is so scarred and broken that he is barely recognizable as human anymore. He now wears a suit of Power Armor given to him by Positron to hide his ugliness, as well as gain other benefits such as flight.

There was one positive side effect from his ordeal. At some point during the experiments he gained the power to effect the temperature around him. Now he can freeze the moisture in the air to encase an enemy in ice, or make fire rain from the very sky.

He turns his new abilities towards vengeance.....

Very cliche I know... but hey.. it's comic book stuff...

Thanks for the help guys...

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Well done...

With just a few more story ties to him, the character will be writing his OWN stories...

Those of us in RP circles call this point when the character "comes to life"... they become real, if only in a very abstract and intangible sense... they still develop their own personalities, and sometimes, they just WON'T SHUT UP! So you have to write or draw or whatever your artform is to get it out of your head. Ask Dark Neutron, he'll tell ya ALL about it....