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  1. thanks for the post! creative, entertaining, and insightful.
    Things to Consider about AT's
    1)every AT has been given strengths and weaknesses
    2)not all AT's are balanced with their peers
    3)players pick an AT for various reasons, including the out of box description of what they were designed to be best at.
    Team Considerations
    1)Every AT has at least one role in a team
    2)Every player has their own reasons for teaming
    3)Team success and fun, though often connected, should be the most important in that venture.
    That being said, what's wrong with some personality and flare? Everyone can make any AT they want and ultimately become very proficient - this game packs alot of fun with little difficulty.
    In Closing
    Don't pick on the other AT's - true healers made the character to heal, if they wanted to "PWN" and showboat, they would have made that AT. i've made AT's JUST to try a power! we all have. have fun and i hope to see you in paragon.
  2. first i want to say this is an outstanding post!
    next i have to agree with everything about leading. it's been my experience over the past 3 years that the most challenging and fun teams are the pick up teams - and the best way to find like minded comrades. i feel the number one most important part of 'having the star' is communication!
    1) welcome them in! use their name - some players have agonized over is one of 3 things you can truly create.
    2) let them know what you plan to do or ask. people tend to get annoyed to join a team and find out they are doing something completely asenine.
    3) my personal favorite: make them feel a part of the team. granted, if they arent doing anything - then treat them accordingly. true healers(you know who you are) love to be appreciated, blasters love jaws dropping from nukes, tanks love to hear great herding.
    most teams will never push maximum xp on the highest setting. you dont have to - most players are no longer in a mad dash for their first level 50.
    In Summation
    everyone at this point in the game is for the most part self-sufficient. need a team?(how about would you like to team) really doesnt apply. treat it for what it is - a group of people looking for entertainment and escape during their free - time!
  3. Will do! I'm glad you explained containment - as i've been away from the game for over a year. i looked at the numbers on SW before hold and after...and youre right...double damage.
    a few quick questions:
    1) in my pre fulcrum shift life...does it pay to try and stack siphon power?
    2) should it bother me(being a tactical perfectionist) that when im leading teen groups and they expect me to cc...all they get is a perceive and blind? hehe(i didnt have room for a heavy slotted flash yet).
    Again thanks for your clear documentation. this is the first time ive seen possible slot options actually spelled out. part of having fun is learning to avoid the occasional *blast it*! i took that power with the long animation and poor effects...time to respec again! Twenty four hour trial periods on new powers? just kidding...we all seek the path to gaming perfection right?
  4. i just wanted to say thanks for the guide. i was having my doubts about the ill/kin at level's nice to know that the build will come together in a few milestone levels! it seems right now i'm just a light damage defender spamming si power and speed with blinds thrown in(and sneaking deceives in when no one is looking). i love the rad set, but i played a grav/rad to 42 and didn't want to repeat - they are the toast of the teens and twenties it seems.
    Again, thanks for the glimmer of hope and the fantastic breakdown of what to expect out of both sets in the future!