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  1. ((I never got to use my shining sword of painful cutting ))
  2. Kaega's arm jerked as the sword became polarized and jerking in a way his arm wasn't supposed too. Kaega kept his hold on the sword and let out a blood curdling scream as the electricity flew up the sword and into his arm.

    Kaega slumped towards the ground. "Is that it? The great warrior slain by a little lightning?"

    Kaega levered himself off of the ground. "If a physical blade of this world doesn't work, maybe an immaterial blade of another world will."

    Kaega held Arget infront of him. He let his mind go blank. He reached toward something dark within himself, within the blade. "Well Sparky, time to play."

    Locking onto that darkness all humans have within them, Kaega drew it out onto the physical plane. The metal of the blade began to glow a pale blue as the metal seemed to first waver then simply dissappear. What was left in it's place was a shining, white, energy blade.

    Kaega swiped the blade through the air sending a power wave toward Xabu.


    The Darkin had slipped into the barrier between this world and the next to escape the power sink. That didn't mean that it couldn't affect the physical plane. All it had to do was reach out.

    The Darkin stretched out his right hand, penetrating the veil between worlds. He aimed for an area of the ground hoping the speeding brute would make the mistake of stepping wrong. The Darkin fired off a round of sticky darkness akin to tar at the targetted location.
  3. At the same time Fraenir's fist hit the floor Kaega's sword made contact with the outer wall of Xabu's energy neatly cleaving through the electrical discharge. Kaega roared wildly with laughter as he shouted at Xabu.

    "It seems I underestimated your abilities. If you are done playing with the Darkin, how about a challenge?"

    Kaega's body reacted on it own. Over the years Arget had absorbed the bloodlust of countless species of warriors so much so that it had become tangible, and when needed could release this force at a foe with enough power to cleave steel. Arget lashed out of its own accord aiming for the electrical dirvish.
  4. "Well if it's a mechanoid you need I have one named Decoy that is handy in these situations. Give him a trigger, wind him up, and let the bot go. He's a patchwork between Clockwork and Malta. So it should be fun to see what it'll do to Siberia." Build said looking around at Dr. Phillis with a grin.

    He dropped a wink and added, "Then again we could always kidnap one of Paragon's own big nasties. All we would need is a stasis feild and a quick method of transport."
  5. *Summons orbiting transformation lazer*

    *Turns DV into a mouse*

    *Feeds mouse to blender*

    *Mixes protein shake with liquified mouse*

  6. Kaega is oldfashioned to the point of being culture shocked, but he has been in more battles and has studied more methods of fighting than most people alive.

    Dax is a crystaline being who loves battleing. When he first joined DWC Morin and Jonas showed him over 400 movies (everything from American Pie to Evil Dead) to help him adjust to human culture. Unfortunately this helped drive him alittle crazy.
  7. Na that last post I blocked it myself. . .decided to bring back Jonas and I realized I hadn't shown a Darkin yet. The Darkin won for the moment.
  8. En this is the best idea you've ever had. Now maybe you'll get to see Kaega in action.
  9. What Xabu could not have realized was that a Darkin is the makeup of all the dark potential from a being. This particular Darkin was also a Knight which means he isn't the dark potential of one Jonas he is the dark potential of all the Jonas's that spanned the infinite dimensions.

    So when Xabu initiated the powersink the Darkin first reversed its energy absorbtion and began to admit high amounts of Dark World energy. Second, it realeased its own form of energy absorbtion attack. The two attacks would make a vernal loop continually cycling through each other.

    Shadows seemed to rize from the ground, cloaking the Darkin. The Darkin sank slowly into the ground. "What Xabu? Never had someone reverse your own move before?" The Darkin said without any emotion at all.


    Conlin and Build looked at each other in tandem then Conlin spoke up with a very snarky tone, "Yeah should be easy, half magic half tech. Oh I know next time don't swallow weird crap!"

    Conlin turned and dashed toward one of the transport nodes with Build following shortly behind.
  10. Kaega laughed, "You truly wish to fight me so badly? Too bad, I have no control over this creature and it looks sufficiently pissed to take me on. . .it should be an interesting fight. Unless you are afraid of a little Dark World scuffle."

    The Darkin looked down at the spot where the spark had landed. The residual energy left over from the spark was absorbed into him. The Darkin raised his hand and launched the spark back at Xabu. The spark was not electricity but pure darkness. "You think the games our children play would intimidate me?"


    Build looked over at Conlin. The optical sensors in his eye quickly scanned one of the transportation nodes. He sent a quick telepathic message to Conlin, "The nodes seem simple enough to make. Half magic, half tech. If we can combine one of my bots and one of your zombies, then enhance it with Dark World runes and energy we can make our own."

    Conlin nodded and they both threw up their hands. The zombies and robots quickly fell into a line behind them and they walked back into the receiving room. As soon as they walked through the door and before the guards had a chance to react one of the robots opened and locked down on a zombie.

    Build and Conlin acted at once. Conlin began to intone a quick incantation, which sent runes flowing up the composite monster, and Build released his specialty techno runes. In a flash the runes had combined creating a makeshift transformation node.

    Conlin and Build simultaneously jumped for the node at the same time. They vanished in a clap of thunder leaving behind nothing but the monster which looked around with a blank expression on it's face.
  11. so will this have carnage and meyhem?


    Kaega (for En's man love) and Dax yo.
  12. Kaega broke into a wide grin. He had sensed the power. He reached up and removed the sightless iron helm he wore to reveal milky white eyes, "Looks like I won't have too."

    Kaega motioned his hand toward Jonas's corpse. If anyone was willing to notice, the air around Jonas's body had died, the floor he was laying on had turned grey. All the energy, all the potential had been sucked out of the area were he lay.

    "Get ready for this Xabu. You get to meet a Darkin," Kaega said with a wry smile.


    Jonas floated in complete darkness. His body was completely weightless. He couldn't move. The mark on his arm began to beat with a dark pulse and a voice spoke into his mind, "Is this what you truly want? To die and no longer walk this realm?"

    Jonas cracked a mental smile, "Normally I would welcome death if it would get rid of you. This Xabu guy has really pissed me off though. So I say it's time to let out the bad guy. What do you say Marcus?"

    His brother's voice spoke up for the first time since Kaega had appeared, "I'm all for letting this sick [censored] out. It's been to long since he's tasted blood."

    "Is that your answer?" The dark voice said with satisfaction.

    "Yes," both brothers answered at once.

    "Then so be it. Any action I take is mine alone, but remember you are the keepers of my chains." The voice said with dark humor.

    Jonas's body began to change. The mark that resided on his arm grew. It traveled up his arm and across the rest of his body. His skin darkened to the point that it seemed to gleam. His arms grew to reach past his knees. His muscles tightened to the point that you could audibly make out the sound of tendons stretching. His eyes burned with a deep set radiance loosing all color.

    The Darkin stood and looked without emotion toward Xabu, "Know this. Your time on this plane of existence has ended. Leave while you still have the ability to do so."

    Kaega stepped aside. The Darkin approached.
  13. "It's a pity the only drones I make are infiltration and battle drones. . . then again if things go south I may get a chance to use them," Build mumbled under his breath.

    "I may be able to help with processing the information. This place have WIFI or atleast an interdimensional knowledge base I can run through to hook into the DWC mainframe?" Build asked to West.
  14. "Okay so lets get the facts down. We have some unknown power manipulating minds and creating meta class 'soldiers'. This power is operating in secret so information will be difficult at best to gather. Finally, we may have to act soon on principle to belay this blokes agenda." Build said counting off the things he listed on his right hand.
  15. ((It's not that bad, we've slowed alot since the start.))
  16. "No reason to be sorry. I understand perfectly. But I do have a question for you, if you had to choose between the life of one child or the well being of many which would you choose? As for death being death, thats all it is. It's not like I haven't died before." Build said towards the Ryatt unit.

    "On to our current business, I put in my vote for gathering our information on the way to our destination," Build said the rest to the rest of those assembled.
  17. "Dieing to let one person live? Man I really hate heros. I'm a villain. I do many unethical things for money or different odds and ends of tech. But by me surviving more people than just that one would have a chance to live." Build said to Experiment.

    "And if you're thinking 'Villains don't save people!' your right. I save worlds," Build cracked a smile with that last statement. He spit his dip into his bottle and tossed it at the garbage can.
  18. Dax laughed loud enough to make a near by soldier crouch as his ear drums burst, "Twenty-five? Guess I shouldn't have slowed down for ya!"

    Dax's body exploded outward, but each crystal was so accurate Bang woulda been proud. Instead of reforming as his humanoid self Dax reverted to something more akin to a spiky floating ball. Hundreds of smaller crystals floated around it each flying at a soldier then quickly returning. Kaega had appropriately named this the Mirror of Blades attack.
  19. Dax looked at the oncoming horde, "Wow at most I was expecting a few hookers, this is loads better!"

    Dax smiled as one of the soldiers aimed and fired at Dax's chest. The bullet ricocheted hitting a few other soldiers. Dax broke into a grin and roared, "This is how you shoot at someone!"

    Dax's body seemed to separate along his stomach exposing jagged rows of crystal. The crystals exploded outward in a hail of unnatural death, "Yo Blade! I've taken down ten already, how bout you?"
  20. "[Fecalmatter] Bladewing, I think they started a party without us!" Dax looked around at the teleporter room and began to furiously pound on the keys.

    "How the hell do you get this hunka junk to work!?!" He shouted.
  21. Kaega flipped Arget around and used it to separate the fire from touching him.

    "Come on you peon, Fight someone who can take you on at a level to match your own!" Kaega roared at Xabu.
  22. "Go ahead kid, take out the fakes. I want the real one," Kaega motioned toward an apparently empty plot of land.

    "As soon as he feels up to the challenge, maybe he'll decide to fight someone exactly like him," Kaega said with a crooked smile after the cryptic remark
  23. Kaega withdrew his sword from Jonas, allowing the Darkin to fall to the ground. He looked at Xabu, who was being attacked by all the metas, and let out a deafening bellow, "ENOUGH!"

    He turned releasing the inner power of his sword, Arget, as it swung through the air at both Power Breaker and Dark Vapor. It realeased a wave of pure bloodlust at the two. "This is a duel, he attacked my friend. As such he has impeded my honor."

    He held Arget, blade outward, toward the middle of the three Xabu's, "Are Husklords so weak that they cannot face someone on equal terms?"


    Build flashed a glare at the approaching husks, "You dare to question the orders of a husklord? Even a lowly husk such as yourself should know enough to never do that."

    Build made the nanites in his body bring up the runes the DWC members used to comunicate telepathicly. Just shut up and look intimidating. Make your zombies look feirce or something. Build thought with urgency.

    Conlin mentally sighed Fine but you owe me one for this.

    Conlin's zombies began to change. Their eyes began to glow, teeth lengthen, and they all opened their mouths releasing a low volumed sound that was like a thousand people quietly screaming for mercy.
  24. Build coughed and held up his hand, "I'm guessing we aren't supposed to know about this. Thanks alot doc who ever is runnin that freakshow is gonna be real interested in others finding out about their project."

    He shifted his weight nervously in his seat, "So how long before mister 'plays with brains' figures out others know about it? After all nothing stays secret in this place."
  25. Build yawned loudly, "I'm gettin bored. When this turkey shoot getting started?"