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  1. I recently came back to CoH/CoV and saw two of my friends doing missions. They were on a Brute and a Corruptor. I asked if I could join with my MM. They said sure. I apologized in advance to the the Brute because of the bots knock back. I put bubbles on them both and the Brute turned the lead over to me. We were doing the Corrupter's missions because he was 48 and we were both 46.

    When the mission was over, their only comment was 'We need to turn up the misssion difficulty!'.
  2. Sorry for how ugly it looks. I copied and pasted from my spread sheet. It is in this format (I don't recommend going past 3 Single Origins (SO)

    base 1SO 2SO 3SO 4SO 5SO 6SO

    Grant Inv. (+D) Grant Invisibility (Adds Defense and provides -perception)
    Defender 2.5 3 3.5 3.9 3.975 4.05 4.125
    Kheldian (75%) 1.875 2.25 2.625 2.925 2.98125 3.0375 3.09375
    Mastermind/Dominator (75%) 1.875 2.25 2.625 2.925 2.98125 3.0375 3.09375
    Controller/Corrupter (75%) 1.875 2.25 2.625 2.925 2.98125 3.0375 3.09375
    Others (65%) 1.625 1.95 2.275 2.535 2.58375 2.6325 2.68125
  3. Nice guide. Will read more carefully when not working
  4. Very nice. My Sonic/Sonic is level 18 right now.
  5. Tell me about Cloak of Fear. I have a Spines/Dark and am not picking up Cloak of Fear. Why?

    (1) Fear won't be useful with Death Shroud and Quills
    (2) The ToHit Debuff is listed in Mid's as 5%

    Is the ToHit Debuff auto-hit, or will it require adding accuracy (probably 3 Single Origin Accuracies )?
    [*]Scrapper Secondary Info in Issue 7 [*]Tanker Primary Info in Issue 7 [*]The Harsh Reality of PVP
  6. Quoting is as simple as putting the word "quote" with sqare brackets around it at the beginning and then "/quote" with square brackets around it at the end.

    Note: don't use the double-quotation marks and square brackets are these: []

    Example: placing a left bracket "[" then the word "quote" and then "]" and ending with a "[" then the word "/quote" and then "]" now:

    [ QUOTE ]
    As soon as I figure out...

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. Tanker Primary Information for Issue 7
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    just to say life isnt fair Buffy.I know, boohoo I lost,boo hoo he cheated,blah blah blah!II only tried pvp 2-3 times in arena and plan to try it with my 16 def when he hits 20.But the way you make it sound,you have a grudge on something or someone and you want to make everyone hate pvp.(my opinion,i am rarely correct.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is ok to be incorrect. PVP is fun. It is just not fair. I just want people to know that in order to have fun at PVP, you need to know that there will always be times it is not fair. If you don't grasp that concept, well, you want like PVP and won't have fun
    [*]Scrapper Secondary Info in Issue 7 [*]Tanker Primary Info in Issue 7
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I think PVP is like playing Poker. You never will be any good at it until defeat (money) means nothing to you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Just pointing out that obsidian shield is in FACT the only power in CoH that has psionic resistance. Stone has psionic defense (and general fort and such defense powers to all).

    [ QUOTE ]

    Combat Jumping improves your jumping, adds 1.875% defense** and also provides good protection against
    immobilization (mag -5?) (Blasters 1.75%, Others: 2.5%)
    Acrobatics provides protection against knocks and a little protection against holds (knock mag -5?, and
    hold mag -2?)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And are you sure that's right? I could have sworn before the defense nerfs, combat jumping (hover stealth etc) were at 5%. So after they got nerfed their base defense became 2.5%, not 1.875% defense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are correct. They went from 5% to 2.5%. But, those are the values before the Archtype modifiers are applied. Scrappers are 0.75 times those values ( 3/4 ).
  11. There was a type-oh in the Fiery Armor section:

    Resistance to Smashing and Lethal (most common in the game):

    FS (3 SO DamRes) - Total 46.8%

    FS (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamREs) - Total 70.2%

    70.2%, not 77.2%
  12. I tend to simplify things. I know that a single origin even level (white) Heal enhancement provides a 0.33 boost to the enhancable portion of a health regeneration power (2 provide 0.66 and 3 provide 0.95). For example:

    Health has a base 40% (enhancable) and adding 3 single origin even level (white) Heal enhancements gives you 40 * 1.95 = 78%

    Fast Healing has a base of 75% (enhancable) and adding 3 Heal SO gives you 75 * 1.95 = 146.25%

    Add both of those together if you have both 3 slotted and you have 224.25%

    Integration with 3 Heal SOs would be 50 (unehancable) + (100 (enhancable) * 1.95) = 245%

    Add all three together with 3 SO Heals and you have 469.25%
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    "...Integration (Int) is 50% (unenhancable) plus 100% (enhancable) health regeneration..."

    Can someone explain enhanceable and unenhanceable to me? please? it looks like they refer to the same thing in some cases...?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When you have zero enhancements on Integration, it provides 150%. If you add 1 single origin heal enhancement, it will provide 150% + (100% * 0.33) = 183%

    If all was enhancable, then it would have been 150% + (150% * 0.33) = 200%
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Judas buffy, once again you amaze me with your testing and welcomed insight! Thanks for all the past issues you've graced us with Tanker and Scrapper numbers.

    And for crying outload devs put this person on the payroll....or at least give a free month or two!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I give all the credit to the Tankers that actually do the testing. I just put the data in one place for all to have easy access to.
  15. I think PVP is like playing Poker. You never will be any good at it until defeat (money) means nothing to you.
  16. Aracanaville is correct. I give the number that I think is most important first (number of defense while in combat) and then add the fact that it is higher if you are just running around window shopping and not being disturbed or disturbing anyone
  17. At level 8, the Invulnerable Tanker picks up Unyielding for status-effect protection. When it is on, he/she gets hit more often. If it is Smashing/Lethal damage, the effects are managible. If it is any other damage type, the effects are more severe. So, for the next 8 levels he/she has a severe weakness to non-smashing/lethal damage types.

    Combat Jump or Hover can eleviate half the debuff during these 6 levels making non-smashing/lethal damage less severe. Also, Resist Elements at level 6 and Resist Energies at level 12 can help with this problem. If he/she is running Combat Jump or Hover and have both REl and REn, he/she probably has negated the effects of the debuff for everything except Smashing/Lethal, which is still the strength of Invulnerability. The problem is, that not many take these early because offense suffers.

    At 16, he/she picks up Invincibility. The -debuff is negated if there is one foe in melee range. If there is not 1 foe in melee range, he/she is more vulnerable to ranged attackers of non-smashing/lethal damage types.

    Again, Combat Jump/Hover, REl and REn can help with the ranged weakness to non-S/L damage types.

    At 26, he/she can get Tough Hide and eliminate the debuff entirely passively. Or, he/she can skip this power if the debuff of Unyielding does not seem to be causing any harm.
    [*]Scrapper Secondary Info in Issue 7 [*]Tanker Primary Info in Issue 7 [*]The Harsh Reality of PVP
  18. Forgive me Arcanaville for being off topic

    [ QUOTE ]
    With stamina and 1 redux, it's not a problem to run disperion bubble, FB, and a couple of leadership toggles.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With Stamina 3-slotted, my Bots/FF Mastermind easily runs all three Leadership toggles, Dispersion Bubble, Force Bubble and Scorpion Shield while spamming Force Bolt when needed and using Repair when needed

    I have 1 end redux on each except 2 on Dispersion and zero on Scorpion Shield

    The one thing I rarely do is put Deflection and Insulation Shields on my pets. I only use them for an Elite Boss, or a Boss I know is going to run right through my Force Bubble.
  19. Revised using iakona's AT modifier values

    Power Pool Powers That May Be Useful to a Tanker - Travel Powers are obvious


    Stealth will provide -perception and 2.5% defense**. The defense**
    is twice that when not attacking, being attacked or clicking an object (Blaster 1.75%,
    Controller/Mastermind 2.25%, Others: 2.125%)
    Grant Invisibility will provide -perception and 1.625% defense** to your teammate

    Fighting Pool:

    Tough is 15% resistance to smashing and lethal. With 3* SO DamRes: 23.4% (Blaster 10.5%, Scrapper 11.25%,
    Dominator 12.75%)
    Weave is 5% **defense. It also provides some resistance to immobilization (Blasters 3.5%, Scrappers 3.75%,
    Controller/Mastermind 4.5%, Dominator/Corrupter 4.25%)

    Fitness Pool:

    Swift is passive and helps you to move around quicker
    Hurdle is passive and helps you to jump farther
    Health is 40% health regeneration. It also provides some resistance to sleep
    Stamina is 25% endurance regeneration


    Hover provides 2.5% defense** and partial knock protection (you flip over) (Blaster 1.75%,
    Controller/Mastermind 2.25%, Others: 2.125%)
    Air Superiority has a very high probability of knocking a foe down or knock them out of the air
    Fly provides partial knock protection (you flip over)


    Maneuvers is 2.275% defense** to you and your teammates within range (Defender 3.5%, Others 2.625%)
    Assault 10.5% increase in damage to you and your teammates within range, it also provides resistance
    from Placate and Taunt (damage increase: Defender 18.75%, Controller/Corrupter 15%, Others 11.25%)
    Tactics is 7% increase in to-hit and perception of you and your teammates within range. It also
    provides resistance to fear and confusion (to-hit increase: Defender 12.5%, Controller/Corrupter 10%,
    Others: 7.5%)
    Vengeance can be used on a fallen teammate to boost the to-hit, damage and defense** of you and your
    teammates within range and also heal them 10% and provide a high magnitude of status-effect protection
    Tanker Def: 16.25%, Dmg: 24.5%, To-Hit: 24.5%)


    Combat Jumping improves your jumping, adds 2.5% defense** and also provides some protection against
    immobilization (mag -5?) (Blaster 1.75%, Controller/Mastermind 2.25%, Others: 2.125%)
    Acrobatics provides protection against knocks and a little protection against holds (knock mag -5?, and
    hold mag -2?)


    Challenge is a single target taunt power
    Provoke is a ranged AoE taunt power
    Intimidate is a single target fear power
    Invoke Panic is an AoE fear power


    Aid Other will heal a teammate 20% and has a base recharge of 10 (interruptible)
    Stimulant will free a teammate from immobilization, sleep, disorientation (stun), fear, confusion and
    holds and provide protection for a period of time (interruptible)
    Aid Self will allow you to heal yourself 20%, has a base recharge of 20 and provides resistance to
    disorientation (stun) (interruptible)
    Resucitation will allow you to revive a fallen teammate with full health and zero endurance (interruptible)


    Hasten will decrease the recharge times of your powers
    Whirlwind will knock-back most foes within range


    Teleport foe can teleport a foe to you

    *it is not recommended to put more than 3 of the same type of SO enhancement in any power

    **Power Pool defense is smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative energy, psionic, melee, ranged
    and AoE/Cone
  20. Revised using iakona's AT modifier values

    Power Pool Powers That May Be Useful to a Scrapper - Travel Powers are obvious


    Stealth will provide -perception and 1.875% defense**. With 3* SO DefBuf: 2.9%. The defense**
    is twice that when not attacking, being attacked or clicking an object (Blasters 1.75%,
    Controller/Mastermind 2.25%, Tanker/Defender: 2.5%, Others: 2.125%)
    Grant Invisibility will provide -perception and 1.625% defense** to your teammate

    Fighting Pool:

    Tough is 11.25% resistance to smashing and lethal. With 3* SO DamRes: 17.55% (Blasters 10.5%,
    Controllers/Defender/Tanker/Mastermind 15%, Dominator 12.75)
    Weave is 3.75% defense**. It also provides some resistance to immobilization. With 3* SO Defbuf: 5.85%.
    (Blasters 3.5%, Controller/Mastermind 4.5%, Dominator/Corrupter 4.25%, Tanker/Defender 5%)

    Fitness Pools:

    Swift is passive and helps you to move around quicker
    Hurdle is passive and helps you to jump farther
    Health is 40% health regeneration. It also provides some resistance to sleep
    Stamina provides 25% increased endurance regeneration


    Hover provides 1.875% defense** and partial knock protection (you flip over). With 3* SO DefBuf: 2.9%
    (Blasters 1.75%, Controller/Mastermind 2.25%, Tanker/Defender: 2.5%, Others: 2.125%)
    Air Superiority has a very high probability of knocking a foe down or knock them out of the air
    Fly provides partial knock protection (you flip over)


    Maneuvers is 2.275% defense** to you and your teammates within range (Defender 3.5%, Others 2.625%)
    Assault 10.5% increase in damage to you and your teammates within range, it also provides resistance
    from Placate and Taunt (damage increase: Defender 18.75%, Controller/Corrupter 15%, Others 11.25%)
    Tactics is 7% increase in to-hit and perception of you and your teammates within range. It also
    provides resistance to fear and confusion (to-hit increase: Defender 12.5%, Controller/Corrupter 10%,
    Others: 7.5%)
    Vengeance can be used on a fallen teammate to boost the to-hit, damage and defense** of you and your
    teammates within range and also heal them 10% and provide a high magnitude of status-effect protection
    (Scrappers Def: 16.25%, Dmg: 24.5%, To-Hit: 24.5%)


    Combat Jumping improves your jumping, adds 1.875% defense** and also provides good protection against
    immobilization (mag -5?) (Blasters 1.75%, Controller/Mastermind 2.25%,
    Tanker/Defender: 2.5%, Others: 2.125%)
    Acrobatics provides protection against knocks and a little protection against holds (knock mag -5?, and
    hold mag -2?)


    Intimidate is a single target fear power
    Invoke Panic is an AoE fear power


    Aid Other will heal a teammate 20% and has a base recharge of 10 (interruptible)
    Stimulant will free a teammate from immobilization, sleep, disorientation (stun), fear, confusion and
    holds and provide protection for a period of time (interruptible)
    Aid Self will allow you to heal yourself 20%, has a base recharge of 20 and provides resistance to
    disorientation (stun) (interruptible)
    Resucitation will allow you to revive a fallen teammate with full health and zero endurance (interruptible)


    Hasten will decrease the recharge times of your powers
    Whirlwind will knock-up most foes within range


    Teleport foe can teleport a foe to you

    *it is not recommended to put more than 3 of the same type of SO enhancement in any power

    **Power Pool defense is smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative energy, psionic, melee, ranged
    and AoE/Cone
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Which is why you should join me in playing an ill/kin controller, which are gimpy, horribly gimpy and desparately in need of some love from the devs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This made me smile
  22. Early in a Regeners life, Reconstruction is the life blood. 3 Recharges and 3 Heals is the way to slot it. Later, Integration gets 3 heals. Quick Recovery should have 3 end mods. Dull Pain will eventually get 3 Recharges and 3 Heals. Instant Healing will get 1 to 3 Recharges, depending on how often you want to use it. These are all suggestions, of course.
  23. Fast Healing is 75% (100% with 1 SO Heal)
    Integration is 50% (unenhancable) + 100% (183% with 1 SO Heal)

    So, if you add a second SO to Fast Healing, it will add 25% more

    If you add a second SO to Integration, it will add 33% more

    So Integration gives you more per SO. But, once you have 3 SO Heals on it, then add to Fast Healing.

    Instant Healing cannot be up all the time. Most people put recharges on it to get it back more quickly.