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  1. BuckWild

    Pinnacle and I14

    [ QUOTE ]
    My daily picture describing why I love Pinnacle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like how you blurred out the face of the person in the picture..and if you didn't mean to do that. Get a better graphics card for [censored]'s sake.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    What is the deal with the Color palette?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ask Sherwin Williams
  3. BuckWild

    Pinnacle and I14



    R u nude? I iz!
  4. Does that also mean I can only win a prize in one fiscal year?

    Also, I think I'm related to the senior manager of your supergroup base...does this disqualify me?

    What about liability? Are you responsible if I take said cash and...I dunno, buy 200 red SOs, realize I can't slot them and then hang myself from the rafters by my mouse cord?
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    and near the end of the first mission Tappet (the sensitive Controller) decided to bail out because folks told her NOT to use confuse that is was uneeded... apparently this didn't suit her playstlye and she PM'd me that she'd only stop using if if I told her... I asked if there were other powers she could use like her Immob or holds they are ALWAYS useful... but she didn't like standing around, I replied " Yer a Controller! lol That's what they do!"... and she promptly left the team...


    ...and for Tappet... sorry, I just didn't understand your logic...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then I'm wondering if you have ever played a plant controller. Seeds of Confusion is one of the bread and butter powers in the set. Telling a controller not to use control...much less a staple of a set is like telling a that regen scrapper not to heal or telling your Tank not to turn on shields. Doesn't make much sense.

    Would using a confuse power really twist the tide THAT much. I doubt it. I don't think anyone pays 15 dollars a month to stand around.
  6. You guys should do redside once in awhile. Friggin heroes get all the love
  7. I released "Stink".

    Its not as bad as it sounds, but last I checked, no one took it.
  8. Oogie touched me in private places
  9. I have "Climate" held on my second account. Doubt I will use it if anyone would like it, just send me a in game tell. Global in sig.
  10. No no, thank you! I rather enjoyed having an excuse to leave pull aggro on a massive mob of people and not get called a griefer in the process.
  11. Man, you people are making this way too complicated.
  12. Can I play?! I think I have a Lvl 2 Peacebringer that will kick azz!!!! (yes with TWO z's!)

    Seriously, I might join, just to see how long my tank can last, but I don't want any prizes. If I win, can I donate the candy to Syphon, he looks hungry.
  13. Grats to Jade Forest on hitting 50 with Death's Device, her blaster and first hero 50!