
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. Played the hero version of the new arc, updated clues list, rules, and entries.

    The new fee is a flat 15 million per guess, there's no more first guess discount. Good luck, keep the guesses rolling and get them in soon. The entry fee will raise to a likely 25 million when the 3rd arc comes out.
  2. Interesting, I've seen all of them except for 8, and those are all either ones I've never heard of, or came out in the past few years. I think it's a pretty good list... except for the ever growing trend of having these things on way too many pages. Do they really need a page just to list #30 The Incredible Hulk?!
  3. If the group is closely enough related to the Rularuu, any previous guesses for Rularuu would count if the Rulu-shin end up being the culprit. Any new guesses from now on would have to be more specific, and again, I'll update the main post adjusting those previous guesses soon.
  4. you might want to delete this thread and re-post it, since the original title can't be changed except by the mods. And I got your PM and replied.
  5. And again - entries are on hold until I can check out the new arcs, share what clues came out, and figure out an adjusted entry fee. I also have one guess from a couple days ago I haven't updated yet, I'll get that later today.
  6. Posted this in the Art Jam thread, but didn't post it here yet. Here's the finished version of the colored Pumpkinhead.

  7. Yeah, I'm partway through First Ward right now and one of the biggest opportunities I thought was near the end of the... um... Anna's arc. You're speaking to the Hetman and he says something like "you know you could join up with me" and I'm thinking - that would be an awesome spot for a choice, what if I wanted to support the Hetman instead of this other girl. But no, you're not given a choice at all, you just keep going on that straight path towards completion.
  8. Here's a few more when I tried running some monthly or near-monthly Player's Choice awards. Annual is a much better idea.

    January - Best New arc - @Tubbius Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City #351727
    January - Best Unknown Author - @Sister Twelve The Long Road Back #340454, also The Union of the Mask #352400
    March - Best 1 mission arc - Storming Citadel #379488 by @MrCaptainMan
    March - Best 2 mission arc - Becky's Revenge #60197 by @New Age Ronin
    March - Best 3 mission arc - Drakule vs. The Werewolf Bikers From Hell #340316 by @LaserJesus
  9. While I'm still not allowing people to submit their own arcs, I thought I'd make a thread where you can advertise your own arc in order to possibly solicit a nomination from someone else. If you haven't nominated an arc and aren't sure which one to nominate, check this thread first and check some out to see if they're worth nominating.

    Nominations thread is here: http://tinyurl.com/2011PlayersChoice

    An arc is eligible this year as long as it has been published on or after after 10/1/10 (arc ID# above 454172)
  10. Bonus video time!

    Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City #351727 by @Tubbius - trailer is live!

    Tubbius was a little let down that this arc dropped down to 4 stars recently and I thought this might help him out a little. And besides that, it didn't take too long to do, and I had been having a hard time getting started on my next video. If you haven't played it yet, check it out, give it 5 stars if you like it, it'll be worth your time.
  11. It's time once again for the third annual Player's Choice Awards. For those of you who are disappointed with some of the exclusions of the Dev awards, these Architect Awards are from the players and by the players. Last year ran pretty smoothly so this year will be essentially the same, but I'm open to suggestions for improvements. As usual, this is the thread to nominate arcs of others, rather than try to promote your own arcs. Choose any categories you want to nominate an arc for, or choose arcs for all of them. Spread the word! Feel free to use the link http://tinyurl.com/2011PlayersChoice to this thread. And if you're not sure what arcs to nominate check this thread for ideas.

    Rules for Nominations
    • You may nominate an arc for any or all categories.
    • The following arcs are prohibited from nominations: your own arcs, Dev Choice, Hall of Fame, any arc published before 10/1/10 (arc ID# below 454172).
    • You may, as your nomination, second someone's previous nomination. This will move the arc ahead to the voting round. Nominations beyond a second are unnecessary.
    • If you nominate an arc, and it becomes a Dev Choice, that nomination will be removed and you may nominate a different arc in its place.
    • An arc will only be allowed in one category. If there is any question as to which category an arc should be placed, it will be decided by the judges and/or the author.
    • If the author of an arc feels that it has been nominated in the wrong category, they can contact me to request a change and it will be discussed by the judges and changed if necessary.
    • This thread will be open for nominations until November 4.
    • I reserve the right to adjust these rules should any questions arise.


    This year's categories are as follows:
    • Best Arc - Villainous or Rogue
    • Best Arc - Heroic or Vigilante
    • Best Arc - Comedy
    • Best Lowbie Arc: designed for levels 20 or lower


    Each category will be narrowed down to five arcs by the following guidelines:
    • All arcs with a seconded nomination
    • If there are more than five arcs with seconded nominations, those arcs will be narrowed down to five by me.

    • A voting thread will be posted no later than November 7th
    • The winner for each category will receive a 1 minute teaser trailer for their arc created by me, if they wish.
    • Further prizes are TBD.

    Current list of nominations:

    Best Arc - Villainous or Rogue

    Grunty McFisterson's Two Step Guide to Winning Respect (#519044) by @Twoflower
    Interdimensional Headache #459592
    Tangled Vines #480712 by @Suspicious Gren
    Arena #456200 by @FredrikSvanberg

    Best Arc - Heroic or Vigilante

    Legacy of a Rogue #459586
    The Ouroboros Chronicles: the Tales of Nemesis" by @Neon Rider #522236
    When The Words Stop (#494099) by @Clave_Dark_5
    A Very Special Episode #457506 by @Wrong Number
    A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams #497506 by Avonlea

    Best Arc - Comedy

    Whack a Mole: Lambda Sector (#508837) by @Bubbawheat
    Crime is Art and Art is Crime by @Twoflower Arc ID: 517859

    Best Lowbie Arc: designed for levels 20 or lower

    Tutorial Arc 3: Dark Harvest #470181
    The Blue Devils #468738 by @Flame Kitten (aka Coulomb2)
    Cole in Your Stocking #474611 by @Venture
  12. I will mention as another data point, that I do occasionally see "someone has rated Ctrl + Alt + Reset" while I'm on, I would say that it's only once or twice a week if that, but I do see it. Heck, when I sort through my saved comments on occasion, I'll even see that people have reported the arc for content violations. That's even rarer though, maybe once every couple months and I don't even get a notification on them, they just show up if I click on the "see comments" button on the arc.
  13. I did suggest it as a new board when they were discussing changes to the forums along with removing some of the lesser used boards. But they went with the most basic of choices that most everyone agreed on instead.
  14. A little over a week before the next arc comes out, more or less. Get your guesses in before it comes out. Entry fees will jump up again when it does.
  15. So this was the "most unusual prize I ever signed off on" tweet from Posi a few days ago.
  16. You know, the funny thing is that I made a new character just yesterday. After reading this, and after Street Justice came out, and she's a Kinetic Melee/Energy Aura scrapper. So I guess I'm saying, thanks for the heads up!
  17. Thanks for the play and the suggestions, I'll definitely think about adding some more stuff if I get around to some edits. Which reminds me, I need to play my second arc soon.

    Also, anyone have any recommendations for other arcs to put on the list for people to play? We need a bit more variety and/or more members!
  18. Sure thing! I'll put it in my schedule as an inbetween show as I get the chance to work on it and my other scheduled videos.
  19. This came from another recent thread, but I thought it was rather pertinent to this discussion. At least the first 20 or so posts as I didn't read all of this thread.

    Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
    Just to clarify, nothing has changed on Street Justice since it was removed from beta in late August.
  20. Bubbawheat

    October Art Jam

    I thought I'd go ahead and share this here. Original sketch is by Lady LoveDie, but I did a few minor edits and did all the coloring and the background.

    Pumpkin Matchstick

  21. Heh, great minds as they say. Did a bit more work on this one, really liking how it's turning out. Now just need an idea for a background.

  22. I've also gotten errors trying to use it.
  23. Been a long time. Been working more on video editing than coloring for a while now (http://www.youtube.com/user/Bubbawheat) but I finally decided to get to work on something for halloween.

    Chibi pumpkinhead Burnt Matchstick brute by Lady Lovedie

    WIP colors, suggestions and comments appreciated.
  24. On Your M-Arc #12 Do It Yourself Doom Army Project #410418 with special guest @Twoflower is live.

    In this episode, we talk about building your own doom army, something you can't do in the regular game, but you can do in AE... kinda. Map choices, betrayals, and Venture bros are all talked about in this episode. Check it out!