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  1. First it appears as a 0. THen you see it as a 1. Afterwards you perceive a 0. Has it changed, or merely has your perspective?

    Or the crapton of chemicals I slipped in your water perhaps?
  2. Why does this make me want to grab a level 1 character, turn off experience (forever) and have them be a badger?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm aware of both concepts you're referring to. The first one isn't really a good one to base a game like CoH on. The other is the line of attack that has been the foundation of my standing response to players that claim reasonable balance is not possible in MMOs without homogenization.

    However, that's not a "solution" that's a methodology. The extremely difficult part is building in the proper design control into a system that is directly intended to have emergent properties. You could make your Ph.D dissertation on the structural framework required to do that properly for a system wide enough to encompass the ability breadth of a game comparable to City of Heroes.
    Crap like this is why when Arcanaville gives me her opinion I go, hmm mebbe I should think a long time before discounting that lol.

    It's also a little overwhelming and inspiring. Because that looks like one of the few subjects I would like to attempt a Doctoral dissertation on. Of course I need to do a lot of coursework to do that, but at least the subject looks interesting.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The login screen could be a depiction of Times Square at New Years Eve and the forums would be discussing the number of crotches per square inch the artist rendered.

    The login screen could have nothing but Lusca on it and the forums would figure out a way to make the discussion about crotches. If we removed everyone from the login screen we'd start seeing crotches in the clouds.
    Which reminds me,.... of crotches.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    I'm sure we don't know what you're talking about.

    Gonna be a rough day, sigh.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    Who's Zwill?
    *checks bathroom cabinet to see if all pills are being taken in the prescribed patterns. hmmmm.
  7. Okay, anybody else hear Zwill doing a Cthuloid rant last night, or, er, do I need to adjust my medication?

    What was he communicating, why was he talking about Ry'lyeh and what (if anything) does it mean to the game. Also, he teased about a costume set coming out, any word if it is Lovecraft themed and that was why all the HP innuendo, or not?
  8. Funny, but for me it just looks like a guy in pants. Okay, it looks like Marauder in pants. Okay, it looks like Marauder in pants with a Blacksploitation movie poster grin on his face.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    What makes you think that the Center - who runs an organization that has only 1 woman in it, with the most of the other members being made up of buff guys in tight uniforms, and Vampyres and Warwolves stripped to the waist and wearing leather harnesses - would be interested in a muscular guy in tight jeans and a tank top?
    I was going to quote you on the "I'll take 3 +4" and say something snarky...

    But this is just hilarious.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
    My water blast character is a fountain that was magically brought to life. (water/time corr, with time powers colored to look like mist)
    Quite imaginative!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primary_Unit View Post
    A concept I've used a few times, which you're welcome to use, is a corps of heroes, called Earth Ire, recruited by Mother Earth (or whatever name the person might be familiar with) to protect and save the good creatures and people of Earth from the evil, destructive ones. All the heroes have powers drawn from the Earth. Water fits right in.
    I am putting this in the notebook. Not exactly as your organization, but definitely the theme. I really need to look through all my old D&D stuff, the druidical, Bardic, and Elemental stuff for ideas. Thanks for the nudge.
  12. I have not done it. I have gone from 1-25 multiple times in just DFB. 1-50 is not that hard, especially with boosters and patrol experience. I have a friend who is doing I think 3 DFB only, but at least one, just to see how long it takes.

    I level a lot of 50s, because I love trying different builds and concepts. DFB is sometimes a lot easier than facing yet another PUG Synapse. PUG ITF can also be horribly stupid. At least with DFB you are 1) guaranteed a cookie 2) Content is not that hard 3) You never have to see these people again in 15 min, 14...13...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Ghost of a drowned person that now has paranormal water powers.
    Yes, this is new, and going in the notebook. Thanks
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    One thing I think some people (though not you, I suspect) overlook is that by limiting us to specific powers, CoX prevents the optimal strategy from being directing yourself into an aberrant temporary build, leveling it up, and then using it as your vehicle to access any character you want at any time by respeccing.
    Except with DFB that is exactly what is the easiest thing to do now. I can level any character to 50, no matter how impossible the build is to level, no matter how little I know about that archetype/power setup, because it is easy easy easy. THen, when the character gets it's uber powers at 38 and you can I/O it to godhood it is ready for the I-trials without me struggling to get it through regular content.

    Your point about that being even worse in a respeccable full variable system is well seen. I could build mondo the tank, crush all enemies by standing there with the 3 allowable damage toggles. Then after Mondo has hit max experience turn Mondo into Mondrotron the Mighty Blaster with no armor and 3 nukes that kill at a distance, while I am cloaked, and phase shifted. (Not a good build to level, but fun at a party)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Wyrm View Post
    If you want to go dark, I've seen dark WB colored red to look like blood blasting. Not really my cup of tea, but some people like the concept.
    A Vampire theme! Yes lololol
  16. It is really hard for me to get away from the water. First, they say things like Hydro Water Blast Enhanced! all the time. Second, They did such a beautiful job on the water art. Seriously, water is tough, and they nailed it. Which makes it harder to switch to non water. All I can come up with are really cheesy ideas. When I say I have a cheesy me, it's government cheese cheesy.

    But yeah, to me the set is locked into water. Also, the fire + steam damage (for me, i'm picky) locks me out of linking it to ice.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That's what people are generally thinking when it comes to free form systems: the ability to take any amount of any kind of power they want, and modify those powers to have whatever effects they want, with the only real limits being the absolute limits of the ability system and the fixed resources granted to perform those customizations.

    In other words, rather like if City of Heroes had no primary or secondary powersets, it only had a large number of power pools, and every power effect including damage and buffing were encapsulated into invention procs and globals with a cost tied to leveling XP.

    I think anyone who thinks that's impossible doesn't understand the nature of the solution, and anyone who thinks that's easy doesn't understand the nature of the problem.
    Thanks for your posts Arcanaville. I really enjoyed the Hero Systems modifier posts as well. My favorite storyteller can take any system and bend it to her stories, simply because she will either modify a rule or have a deux ex machina at the drop of a hat. She wants people to have fun, and wants to tell a story. But yeah, she is the final arbiter. Ohh, great name for an arachnos agent there!
  18. I love the water Blast set. That is not in any way sarcastic. THis is a beautiful set. It is everything, and more, that I was screaming about for a Blaster Primary a few months ago on the Blaster boards and in the Archetype general discussion Blaster Changes thread.

    I love the set because it is ranged, with no knockback. A Targeted AoE, A cone, even a Location AoE. Heck, even the Nuke is a ranged Targeted AoE. (And in I24, wow!) Cherry on top is the Dehydrate power. Instead of a Hold or a ranged KB power we get something a Blaster can desperately use. Oh, and its relatively quick and does damage. But wait, there isd more. The Tidal Power is more fun than a regular push button hurt more gimmick, although I am still trying to figure how to maximize the effectiveness.

    So far I have one at 24, and one at 14. I fully expect the set to get better as it progresses, and look forward to the Incarnate Trials. I paired it with Energy because that has more tools for a player wanting to stay at range, at least for me.

    My problem is Water Blast concepts. The only one I can think of easily are a creature of the Black Lagoon thing (yes, I have the halloween costume pack). I came up with a justification for the one I have "HOH" is a cyborg water maintenace scientist from a spaceship, so he had emergency water control powers built into his cybernetic systems. Still, while I like it, it feels odd for me.

    Maybe I am in a rut, but I make tons of undead and robots, very dark stuff usually. Water just does not fit my normal concepts. And seriously, I think most of us play at least partially for concepts? The only thing Water Blast makes me think of is the saturday morning cartoons, and not the good stuff like Avengers but the D listers like wonder twins. Anybody got some ideas or inspirations they can throw my way?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I feel like I'm being handled by a terrified, yet half-asleep customer service rep.
    You have terrified me from you're first post. To be honest I may not be caring about Blasters after this thread, and will just run Stone Armor Tanks to protect myself from the bad people.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post, you *do* get it?

    I'm so confused.

    Also, nice post count padding.
    2,409 thx

    And yes. I do get it. If "IT" is the fact that some people do not like my tone. Er, when I said "some people, it wasn't like 'you people'. I mean not like 'you people' you people. If you know what I mean. nudge nudge wink wink, say no more.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    I was given the lead! Thanks! Can you make my lines better?
    Producer. "You're fired."
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I created the drama, obviously; a play with one actor and no audience is easily forgotten. I created it because I find Blue_Centurion's initial post reprehensible. I have exactly the responsibility, authority, or incentive to police that as you do my posts.
    You have stated that you find my post reprehensible. I hear you. I hear why you say that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
    I skipped the rest of the thread when I saw the words "I don't want KB" (paraphrased)

    Well, i'm in the extreme other camp. I, personally, would prefer KB on more powers. Why? Well, to me, nothing screams "POWERFUL" or "HEAVY DAMAGE" or "CRITICAL HIT" more than blasting an opponent from their feet and sending them across the room. But that'll never happen, and all I can do is dream ...

    Just my two pennies.
    I agre, it is beautiful. ruins the kill shed we are trying to build.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    And you married an editor. For shame.

    what they are actually saying is,
    2 things 1) hands off the marraige I have. 2) it seems you are saying my entire post is ironic. I can see where you might think that. You are wrong.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    That's "entitled" the dynamic verb. It's ostensibly usually transitive, like most dynamic verbs, since you have to be entitled by someone. But there are plenty of intransitive uses.

    I'm using "entitled" the stative verb, which I can't think of a transitive application for (not saying there isn't one, just can't think of one). It's also a fairly recent term, so it isn't in many dictionaries.

    I really feel no need to neuter my language because some people can't distinguish between homonyms, tenses, or parts of speech. Nor do I accept the slippery slope argument that tone is irrelevant when "asking for new things." Technically, a demand is a form of request, but it carries an implicit consequence for failure to comply. Entitlement (as I'm using the term) is when a request is formed as a demand (that is, addressed and declarative: "You should," "You must," "You need to," etc) instead of as a query ("Could you," "Would it be possible to," etc) but the consequence of the demand is ridiculous -- and therefore usually unstated. (And of course, the demand is not being made ironically.)

    (Oh, and I'm not saying it's "just" a homophone. The etymological path is fairly obvious, from "He was entitled to [X right or privilege]," to "He felt entitled to [X right or privilege]," to "He felt entitled (privilege previously indicated or implicitly universal)," into the concept 'entitled behavior', which then sort of comingled with the explicitly defined verb form. But I really can't accept nominalist arguments made just for the sake of nominalism.)

    And I find the discussion of language to be far more salient and fascinating than most of the topic, although I admit Aurora_Girl's posts have made me chuckle.
    Here's the full quote, since it seems you cannot remember you're own writing. To be clear on the distinction, I was asking about "Can you do it better?" In fact, to be clear, this thread is a discussion so that I can talk to people who might help me find a good way of ASKING for some improvements, when/if the Dev team thinks they have time to invest in something like this.

    To be extremely clear, the heart of you're argument seems to be that I am demanding something. I'm not. I believe you call it a "query."